Community Posts, Tips & Support on Trying to Conceive

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Trying to Conceive.

New To TTC

Hi! We’ve got an almost two and half year old. We’ve been trying to get pregnant for a good six months + we actually got pregnant on our first month of trying but sadly it resulted in a miscarriage.. since then we’ve been trying again lots of heartbreak to see negative tests and periods. Our intimacy has taken a big...


Neocate LCP?

Anyone else on neocate lcp? What is your experience with it?


Just want to rant

It took me almost two years after getting diagnosed with PCOS to have my first son at the age of 20 and it was incredibly hard. I tried everything and anything that I read about or was recommended and finally I was able to convince my first. I am currently trying for my second baby now that my son is 4 and I feel ut...


Is it too early?

Weaning My little boy is 5.5 months and I started weaning yesterday. He only had around 4 mouthfuls of purée and today he only had 2/3 mouthfuls, my ex partners family had some negative comments to say about weaning early (even though they weaned early too) and now I feel like I’ve made the wrong choice by startin...


Struggling during the 2 week wait

Just had my FET transfer on Monday and I have been managing my feelings well through meditation and walks but recently I’ve been experiencing a lot of self doubt and anxiety. Particularly around whether I have done everything right for a successful implantation. This morning I freaked out thinking I was sleeping on ...


How did you talk your husband to wanting another baby?

I’ve seen a lot of people get pregnant but didn’t even want it but i’m here wanting another child. I don’t know how to express my feelings


Tips on how to get pregnant

Can’t seem to get pregnant again after the twins on 6 months pp we want just one more then we done it seems to not be work and we have sex 24/7


How soon can you have sex and try for another baby

I recently went in labour and had my little boy at 16 weeks pregnant.. most hardest thing I've ever had to go through.. is it bad to say I'd like to try for a baby straight away as apparently most fertile now still after giving birth at any point in pregnancy... I normally can't get easily pregnant so I'd like to tr...


Baby #2

I've been trying to conceive for baby #2 for a few months now. And it's taking much more time than it did the first time. Anybody else going through this ? Is there anything yall are doing or did that helped ? I haven't lost hope yet but I'm not that far from it.


Having a 2nd boy

Don't get me wrong I feel so happy to be having a baby.....but why another Boy? I'm so freaking disappointed 😞 it breaks my heart . Anyways this boy is still loved. Just need time to process this.


Getting ready to start Wegovy

tell me all the things!! I’m excited and nervous, Tips for reducing side effects, injection preferences, things to do or avoid…… What dose did you start on? I have high blood pressure and PCOS, after back to back babies (2022 and 2023) I’m looking forward to feeling better, curbing cravings, and starting new habits!


Fear of testing?

Anyone else faced repeated disappointment to the point that they’re almost too afraid to test?! It’s 15dpo and AF is due today (but absent…so far) and I’ve got a myriad of symptoms that could either be my period, or pregnancy. And I just can’t bring myself to test. I’m scared of another no. I’m scared of the crush...


Baby no. 2

Anyone thinking of having another baby? I go back and forth with the idea of having another!


Baby number two

Is it safe to start trying for baby number two 6 weeks pp? If not when is the soonest to be able to start trying?


I’m convinced I have PCOS

Please can someone tell me how I can get doctors to listen?😒😒 Since I was 11 years old I have had the most horrendous irregular periods, I have acne, weight issues, I have fallen pregnant and miscarried twice, I have thick black hair on my face, neck, back, chest and the backs of my thighs and the hair on my head…


Need some advice please

Hey gals, looking for some advice on what to do next. So me and my partner have been TTC for 2 years now and haven’t gotten anywhere yet. I’ve had my bloods done and hormones tested and they came back normal, I had an ultrasound to check for PCOS or anything else but came back clear. I am looking for advice on w...


TTC baby number 1

How long after your period ends do you start to bd? Any tips on TTC. My fiancé and I have been trying for our first with no luck. My periods are very irregular sometimes skipping a month and the average is a 39 day cycle. We have tried mucinex method and I was having all the symptoms for the first 4 weeks including ...


What have your experiences been?

What do you guys think? Been getting cramps. This is a Clear blues ultra early test. We’ve not been actively TTC we’ve just not used any protection and taken the more “leave it in Gods hand” approach - we were worrying ourselves silly. I will test again tomorrow. The line is blue although it’s not clear from the ...


Harder to connect to second pregnancy?

Is anyone finding it/found it harder to connect to or be excited by your second pregnancy? Maybe I’m too preoccupied with my toddler but I just don’t feel that pregnant and can’t really connect to the idea that there’s a real baby in there that I will meet and love. Perhaps once I start to feel more movement it will...


Older mums - second babies?

What’s anyone else who’s become a mum on the older side thinking about the second baby question? I’m 38 (37 when my son was born) - it took nearly a year to conceive him after a previous loss so I know these things often don’t happen easily. We’d love a second child and we know time isn’t really on our side - but th...


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