Community Posts, Tips & Support on Mental Health

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Mental Health.


Is anyone else feeling in a low mood. I can't really narrow down what it is. Little one is currently going through unusual sleeping due to regression. However I just generally alone/trapped. I keep reading or seeing posts about if you like your struggling to reach out to family and friends for support. I dont have a...



26+4 weeks pregnancy, the loneliness and anxiety is really hitting me. In the first trimester, probably because she’s our rainbow baby, a lot of friends and family messaged checking in on us and wanting to catch up etc. Now … very few want to talk or catch up. Try to arrange meet ups and they all get cancelled or re...


Do you ever notice that people who brand themselves as the most progressive people loving person are the opposite in reality?

My sister is super liberal "friend of everything everyone" kind of person. But then she'll reveal her true nature sometimes on accident like a slip up. A friend was talking about a women who didn't finish the hiking trail PCT because she was raped and my sister who is "progressive" goes "well maybe she just said tha...



Has anyone else here literally lost almost all of their friends since becoming a mom? It feels super lonely sometimes


What are you most self conscious about

This can be from childhood or something you have recently noticed yourself feel conscious about



Oh my goodness I am feeling so much sadness along with loneliness and isolation! I’m struggling so bad and I don’t know what to do. I don’t have a close friend or someone that even cares to check up on me. I’m always calling people when I don’t feel so bad to see how they’re doing but never get reciprocated. But in ...


Guys…. I feel so ugly these days

Idk who to talk to. It used to be easy to take care of myself. Do my hair do some makeup have some clean clothes that were flattering. Now I look in the mirror and it seems like I’ve aged tremendously, any clothes fit weirdly, doing my hair is so difficult because i have curly hair and it’s thinning +frizzy so anyth...


You are not alone. 🤍

Hey mama You are never alone – In moments of darkness, it can feel like no one understands, but God is always with you. Psalm 34:18 reminds us that “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Prayer Lord, please lift the darkness and fill me with Your light. In Jesus mighty...


Sad story

Hate that I’m a single mom to be. My baby’s father left me once he found out I was pregnant . Has anyone else been through this ? I’m not sure how to coop with everything. All I know is I love my baby and will do the best I physically and emotionally can


What do you do for yourself?

Me time, hobbies, time alone or whatever you wanna call it. I don’t know how to spend time by myself or do anything for just me. I feel like doing so would be beneficial.


Is there anyone else who just hasn’t left baby with anyone for an afternoon / day?

I just can’t get myself to do it. I panic about nap time, snacks, dinner, her comfort, but I wish I could just go out and do something alone one day



I need help, my employer wants me to work onsite because I work from home because of my performance but I let them know I have post partum depression and working onsite will affect my mental health as I am already struggling with it. Random crying episodes and not showering or hygiene I am not comfortable they are a...


Really need a friend

Hello so i’m 24 with 2 children 5&1 year 6 months i could really do with a friend i’m tired of being lonely i went incognito to save the embarrassment if no one comments does anyone wanna go for walks or soft plays ? i feel like i’m letting my kids down because i have no one to take them to see other than my mum and...


Why do I feel so lonely

I’m 9 weeks pregnant, I don’t know if it’s because no one (apart from a couple of friends) know about me. But, I feel really alone, my symptoms are getting me down and I just don’t feel like my usual happy self. Is this normal, or do I need to talk to my midwife/ someone else?


Feel like I've known my children my entire life

It's like it's a feeling as if I knew them before I even gave birth. For example, when I gave birth to my firstborn when I woke up and saw him (beccuse I lost alot of blood and consciousness so fell asleep after) I woke up and held him and it was a familiar feeling like 'Oh its you'....and everytime i look at them...



You know you're not alright when you've accepted your not mentally well 😭💔


Wish someone had told me how it is

I wish someone would have told me how mentally, physically, and emotionally draining parenthood can be, i knew about the financial part of it but never the other part. I wanted one child, but I got pregnant with twins in the first years I managed it even though most of the time i was doing it myself . We're in year...


Does anyone journal?

I guess I’m looking for advice when it comes to journaling about negative emotions. My village is unreliable and I find myself getting stuck in an angry cycle whenever I try to write about it. It doesn’t make me feel better but I need to get the feelings out somehow.


Any advice on loneliness as a single mum

I’ve been a single full-time mum (divorced) since pretty much giving birth, I naively thought it would get easier but almost a year in i’ve found family and friends focus goes back to their normal lives (rightly so). Any advice for the overwhelming loneliness as I am really struggling?


How do you make any time for yourself??

It feels like all I do is look after my LO (who I of course love) and do jobs and life admin. I literally don’t feel like there’s time for anything else. I feel like I’ve lost myself 😢


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