Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

SO emotional and hormonal at 22 weeks

I’m literally crying over everything! I’m also finding this pregnancy so hard due to a loss last year full term but my emotions are just so hightend I’m crying over the silliest of things but also the most serious. Hopefully this doesn’t carry on because it’s killing me😭


How's everyone getting on?

How are you ladies getting on? I finally feel like we're coming up for air and I'm enjoying being a mum. The first 12 weeks of babies life were the worst 12 weeks of my life. I felt like I was drowning. My partner was diagnosed with post natal depression, our friends and family didn't understand as it's not as com...


Just a venting post :(

I feel so bothered that my so called best friend has forgotten about me. We used to be so close like really close I helped her get through the pandemic when she was feeling so depressed. We would literally FaceTime each other day and night. And now I feel like she has nothing to do with me. She’s my only friend I h...


Hair loss

I am 4 months pp and my hair is getting so thin! For reference I had super thick hair before (so thick I used to get the hair dresser to thin it out for me) I have notice the past few weeks a ton of hair coming out when I wash it, does anyone have any tips on how to stop of falling out anymore?! Not sure if it’s ...


Post section.. help. what’s even normal?

It’s been nearly 10 weeks since my section. First section. It was rough. Was readmitted twice but feeling a lot better now. I’ve only just recently started sleeping on my side again but it’s so uncomfortable after a couple of hours my hips end up hurting so I move to my back which seems to be the best position but I...


Hair loss.

Any tips on hair loss. My hair is literally falling out in clumps 😢


14 month old… help!!

Really struggling with 14 month old at the minute. My LG was so sweet and cuddly and used to love exploring and playing but now the past 2 weeks it’s constant whinging, throwing herself back, throwing everything in her sight smacking toys, head butting her cot and the floor, not eating struggling to settle for sleep...


Struggling but scared uk only pleas

I need help, I don’t know what because i had therapy in the past and jt didn’t help and I cannot take medication as I have very very bad reaction to antidepressants I had a few years ago and there’s no way I can risk being like that again with a baby I am struggling feeling extremely low and hopeless, I feel so o...


SPD pain 🫠

SPD girls - where are you and how are you coping?! 🙋🏻‍♀️ I’m currently 34weeks pregnant and my SPD pain has ramped up significantly. Everything hurts, all of the time - lighting crotch 24/7 with no relief. There’s actually no comfortable position that relieves it even slightly…does anyone have any magic tricks??!!…



Has anyone suffered with SPD. I'm 37 weeks and thank goodness I've just started maternity as I can barely walk it's crazy. I never had this with my first but I'm not sure how to get through the next 3 weeks any tips? X


Sex postpartum?

It’s been two months since I’ve had my baby I’ve been scared to have sex scared that’d be uncomfortable or just not the same. We tried tonight with lube as the doctor suggested and it was uncomfortable not painful but definitely not like it used to be, in someone else’s experience does it get better is it just tempo...



So I just had my baby on the 17th, I got a second degree tear and was wondering how long it’s taken others for using the bathroom especially peeing in my case to stop burning super bad? :( It makes me miserable. I use peri bottle and everything and still makes me shake from the pain. I’m fine after I clean up it’s j...


Crying if I try to do anything

Anyone else’s baby suddenly got really upset if you walk away?y little girl is so unpredictable as sometimes she’s absolutely fine playing on her mat but often these days she cries if I go and do the washing or if I try and cook (I’m talking to her and still right there with her) and she gets hysterical if i don’t c...


I hate my husband

I’m 2 months pp and I have never hated my husband so much!!! (I use hate loosely, I’m a hater) He’s not even bad!! He does what he’s supposed to do, he cleans, he takes care of our baby so I can workout, he spends time with her. One thing that drives me nuts is that he prioritizes his hobbies sometimes. I wish I had...


Hair loss

Hi everyone I am currently three months postpartum and recently whenever I wash my hair so much hair comes out. The first time I just thought it was because I didn’t wash my hair in two weeks. But I went back to my weekly routine and it’s still a lot. Has anyone dealt with this? Or have any advice?


How long does the extra fertile window last after giving birth?

I’m asking this because it took 3 years to conceive my first. I then got pregnant 6 weeks postpartum with my second thanks to the fertile window and now I’m 8 months postpartum with my 2nd and I would like to try for a 3rd but I worry that the extra time being fertile after birth has worn off now and we may stru...



Is it just me, or is it normal not to want sex after having a baby? Our daughter is 1 years old and some times we will go months without being intimate...


Anyone else so over it

38 weeks tomorrow, I’m trying to walk this baby out but my SPD pain is so horrible I can hardly stand. My hips feel like they’re going to break with every move, I can’t sleep having contractions through the night. I was not this big with my first son!!! IM SO OVER IT!!!


Have baby #2 or take care of my mental health??

I had my first 6 years ago, and honestly, it was the hardest thing I did. I got post partum depression bad. And mainly because I didn't speak up to say I wasn't ready because I was so in love with him I put him first over my own needs. I learned my lesson now to priorize myself while going through therapy. I love my...


Feel Horrible mom

So we recently transitioned our lo to a sleep sack her hands are free.. it goes so so... sometimes good other days not so good but today I feel like the worst mom.... she woke up after 30 mins and I usually wait 10-15 mins to see if she'll re settle and fall back asleep... she's been sucking on her hands a lot...


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