Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.

Hair products for mom!

Hi all...random question...I have a newborn and almost 2 year old a d definitely do not have time to style my hair 😅 I need a gel or mousse or spray I can put in my hair after a shower to help tame the frizz and not have me looking so disheveled! Preferably something I can just buy from the drug store....thanks!



My daughter is 1 years old and started whole milk. What age and what cup do I transition her too? She drinks her water out of straw and cup but for her milk she drinks out of advent bottle. Any recommendations will be great 😊


Help at night time with baby from your partners?

Long post incoming but i think i just need to offload... For those of you who's little ones are not sleeping through the night still, do your partners wake and help you with the baby through the night? My little boy (nearly 7 months), for the past week or two, has been waking up at least 3 times in the night, and...



My 7 month old has recently started biting me 🙈 he will literally grab my face and try to bite my chin, he seems to only really do this with me. Is this normal behaviour and any advice on how to encourage him not to do it?


Would you see yourself to sleep have sex with your babydaddy if yall aren't together in a relationship or anything in that category? is there a purpose lol or would you find it not to be a purpose?

especially if that's the only time yall spend together and it's only a short period of time of course this doesn't pertain to what he does or time he may spend with your child different situation.. I'm speaking sexual wise with him only


Exclusively pumping moms

If any of you are exclusively pumping how many oz do you get per pumping sessions? I am 1 month postpartum and I feel like I’m not producing enough. I pump least 8 times a day but I can’t seem to get ahead, I only make just enough for her next feed each time 3oz. Any tips on how to improve my supply?



I need to drop my little boy down to 3 bottles can anyone share their “routine” please 🥰 Photo just for cuteness 🥰


8 week Immunisations

Hi, my little boy had his first immunisations yesterday at 10am. He seemed himself yesterday, just a little warmer than normal but today he has not stopped sleeping. He's normally quite awake throughout the day for long periods of time but he's literally staying awake for a feed and that's about it. What is everyon...


18 month old hitting?

Our 18 month old little boy has quite a temper 🙈 when he’s told no or isn’t able to do something he wants to be doing. He’s started to hit when he is frustrated and also bang his head off things which obviously isn’t safe and we don’t want him getting into the habit of hitting. We do tell him no and try to…


Who is sleeping horribly now!?

Well, I may as well have a newborn, given the way I am sleeping lately… and probably doesn’t help that my toddler still sleeps with us and nurses throughout night.. but even when he’s not nursing I’m waking up at all hours unable to sleep FOR NO GOOD REASON. I’m done ladies 🤣 34 weeks pregnant 😅



If my 5 week old wakes up from his nap and is unsettled (crying) should I offer a bottle? Even if he fed like 1.5hrs/2hrs ago?


Newborn carrier

Has anybody found any newborn carriers that can be used from birth? I have a sling but most carriers state to use from 3 months and I wondered if anybody had found any that can be used from birth? X


How long do you actively play with your baby a day?

On a day at home (not working or nursery etc) how long generally do you actively engage in play with your baby?


Epsom salts in bath

Is it ok to use Epsom salts? I’ve read mixed opinions!


Sex after Epistomy

I had my first baby 5 weeks ago by emergency forceps delivery. How long did you wait until you had sex and was it painful? Me and my partner haven't had sex the whole time since conception. But I'm now worried about how my first time will be after being cut and stitched.


Third vaccination

Baby due his final lot next week. He’s been terrible with both the first and second lots. The second lot was worse than the first as he had a poorly stomach for weeks. The first lot he had a huge temperature for 3 days! Anyone had a better reaction for the final lot? Thanks



I can’t be the only one super jealous of these babies sleeping through the night?! My little one gives me anything between 1.5-3.5 hours a time 😩 And tbh if he does give me 3.5 it’s a win 😅 Praying he starts giving me longer soon! Who else is in this club?! 😴


Sleep regression?

Is anyone else's 2yo not sleeping at night like they used to? My son would sleep pretty good, even if he woke up he'd go back to sleep on his own. But for the past 2.5 weeks he's waking up in the middle of the night and won't go back to sleep for hours. I have been bringing him to the big bed because otherwise he wi...


How many ounces of milk in 24hours?

My boy turned 1 on the 8th of Oct, I rang 0-19 services today bcos his sleep is getting hard to cope with and wanted some advice and reassurance. The lady was quite abrupt and said that my boy is having way too much milk that they should be drinking 20ounces in 24 hours. I just went along with it but now I’m thinkin...


Clock changes

Is anyone doing anything different ready for the clock change this weekend? My girl is currently going through a fighting sleep phase anyway, naps & up in the night when she’s normally a good sleeper 😬 but she always wakes for the day between 5/5:30, just worried that will now be 4am 😅


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