Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.

Bottle and pacifier recommendations

Hi, I am a FTM. Super excited to be expecting a baby boy!! I feel overwhelmed by all the different bottles and pacifiers. Please share your recommendations! I plan to breastfeed.


Sleep question… does your baby

If other pls leave a comment!


Taking out LO

I see all these mamas going to the park with their little ones and to stores and whatnot and I tried it….I just wanna know where are all y’all changing your little ones when you go to the park?? Y’all pulling up to a bench?? Going back to the car? I got MAJORLY stuck on this Also when you’re at a store, for my excl...


1 year old sleeping position

Does anyone else’s 13 month old sleep like this? Do you know why? He’s not cold so can’t be that?


Why does my 7 month old do this?

There’s just sound to this video but I have no idea why my daughter does this, any experiencing similar grunting noises from there little ones? And have any understanding why they do it?


Car seats

Looking at car seats and is it worth getting the 360 ones? There’s a considerable price difference so wondering if the 360 feature is really worth it? No


Magnesium for sleep? HELP

Hi ladies, has anyone tried magnesium lotions or butters on your LO to help with sleep? My LG has always been an awful sleeper, I think we’ve had one night full sleep in the 18 months she’s been here 🥲 she keeps waking at 2:30am and not going back to sleep until 11am!! We are on week three of this routine now and I…


Bedtime routine?

Hey mamas, my baby is 4 months old and we’re struggling to get him into a bedtime routine - he likes to contact nap from around 5pm and gets so upset if we wake him up Do you think he wants his bedtime to be at 5 and we should just go with that? Any ladies got any routines they can share?


2nd baby & breastfeeding

Is anyone else pregnant with there 2nd baby and is still breastfeeding? Looking for abit of advice whether you guys are carrying on until baby is born or stopping my baby is 11 months and I’m currently 13 weeks pregnant I’m back at work and when I express I’m getting hardly anything where as before I was an oversupp...


CMPA or reflux?

Long post sorry in advance! My little boy is 4 weeks old 1 month exactly yesterday. 2 weeks ago GP prescribed us gaviscon for reflux it helped at first but now his symptoms are so much worse. Sick after feeding, screaming in between feeds and fussing at the bottle, mucus in stools, arching his back and going stiff...


Second time mom, first time breastfeeding.

I have a ton of questions! With my first I didn’t want to breast feed, I was scared it would hurt, had no desire to try it. This morning I got the random thought to try breast feeding while I have the chance too at the hospital and while I’ll have the lactation consultant handy. Since this is my last baby and my la...


Is anyone still breastfeeding?

I been breastfeeding since baby girl was born but she’s 15 months old & I am starting to feel exhausted about it all because all she wants when on me is just milk milk milk. The girl is literally doing cartwheels on my boobs and although I don’t mind most times because touchwood she has only had one cold and is ne...


Constant wakening up

My baby has started wakening up a lot throughout the night, she'll be crying in her cot but as soon as we pick her up she'll fall asleep in our arms. She won't settle again in her got if we don't pick her up though... anyone else experiencing this? Any tips? Help a tired mumma out pls


How to teach toddler to self-settle and fall asleep on their own?

Anyone got any advice on how to teach our 19 month old to self-settle to happily fall asleep in their cot on their own? Currently still rocking which is not sustainable!


Why are people a-holes?

I literally paid to get scammed… I’m part of a bst pumping group. Someone purchased a brand new willow milk cooler and a shit ton of leftover bags. I paid for shipping and sent it out same day that I received PayPal payment. The package was delivered and the bitch cancelled payment. I don’t understand why people are...


am i fucked?

so basically i have a 6 month old who refuses to take a bottle so therefore he’s exclusively breastfed. anyways for the past 3ish days when he’s nursed he pulls away crying acting like he’s hungry and tries to eat again then repeats. i did find a bottle he’ll take but the only issue is i’ve tried 7 different formula...


Worried- 17 month old not talking yet

Hi everyone! My baby boy is 17 months old now, and not really saying or attempting to say much at all during the day. I’ve talked to the pediatrician and have taken him to a speech evaluation already but have been told that since he’s at least saying 1-2 words and can make himself understood through gestures that th...


19 month old still not saying words ..

I’m starting to worry ( should I ) or is this still ok at this stage? We teach him words etc alll the time but he says mama and ball and ohh but mostly makes noises and babbles still the hv is back out in November to see how his speech is coming on but xx



My son will be 1 in less than a month. Now I know babies aren't talking talking yet be he doesn't say anything no mama, dada, baba not even two letters like ma, ka, da. He was born 6 weeks early so I'm assuming that's why he hasn't said anything yet? I'm just a little concerned.. we talk to him all the time and are ...


Sensory play at home

Hello, I’m not a very creative person so hoping for some suggestions for sensory play at home. I was thinking play dough with shapes. I’ve used dried pasta but she isn’t very keen. Any ideas for cheap things for my LO to do with me? TIA x


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