Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Sleep

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.

First night in own room 🥲

Last night we moved our daughter into her own room, she slept really well with only 2 wake ups! Me on the other hand woke up loads to check the monitor 🙈


BF Babies Sleep

Hi everyone! My little boy is BF and all together I am only getting an hours sleep on a night, is this normal or should I be moving to bottles? He is constantly on me and I think its to settle himself to sleep more than hunger. I'm exhausted!


Nighttime party

My 20 month old has been waking up in the middle of the night wanting to party. He gets up and wants food and then wants to play for hours. Recently my breastmilk dried up or changed because I’m pregnant. He still wants to nurse but I don’t think he’s getting anything? Idk for sure I haven’t tried pumping. But reg...


Am I in the wrong!?

Every since I went into labour (2day labour) I’ve had barley any sleep at all. Every night I been getting around 2hours sleep if I’m lucky! I have a 3week old and a toddler so life is pretty much on the go non stop.. I know this is pretty typical but my kids dad is starting to wind me up. Since the moment I got home...


4 month sleep regression

Looking for some advice from mamas who have gone through the 4 month sleep regression. My LO goes to sleep really well, and for the first part of the night is good, until around 2-3am, and then is constantly whining and chatting to himself 🫠😂. He has a dummy which is becoming annoying now, as he keeps spitting it…


How often do/did you change LO's (15m) nappy in the day?

I'm talking when they're around 15 months old


Sleep stressed

My son is 8 1/2 months old and in the last couple of month I’ve noticed he is waking up at night. I started adding a bottle before bed cause I thought maybe he was waking hungry but still he’d wake up. Since turning 8 months it is like clock work. Around 1 am and again at 6 am we will wake up. My supply has gone dow...


Nappies - premature baby

Hi all! My little girl was born 5 weeks early and is now 4lb 10oz at 4 weeks old. She is wearing Pampers size 0 nappies and going through them like nobodies business! The past few days she has been leaking out of the leg of nearly every nappy!! She likes to tuck herself up and roll onto her side, so gravity isn’t h...


Mum guilt- baby almost fell

Super guilty and cannot sleep after split second where I turned and my almost 6m old who isn't crawling almost fell off the bed head between bed and wall and legs hanging like a wet fish no screams or cry but she was content and happy smiling as soon as I picked her up. But she got startled and scared as I was shou...


Hellish first night

After a dream first day in hospital with a happy, sleepy baby who was happy to sleep in his cot and didn’t even want to wake to feed, we’ve had the most awful first night at home. He wouldn’t be put down in his next to me and wanted to cluster feed ALL night so it was hard to even do shifts with my husband. My toddl...


Anyone else’s toddler just recently discover how to unzip and escape from their sleep bag?

Yesterday my little one just discovered how to undo her sleeping bag, she unzipped it, threw it off, than rolled it into a ball🙄 Are there sleeping bags that are hard to get out of? Or is now the time we introduce a duvet? (I have no clue, 1st time mum, just figuring out as I go basically)


Waking up screaming

This week, my 22mo has woken up every single night at around 1 or 2 am and is screaming at the top of his lungs. He normally sleeps straight through like a log. I’m not sure what the cause is? His current routine is up at 6.30 or 7, nap at 12.45-2, asleep for 8pm. I have wondered if there’s somehow another tooth c...


Waking at 5am 😣

My 2.5year old is waking up at 5am everyday! (He used to be such a good sleeper). He’s room is dark, a good temperature and he goes to bed everyday at 7:15..same routine. He is still napping but I feel he needs it and we limit it to an hour. When he wakes up he is definitely more grumpy..I think due to tiredness. We...


Waking every 3-3.5hrs?

It’s a regression isn’t it? How long does this one last 🥲


Early Morning Wake Ups

Morning ladies, can anyone help us with some brutally early morning wake ups? Little man goes to bed well around 7.30pm in his own cot. Around 3/4am he stirs & we co-sleep until morning. He used to sleep through until 6.30/7am which works for us. This week his wake ups have been earlier & earlier! Wednesday morning ...


Sleeping all night

My little girl is now seven months old and is still not sleeping through the night she wakes every few hours I’m so exhausted and tired I’m out of ideas Please help


4month sleep regression.. lasting forever

My LG is 5months tomorrow and since she turned 4months and a bit her sleep has been awful.. she rarely sleeps for longer than 2-3hrs now..she’s even waking up at 3am wanting play.. when she wakes up it’s taking her forever to go back to sleep deep so Everytime I put her down she wakes up..she sometimes falls asleep ...


Nighttime sleeps

My newborn is only 3/4 days old. Good as gold during the day.. feeds, poops and burps well etc and is having what I believed to be adequate wake windows for age. However at night after the last bottle 10/11pm he just refuses to be laid into the next to be crib. He will maybe sleep a couple minutes at a time but ...


Do parents do cry it out / Ferber / extinction methods because they believe it is the gold standard method to independent sleep, or is it because they are at their wits end?

I am curious because I know moms who are stay at home, supported by rich husbands and family, and will still do CIO because their 6 month old baby is waking up once or twice a night.


How often do you change LO nappy overnight?

My LO goes ballistic when her nappy is being changed. I’ve tried waking before she does just to change it, still doesn’t work. I change it even when it’s a little bit wet, do I need to? Could I leave it a bit longer till she tells me?


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