Baby Sleep

Sleep: possibly the hottest topic for new mamas. We’ve got expert advice and real stories from real mamas to help you and your baby snag a few more zzz’s with baby sleep schedules, sleep tips, and more.

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Hi🙂 My daughter is 3 months old and she’s been sleeping in a cot since last Friday. She’s very wriggly and always on the move. She’s slept through the night since 2 weeks old but since she’s been in the cot, she’s waking herself up once a night with her either hitting her head on the side of her cot or getting her…



How do I know if my baby is hungry or just using the dummy for comfort!? During the night at roughly the same time each night she’s quite fidgety and occasional cries out. Without the dummy to somewhat settle she, she continues to fidget for at least 1-2 hours with short breaks for 1 min in between randomly. she doe...


How do you enforce daytime napping for a 5 week old?

Our LO struggles to have long naps during the day


4 month sleep regression

How long did the sleep regression last for you? When we had the 2 month one it felt like weeks and weeks. I think we just entered the stage as he has been up every hour and half but he also had his jabs yesterday


Weighted sleep sack

Day 2 of using my dreamland weighted sleep sack and my baby sleeps so Much better. But I just saw a law suit against them. Regarding its safety issues. Does anyone else use this ?? My husband thinks it’s overall safe but I’m unsure now.


How to get newborn to sleep

I’m seeing some people post about how they no longer need to wake their baby up for feeds in the night as they’re now over their birth weight. My question is, how are you even getting to that point? I can’t even get my baby to sleep during the night, if she does fall asleep it’ll be on me and obv I try to move her ...


How to wake baby for feeds

I just had my son and I was told to wake him up for night time feeds , I just tried at 3am and he would not latch! Just wondering how to wake him and feed him at night ? (I know it’s his first day on earth but I just want to be prepared).


Daily routine

Hellooo :) Could you please tell me about your daily routine for a 10 month old? I am quite struggling with transitioning from 2 naps to 1, and when to give her bottle. My little girl has started to fight against the second nap, but also, because she is getting tired around 10:30in the morning, she needs the nap. Al...


16 week old sleep celebration

She slept for TWELVE hours!!!! My 16 week old slept for 16hrs, I can’t believe I woke up before her! Think I’ve forgotten what sleep was.


This is torture

Baby has woken 9 times.. from. Only 19:30 last night. She will do this all night long I’m absolutely exhausted she does this every night I genuinely get no sleep I’m a single parent and I can’t take this much longer I have no idea what I do wrong


Miserable 😩

Is anyone else’s babies at the moment just miserable? My LO used to be so happy and content but now if she is awake all she does in pinge and moan. It’s so frustrating as she constantly fights her sleep or when I put her down now she’s out for maybe five mins then she smacks herself awake or drops her dummy and wake...


Is it me?

My LO is 5 and a half weeks and has never slept longer than 2.5 hours at a time. All I read about is other people whose babies sleep for 4+hours at night! My baby has never done this and at the moment the longest she has ever done is 2hrs 45 mins (which is VERY RARE) I am breastfeeding - is this maybe a sign she isn...


Why doesn’t my new born like her own bed?

Any suggestions to get my newborn to sleep in her wonderful cot, if she had her way she would sleep on every minute of the day. She’s less than a week old and I have help for the next few weeks but I don’t want her to get use to this, as this will not be our reality when my husband and mum go back to work?


Help! Is she okay

My Lg woke up screaming about 90 mins ago, like screaming screaming wouldnt calm down. Ive stripped her off changed her bum, offered bottle (drank 1.5oz) and was still screaming. She did fall asleep and I woke her up about 25 mins and she woke up fine, alert and happy but now im stressed about going back to bed myse...


Evening routine

Has anyone managed to establish an evening routine with their LO yet? Not really sure what to do so looking for some inspiration! My boy is 9 weeks old. He will have a bottle at 7:30/8pm but won’t go to sleep until about 10:30. I kept him awake and only allowed cat naps from 5 to make sure he was tired but this did...


Go to tricks for putting baby down

Tell me your go to tricks for putting baby down for bed!

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