Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Not feeling well

I’m 35 weeks tomorrow. Since last night I’ve had a headache, which hasn’t gone despite taking 3 doses of paracetamol. The pain has now travelled down to my neck. I feel sick and keep going to the loo. Baby seems fine and is moving around as usual. He also hasn’t dropped so I’m not sure if it’s labour related. Has an...


Breathless 17 weeks

I have been noticing I am more breathless this last week when doing simple things, even just putting my shoes on makes me breathless. I have a Gp appointment today on advice from my midwife but wondered if anyone else has this?



I’m 12 weeks PP today and I am EBF, and I woke up I was bleeding like a period. Last night I felt a bit of ovulation pain. Can I get my period whilst EBF?


Very light brown discharge

Hey! TMI🤣 I’m week 7 and have very very light brown discharge (not excessive, it’s just mixed in with my normal discharge I would get in a day). Is this just old blood leaving system? Anyone else had this? Thank you xx


Why does it feels like there is lava or something in my throat?

It’s not acid reflux. It’s like I’m constantly feeling like something is there. I drink lots of water and I eat pretty healthy. What does this mean? Is anyone else experiencing something similar?


Soo thirsty

Cannot clench my thirst I have such a dry mouth 🙈


Question 22+ weeks

Is it normal to get sharp pains in lower abdomen I’ve started feeling him more but it not regular yet pain come and go



I am really exhausted & would love to have this baby come out any advice for at home remedies!? Ive been tryna hot food, water, sex any recommendations? I have so much pelvic pain down there i swear she's ready to come out!!



Is it just me or is anyone else obsessed with drinking Powerade while pregnant?


Bloating -Extreme pain

So I am now 14 weeks PP. I had a c-section and a cystectomy (10cm cyst on other ovary removed) done at the same time. I’m experiencing a bloating feeling from the bottom of my ribs to my bellybutton. It gets so painful that I’ve had to take codeine for it and even that does not help. It keeps me up for hours. It’s n...


31 weeks - do you guys excercise ?

My daily routine is going from my bedroom to my kitchen, the couch and my office space (in the same house). Conclusion, I’m barely moving. It makes me feel guilty, but at same time I don’t have energy to do more really. Am I the only one ? Should I push myself?



Newborn trenches are no joke! I’m a single parent to the most beautiful little girl 💖 my baby is 19 days old and suffering from either colic or reflux, I’ve managed to get her a GP app but not until next Monday! I’m using infacol and winding after every ounce but she screams in pain for 10/20 mins after each feed!…



Good day moms . Question for yas- I am nearing 25 weeks . 2nd pregnancy. I’m experiencing some groin pain while walking … normal ? I don’t remember having it with my first born . I was reading up on increased relaxin . I also just feel quite heavy already and been super active ( toddler and nesting !) Thanks for sh...


No braxton hicks?

Hi all, I'm 35 weeks pregnant witj my first baby and I dont think im having any braxton hicks contractions. Is that OK? Could I be having them and not noticing them? What do they feel like?


Stuck at home

Hey mammas! FTM here, baby is nearly 3 months, but just wondering when this feeling of being stuck will stop? I find it incredibly stresfull and genuinely too much hassle to leave the house not so much to go for a walk etc. But to run errands and go shopping for food. Any advice out there for me?


Do anybody have there legs feel hot sometimes?

My legs felt a little hot



So I’m 3 weeks postpartum and I had sex two weeks ago and I’m mild cramping and nausea when should I test or can I test tonight and it will shot


Am I just being stupid

My son turns 1 in the morning and tonight now all of a sudden I have period like pains in my belly that feel exactly like they did a year ago today when everything labour wise started happening is this normal to experience the same pains a year on Like does your body remember what it went through so it’s like déjà ...



Has anyone else’s pregnancy bladder feel like it has kicked in? I’m exactly 20 weeks and I feel like it has kicked in within the last week or so. Sometimes I’ll go and then a few minutes later, I’ll go again, but not that much. Super annoying lol I’m also drinking more or trying to in general so it also could just b...


Pain in left side

5+3 and had on off pain in my left side for a few days, also had diarrhoea and google has scared me into looking up ectopic pregnancy . Has anyone else experienced this or should I go to a&e? Xx


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