Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

Baby blues?

5 days postpartum and I’ve been feeling great since giving birth. But tonight I’ve had this overwhelming sense of worry/dread. With no logically reason behind it and I’m not even sure what I’m worried about. Could this be the start of baby blues?


Body image

I started making content again and I’ve been having body image issues. The person in the videos just doesn’t really look like me. Before pregnancy, I was a size 0 and even had to get a custom belt because the smallest 28 inch belt still didn’t keep my jeans up. Now I’m a size large, teetering on extra large. I ha...


26 weeks xonvea

I'm still taking xonvea at 26+3, I've been taking them since around 10 weeks. I eased off them around 20 weeks as suggested by my midwife but I felt so nauseous and the vomiting came back. I am so worried about coming off them completely but also concerned about being on them for the whole pregnancy. Anyone still ta...


Is pregnancy anxiety normal?

With my oldest I had really bad post partum, anxiety, and depression. With my second pregnancy now I’ve noticed that I have really bad anxiety and it’s starting to really get to me. Is this normal?


Pre eclampsia monitoring

Anyone here having the joys of constant monitoring? 😩🙃


Afternoon test

I know I shouldn’t have but took an afternoon test. What are people’s opinion on this? i am still mega early to be testing.



Anyone else finding the nerves starting to kick in? I'm 32 weeks tomorrow and this week in particular I keep thinking of all the things I still need to get done and then the actual giving birth thing then getting handed this small human I have to take home and look after You would think after 6 years of trying I wo...


Do 35 week babies always need the NICU

I've been told to expect a C-section at 35 weeks because my baby is very large (Type 1 diabetes pregnancy) but my OB made it sound like the baby will probably be completely fine, and maybe need some assistance after birth but not like being taken away from me. But then my OB went on her maternity leave and everyone ...


Conception/ovulation dates

Anyone that knew when they conceived and tracked their ovulation when did you give birth based off them dates? By the hospital dates I’m 40+3 but by my conception dates I’m 40 weeks today so only 3 days difference but just curious



34 weeks pregnant and came to hospital for reduced movements. I went on the machine and baby seemed unsettled heart beat was dropping to 88 made me go on the right side he seemed ok so they tried me again on my back it dropped again. One midwife telling me everything. Ok and then the other one said he does seem uns...


When did you go into labor?

If you’ve already had a healthy pregnancy and delivery before, I’m curious to know how many weeks you were when you delivered spontaneously?


First trimester / 10 weeks and feel awful

I’m 10+4 and feel absolutely awful I’m struggling to enjoy / look forward to anything related to the baby because I just feel so crap all the time The nausea has worn off a bit and instead it’s just a constant feeling of unwell but I can’t describe it Is it going to be like this the whole time?


Protein in urine

I had an appointment with my midwife yesterday (she is new to me), she told me I have traces of protein in my urine, but it may be just because it's concentrated. I have a blood test today at the hospital. Should I mention it, or is there no need for concern. I'm 34 weeks



I am only a week PP but my belly is itchy near my belly button, around the sides of my belly button, does anyone know why ? 🤔 or anyone else experiencing or experienced continuous itching after birth ?


When did I get pregnant?

Had sex October 13,2023 Had sex November 5,2023 Took a pregnancy test November 17,2023 results were negative Ultrasound on December 22,2023 said I was 8 weeks 5 days pregnant. Delivered the baby on July 25,2024 Which date did I conceive the baby?


Low appetite

Anyone else been having little to no appetite recently in 3rd trimester 😩 31 weeks and have to force myself to eat most things. Been trying to eat 3 eggs a day and red meat for iron. (And cereal) 😝


Working Food Service

Just wondering if any of you worked food service while pregnant? I do and it is so so hard with the nausea and vomiting and fatigue. Not sure what to do about it!


Finger prick questions

So I had glucose test few weeks ago and was cleared but had scan today and babys stomachs measuring big so have to do week of finger prick testing as it common sign of GD. If I have a meal does that mean I can't eat or snack for 2 hours after till I test levels? I prefer to have one big meal rather than 3 meals so h...


Mums, with a serious heart condition

I have quite serious heart condition, my pregnancy is a high risk...obviously I will talk and discuss this with my doctors,. But just curious if someone had some serious heart condition , when did you have your babies ? How many weeks were they ? Is not a question , it will be a c section


Glucose test

Hi! I had my glucose test today and I just wanted to say it was not nearly as bad as people make it sound. I had the dye free orange one and it tasted like flat orange soda. Chugged that ish in under 1 min. Just saying that because I feel like I was so worried from what people say so wanted to let you all who haven’...


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