August 2023 Babies 🇺🇸

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K in Activities for kids

Help! Advice needed!

My son turn a year in August and now I'm trying to get him on abc mouse (I know it's for ages 2+) hes learning to click and slide puzzle pieces. As I looked into it more some of its more advanced than he is. Part of the reason why I'm needing some advice. I don't know exactly what to do on teaching. I work a lot eve...

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C in Common illness

My daughter is sick for the first time ever!

So my daughter just turned 14 months and has never been sick. The past two nights, she's waken up out of her sleep, crying with a runny nose. I suck the snot out and put her in our bed, and after some cuddles and a few cries, she's back to sleep. But this morning, the runny nose didn't go away. She's had this runny ...

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C in Pregnancy termination

Bad hospital experience help

So obviously it’s been over a year since my son was born but I am still so so angry with both my delivery experience and even more angry about an experience at the same hospital before my son was born and I really want ….justice? I guess? Some repercussions or atleast I want to somehow prevent this from happening to...

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S in Baby sleep

Milk @ Night 😐

Hi again 😅 So my son still drinks milk (like 8+oz) before bed every night….. like in his crib with his sippy cup is the only one on God’s greeeeenn earth he is going to sleep. I know I have to stop this. What do I do!? He picks his leg up like me 😂😂😂

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J in Skin conditions

Diaper Rash

My son has a BAD diaper rash He has extremely sensitive skin I’m currently using Desitin but I feel like it’s not working anymore Any recommendations? Thank you Any recs are appreciated

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