February 2023 Babies 🇬🇧

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February 2023 Babies 🇬🇧

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J in Baby milestones

19 month old still not saying words ..

I’m starting to worry ( should I ) or is this still ok at this stage? We teach him words etc alll the time but he says mama and ball and ohh but mostly makes noises and babbles still the hv is back out in November to see how his speech is coming on but xx

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J in Baby & toddler food

STILL not eating

I posted a couple weeks ago talking about how hard it was to get my son to eat. It’s getting even worse. He used to have a meal after his nap. Now I can’t even get him to have that and I’m starting to worry now in case it’s something more than just a ‘phase’. It’s been about a month now of him refusing meals. I told...

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Incognito in Other

Light headed and chills

Has anyone experienced this since giving birth? I’m breastfeeding and not sure if it could be that. Maybe low iron? But I’m not sure!

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Incognito in Potty training

Potty training

Has anyone started potty training or have potty trained their toddler? Any tips will be appreciated

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Incognito in Other

Opinion on getting my daughter some fish for her room

I’ve been thinking about doing this for Christmas but I’m on the fence about it If i do it’ll be on one of the proper tanks that cant be easily knocked over Shes obviously too young to look after them but i think she’ll enjoy watching them Idk 😅 we have a fish obsessed doggo but she’s not allowed in the kids room...

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