Breastfeeding, Bottle feeding, Weaning Support
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Breastfeeding, Bottle feeding, Weaning Support

By Katie

Judgement free community and support to help you feed your baby. Bottle feeding, nursing, pumping, tube feeding, early solids.

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A in Breastfeeding

Weaning my 17 month old

My daughter has been exclusively breastfed for 17 months. And I am ready to stop but she is not. She still nurses about 4-7 times a day depending on the day. She does not like cows milk. She is VERY adamant when she wants "boob boob". Makes me feel extremely selfish to stop breastfeeding her so I'm having a hard tim...

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Incognito in Breastfeeding

Milk coming in

Hello all! A friend of mine just gave birth. And they didn’t give her a lactation consultant in the hospital or any advice on how to breastfeed. And she really wants to breastfeed, but she’s getting sad because her milk is not coming in, I’ve tried my best with helping massage her breasts, giving her hot chocolate, ...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Pumping

Dipped Supply due to period

Hey ladies I’m almost 5 months pp and got my first period back around 6 weeks pp. I’ve noticed that my supply really dips leading up to and during my period and as my baby is getting bigger and hungrier now, he’s also getting frustrated and waking up more often, rooting for the breast and not seeming satisfied. Any ...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Formula

Just tried formula for the first time

My baby is 5 months next week and for my sanity we started formula today. I just gave him 3 ounces of breast milk and then 3 ounces of goats milk formula. He downed both with no problem. I’m having mixed feelings :/ I feel selfish for wanting to combo feed but I don’t know why. I don’t judge anyone for formula fee...

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A in Breastfeeding

How do you do this?!

I BFed my first for a little over 2 years, and just had my second two weeks ago. My husband is about to go back to work, and I don’t know how I’m going to nurse my newborn around the clock while chasing after my 2.5 year old! Nursing moms with toddlers- how do you do it?!!! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

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