Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.

No waterbirth but finally here!

Our little girl Helena was born at 41+2 on the 19th, 7lbs 11oz, 55cm, healthy and well🥰 Literally nothing went according to plans, but the midwifes and doctors at Queen Elizabeth Woolwich was excellent, and I never once felt out of control. My water broke on 18th 00:30 AM when I already had strong irregular…


Where is my baby 😅😫

40+4 and no signs of baby or labor near though I’ve been doing everything from dates and raspberry tea to stretching and sex Is this normal with first baby? When should I be concerned? I still haven’t had any bloody show or lost my mucus plug so idk if going to the hospital is pointless From a restless and impa...


Midwife Group Dallas?

Hello! I worked with a midwife group in NY last year for my pregnancy and then birth with my first born, but moved to Dallas this summer. Does anyone have experience working with a midwife or midwife group here in Dallas? Thanks in advance!


C section

Hey, I was wondering if anyone can answer these questions for me. I'm just looking for mum points of view as well as midwifes. I've got a c section planned and was just wondering a few things. What is the whole procedure like (hospital, wait, surgery & stay). How long have you had to stay in hospital for (I'll be...


C-section silicone scar patch

Hi girls, My midwife removed the dressing for me today. Is it a good idea to cover with the Frida mom scar patch I bought myself? Or should I just leave it as is? It just feels very unprotected now 🙈 Thank you


C-section date

I just got a letter through for my C-section date (no time yet though) it's my first baby and first C-section. I'm so so so nervous now that I see a date on paper eek! I wasn't told it in advance, just that I'd need one around 35 weeks (baby is a whopper size) and now here it is. I'm just looking for some solidarity...


my birth story

I am very grateful for my daughter being born but I did not get the birth plan I wanted. I hired a doula and did all these things to induce labor naturally. I had gestational hypertension and gestational diabetes. They induced me at 39&3. I went through the full doses of miso and only dilated to 1cm. After a 3rd cer...


Hospital bag

Could someone please share their list for the baby for their hospital bag? My brain is not working 🙈 thanks in advance xx


How do you calculate your babys age? Do you consider them 1 month old the next month after theyre born or you count their birth month as month 1 so when 1 month after their birth theyre 2 months? Does that make sense?

My FIL said my baby, who was born in july, is 4 months old but i told him no shes 3 months old because her birth month doesnt count as a full month. He said but its her first month of life the day shes born so the month after she turns 2 months, etc.


Boobs leaking???

FTM who just turned 22 weeks today. Last night my right boob was pretty sore with sharp pains to my nipple. I noticed I had a clear sticky fluid (not much) coming out of it. I’m assuming it’s colostrum. It dried up over night so it’s just kinda crusty now without anymore leakage, although I’m still having the sharp...


Alright I need advice

I’ve been having contractions since Saturday night around 10 had bloody show yesterday at 7 am went to l&d no cervical change was sent home to see if it died down although they all confirmed I was having strong actual contractions. I continued having consistent contractions since then lost more bloody mucus plug at ...


Private room

Can you request a private room at George Eliot hospital?


Driving after C-section

When did you start to drive after having a C-section? I'm 6 days pp and I'm desperate to start driving again, I know to wait till two weeks at least, has anyone started driving at 2 weeks pp? I'm only talking short 5/10 minute trips to the supermarket or the park for a short walk and then coming back


Pregnancy after C-section 6months ago

Hello all ! I just learned that I am pregnant again… I have a 6months baby and had an emergency c-section. I know the recommendation is to wait 1 year… so even if I am still happy because a baby is a joy 🥰 but I am very stressed and nervous, I would have like to wait longer… Would any of you mind share your…


Waters Broken no Contractions

Had it confirmed my waters have broken, but unlike my first labour, I’ve no contractions. They broke 3 hours ago 😭. Anyone else experienced the same and got contractions going naturally? What can I do to get contractions going? Petrified I’m going to need induction tomorrow as it’ll have been 24 hours 😭😖😫



Hi 👋 I’m 29 days PP, has anyone experienced any unusual symptoms after a c-section? I’m on 6 weeks blood thinner injection but the end of 2 week I started experiencing a sharp pain travelling up my neck along side my jaw on my left side and pain on my right shoulder blade on my right.. it’s putting a strain behind…


38+5 and still haven’t been given a c-section date!

Update to a previous post but i’m 38+5 today and still don’t have a date for my c-section. It’s really bugging me. Has anyone been in a similar position?



Is it just me that is checking after going to the loo for a plug haha.


Baby Boy Arrived

My son Cashius born on Oct 18th I ended up having a c section due to my cervix not opening up



C-section recovery? What do I need? I’m nervous about having one. What should I buy and from where??


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