Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

Any advice is appreciated ❤️

I’m currently 39+2 and I feel completely normal and I feel like I’m ment to have some early signs by now (please correct me if I’m wrong). When I eventually go into labour will it happen suddenly or will it be slow noticeable changes over a corse of days? Let me know your experiences!


Glucose test

Is it really that bad? I have to fast tonight from 9pm but im scared from all the tiktok videos🤣



I’m interested to hear our experiences of hunger and appetite now that we’re almost at the end of the second trimester. This the advice on the NHS website: Being pregnant, you'll obviously be more hungry than usual, but even if you are expecting twins or more, you don't need to eat extra portions. In the final 3 m...


Itchy scalp??

Holy cow!? I thought i was going crazy until i googled it. Itchy scalp during postpartum is a thing apparently?? Im currently 3 weeks pp almost 4 and have been having a super itchy scalp. Did you deal with this?? If so, HOW did you deal with it?? What would you recommend?


30 weeks 💗🤰

Officially 30 weeks today. Cannot believe I have 10 weeks left until my due date 💗🥰😱



This is my second baby so you’d think I’d be more relaxed, but I’m so anxious, I’ve done about 20 tests, but I get worried because obviously obviously a test would still pick up that you’re pregnant even if something had happened earlier on. So I’m just stressing about the baby being okay and it feels like torture w...


32 week hormone surge

Is there a 32 week hormone surge or is it just me? I haven’t been this emotional or cried this much since the first trimester.



Has anyone taken Sertaline during their pregnancy for anxiety and baby was born just fine?



I’m just wondering, does anyone have any experience with pethadine in previous pregnancies? I have been anticipating I’ll be possibly using this as pain relief, but I didn’t realise it puts you right out of it! I’ve read lots of mums saying they were hallucinating and don’t remember giving birth, that they felt too...


Discrepancy continuous glucose monitor vs blood testing

I am trialling a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) because with commuting and a very hectic work schedule, testing my blood glucose rigidly 1 hr after each meal is challenging practically. However, my CGM readings seem a lot lower than my blood glucose levels when I finger prick (trying to do both for a period to che...


Pregnancy cravings/aversions

I don’t get upset over a lot but anything around food makes me emotional.. like going to the store and not finding my cravings, ordering food or making food and not liking it really makes me so upset right now.. also I’m 19 weeks pregnant. Anybody else share the same sentiment?


Blood test

Does anyone know what the lowest result can be for the trisomy 21 result? As in the lowest risk


Nub theory

Boy or girl? 💙💕


Emotional pre labor symptoms

Hi all! As my due date approaches I’ve certainly noticed new and changing symptoms (it’s my first baby) but I’ve been quite intrigued with some stories of people who just felt ‘weird’ ‘off’ or just had some kind of intuition they were going into labor and even the sudden nesting urges could probably count just befor...


Nub theory - help me guess :)

Girl or boy? 💙💕



Paranoid because my son sat on my lap weirdly earlier and I felt such an horrible tug in my uterus and down the left side hip area.. 5+1.. I’m guessing lots of pregnant mums have other children that sit awkwardly sometimes too and it’s okay?


Nub theory

My little one has an unpredictable nub so can anyone have a look and let me know what they think


Pregnant again

Just had my baby boy eight months again and now Im eight weeks pregnant. I'm absolutely panicking and scared but over joyed at the same time. Has this happened to anyone else? I feel guilty my oldest will lose that attention


16 weeks pregnant and barely gaining weight

Hi, i am 16 weeks and just gaining weight at most 1kg since, i am bit worried, eating has been very difficult, my appetite still not improving, fruits the only thing i can eat and urine test showed my glucose very high so midwife now tell me i need to cut back eating fruits as well, i am very stressed, i tried crack...


I don’t know if I should worry

Hi! First baby and I don’t know what is normal and what is considered normal every woman is different. Today during work my legs hurt so bad (I work retail aka walking, standing and bringing stuff out) and I feel a lot of pressure however I haven’t felt baby in a little bit and I am super constipated. Should I worry?


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