September 2024 Babies 🇬🇧

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Incognito in Baby digestion

BF & constipation

Is anyone who’s breastfeeding suffering bad constipation😩 I usually poo’d every day at least once with no issues but since having baby every time I need to poo has reduced to once every couple of days and it’s always so hard it actually hurts and makes me bleed 😭 is this normal? I do drink a lot of water in a day! A...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

K in Other

Washing bottles in dishwasher

I'm sick of washing bottles by hand. I usually leave it until the end of the day because I dread it and then it's such a chore washing up 8-9 bottles. We have the mam ones too which have 6 parts. I tried doing them in the dishwasher once but the pieces are so light they ended up strewn around and full of water. Does...

  • K
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V in Baby sleep

Witching hour more like 6 hours

As soon as 8pm hits my babies behaviour switches. She becomes so fussy, won’t stop crying and nothing settles her down till 2am. It’s been going on for a week now since she hit 4 weeks. It got so bad yesterday we had to go for a drive at 1am and after an hour of driving she finally fell asleep. Looking for some a...

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R in Making friends

Wonder weeks app

Anyone got any positive feedback before I waste my money signing up? 😅

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Incognito in Baby digestion


How often are your babies pooing a day? My 3 week old formula fed baby usually goes 1-3 times a day but since Saturday he has been 6/7 times a day and his poor bum is so sore. Just wondering if this is something to be concerned about, I’m waiting for the gp to call me today. He started new medication for a hemangiom...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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