C Section Complications

I had a very traumatizing complication after my unplanned c section and wanted to see if anyone has experience in this as well. While known complication, it is not common. I have no one to relate to. Specifically, I had a bowel perforation that led to a long hospital stay and more surgeries.
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Not the same but I also had acomplicated surgery I had a vertical classical C-section which resulted in severe infections and time with skin viability skin grafts etc.. I know not the same but I know how it feels feeling like your the only one I’m here for you and congratulations on your little one 🩷🩵

I have a classic horizontal c section scar and then a vertical scar because they had to go in 4 days later, I was sceptic. Then days after that I had another surgery leaving me with 3 more scars. My belly is hideous now and I think about how I can feel more myself with it. People suggested plastic surgery but I don’t know that I can go under again, PTSD from my time in the hospital. Or do I get a massive stomach tattoo. My baby is such a blessing, but my birth story really scarred me

I wish you health and wealth going forward. Sounds like you have really been through a lot. I hope you have someone you can speak to. Having complications during/ after birth is very traumatic. No one talks enough about all the complications that can happen I had balloon induction it was worst than the contractions, it took 4 attempts for them to give me the epidural, bub pooped and was indistress, emergency c section, when they were sewing me up the epidural wore off and I could feel the stitches and told them, so I was put to sleep, tested positive to GBS, so bub was taken to NICU and we both stayed at the hospital for 6 days, post-partum pre-eclampsia and had a dangerously high blood pressure spike, stayed on medication for 8 months. I was so full of fluid for months and swollen!

Oh mamas I’m sorry to hear that. My birth with my daughter was traumatic from beginning to end. I am a very small female and my baby was so big this she was pressing against my kidneys and they were swelling up. I was scheduled for an induction. It was very slow because I was not dilating at all. They gave me the epidural on the 20th of June when I reached a 5, but I was progressing slowly still, I wasn’t allowed to eat so I was starving. The 21st comes and it’s time to push but by this point all the epidural has worn off so I feel everything. It hurts so bad, I’m surrounded by nurses, my sister, my friend, my husband who was my boyfriend back then. I’m crying, I’m screaming, I’m struggling to give birth to my baby. One of my nurses tells me to stop screaming because it doesn’t hurt that bad which really pissed me off because I feel like I’m being torn apart. I pushed for hours and eventually passed out from exhaustion and pain. The dr comes in, puts forceps on my baby’s head to try

Pull her out but she is stuck behind my birthing canal and she is going into distress, causing her heart rate to drop. I’m prepped for emergency surgery. They give me a nerve block and cut her out of me. She was huge lol, almost 8 pounds. She was born on the 22nd. Anyways they close me up and take me back to my room but I’m still groggy, look up and they are hanging up bags of blood because I had hemorrhaged on the delivery table and lost a lot of blood. I was released on the 25th to go home. I get home, get my beautiful little girl settled and go to the restroom thinking everything is fine, just to see blood pouring out of me while I pee and blood clots the size of base balls, I am rushed back to the hospital where I’m rushed back to surgery because my stitches didn’t hold so I’m bleeding from the inside, I spend another week in the hospital for monitoring. My daughter is now 5 but it was absolutely terrible. I will forever hate the scar and the way I felt like my care was not taken

Seriously because of the color of my skin because statistically women of color are 20% more likely to have complications and or die from c sections due to less than quality care. Sorry my comment is in three parts lol

Im sorry to hear all the traumatic stories. Praying we all find peace and recover without anymore complications. During my pregnancy I was a high risk with GD so they were sure about induction but I was supposed to have a Natural birth. Went in for induction; there was no room so I had to come back. Day of my induction they placed the balloon. I dilated 3 cm but after that I stopped. They did pitocin but it was affecting my baby’s HR. My contractions were HORRIBLE. I was passing out from the pain each time. Eventually they came and told me we have to do a c section and it will be done in 30 minutes. I had my baby and she was beautiful. I was told I would be released after 48 hours. The dr came in and released me at 36 hrs. I went home with my baby and ended up with postpartum severe pre e and had super high BP and swelling. I was also diagnosed with Covid so for a whole week I was alone in the hospital without my baby. (Didn’t want to infect her.) I still struggle with BP 4 months PP.

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