Induction vs spontaneous labor?

I am being given the option to be induced or not. Advice? It's an uncomplicated pregnancy. We have a 2 yr old so thinking it may benefit to have a scheduled date for childcare but was spontaneous with my first so don't want induction to cause issues...
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Induction often leads to the cascade of interventions. Epidural, episiotomy, assisted delivery or C section. I have had one induction and one spontaneous labour and I would not recommend elective induction to anyone. Only do it as a medical necessity.

@Ella when you went spontaneous you didnt get any induction medication to speed up things?

I was induced 3 times with the gel and then the hormonal drip for 14 hours, then ended up with emergency c-section. If I’m honest i hated being induced, but it’s because i found it painful.

I personally liked the idea of spontaneous labor and had an induction scheduled for a week after my due date, but I ended up going into labor before my due date. Some people do great with inductions while others do terrible with it so it can definitely be hard to decide

let your body and baby do their thing. if there’s no medical reason why would you want to disrupt the natural process?

@Izzie agreed. that has always been my opinion on it. I've just noticed it's become SO much more popular lately. I asked my OB and she was not pushing me at all but explained that a research paper came out showing less complications if induced between 39 & 40 weeks due to the placenta only being designed to last 40 weeks so the thought is it starts to weaken/become less sufficient for baby after that time... definitely still have my reservations though and think your body knows when and what to do as women were made for this

yeah, i’ll always believe that baby and body knows best. every baby develops differently, plus due dates are just an estimate. 40 weeks ≠ baby needs to come out asap and your placenta stops working. trust your gut!

Your placenta does not just stop working at 40 weeks. Induction carries risks for both both and your baby, so my advice would be to wait for spontaneous labour unless there is a genuine reason not to.

I’ve had 3 spontaneous vaginals I reject all cervix checks and inductions unless they can prove to me one of us is in serious immediate danger. My second came at 42w had I not go into labour when I did (triggered by sex lol) I would’ve maybe accepted a sweep or something but yeah labour came on it’s own. Inductions are a “forced” labour it is forcing your body to do something it’s not ready to do. Which is why so many interventions happen.

@April no

From experience, just wait it out because if the induction fails, it's no other option than a CS.

That so called research your OB mentioned has caused emergency cesareans to skyrocket. Many OBs take it as a license to induce mind you it was a small study and it doesn’t take many things into consideration and it’s a study concerning induction for MEDICAL reasons not elective. Avoid it if you don’t need it. I wish OBs would stop bringing this study up 🤦🏾‍♀️

I was induced, I always heard about the rush of joy that you have when you have your baby, I did not experience this due to the medications that cause contractions. Your body does not recognize the labor so you miss that experience. If I would have known this I would’ve waited for baby to come and would’ve continued my close monitoring if I could have.

With rising induction rates, c section rates have sky rocketed. It’s not rare to see a hospital with 45% c section rate these days which is shocking. Let your body do its thing and wait for spontaneous labour

I had spontaneous with first and induction with second for medical reasons and if I have another I wouldn't want to be induced It took 3 days in hospital away from my son as no bed on labour ward and then once waters broke it was quite quick and I found it more painful but I also didn't have water to use the second time. I think I panicked because of the pain and tore the second time as she came out so quickly.

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Induction is evil lol pitocin is hell compared to regular contractions

Honestly speaking after having 2 inductions just wait let you're body do what it wants to do naturally when it's ready. Yes it's convenient to have a date but that means nothing if the ward ends up being busy it could get cancelled & induction can be a long and painful process it took me 2 days after having the pessary God it was so boring just waiting around all day you're woken up In the night alot so get zero sleep either then I needed the drip which Is absolutely brutal!

I wanted to go into labour naturally but I reached 41 weeks and just wanted her out. Went in to be induced and just from the monitoring they decided I needed an emergency c section. So literally anything can happen.

When baby is ready to come out it’ll happen, no need to rush the process unless there’s a medical emergency. I didn’t give birth to my oldest until I was about 41+3 weeks and although she was projected to be 8lbs she actually was only 7lbs 8oz. Remember your due date is just a guess of how many weeks you are not a definite of when you conceived so you may think you’re over due but your body knows what it’s doing 😊

If it helps you decide at all, I’ve heard the medication they use to induce you (Pitocin) can make contractions a lot worse! Not sure if you’re planning on getting an epidural but I personally would take that into consideration 🤣💗 I think I want to wait for spontaneous labor this time around. I was induced with my first and spontaneous with my second and it went so much faster and smoother the second time (of course I guess that’s typical anyway)

My induction took 3 days and then we were both in hospital for a week. Might not work out with scheduling childcare etc

I wouldnt induce unless you medically need to. I was induced & although it was a good induction experience it won’t always be like that. I definitely am avoiding induction with this pregnancy unless it’s medically necessary.

I had an induction for my first and spontaneous for my second and while my induction was relatively relaxed and uncomplicated it made my spontaneous labour feel like a walk in the park! I definitely wouldn’t recommend an induction unless it’s medically necessary

If you have the option, avoid the induction - no fun. It often starts a butterfly effect of medical assistance.

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