Birth stories?

I am due in less than two weeks & I just have no idea what to expect , please share y’all’s birth stories with me🥹
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I went to the hospital around 12pm on my due date with light but consistent contractions but the nurse said I was only dilated to a 2 but since I was 40 weeks, they admitted me. They checked 8 hours later and was still at a 2! So they gave me an inducing pill at 12am and the pain quickly intensified, so I asked for IV meds (was trying my best to not get an epidural) but the meds didn't touch the pain, they only made me super sleepy. I slept in between contractions. They checked me again at 4am and said I was finally dilated to a 6. Ialmost caved for the epidural but they said not much longer. So they called the DR and when he got there he broke my water and said I was ready to start pushing. Baby was born within 40 minutes. The Dr ended up making a 3rd degree perineal incision to get him out quicker because his heart rate was dropping and because he was 8lbs! Dr said it was better than using the vacuum or a C section. It does hurt, but keep your focus on the baby and it makes it worth it.

Had a fab first time experience! I wanted the birth centre to have the pool, dim lights, music, candles etc didn't happen!! Lol I was overdue and booked in for an induction (default booking no pressure). I wasn't sure about it but went in and it didn't feel right! My spirit just said this is not for me. I self discharged and went into spontaneous labour that evening! 😊 7.30 dull period like feeling that came and went. I was having a bath, relaxing no issues. Went to bed then at 1pm they started to amp up drastically, Mucus Plug went so called Triage at 1pm and baby was born 2.04! Turns out I was in active labour and had waited to the last min to go hospital 😅 so popped him out on gas and air only. No interventions needed. Team were very happy with me as staying at home helps the body to be relaxed hence the quick birth! I did have a 2nd degree tear but you don't notice it! Only the stiches after which they numb anyway and naturally some discomfort healing. A very positive and happy experience for me 💕

I had been planning a natural birth in a birthing pool at the hospital. However, 38 weeks appointment, and Lo has a big head, estimated 4 kg, and OB doesn’t want to wait past my due date, especially as I was showing 0 signs of labor prep. I was induced 2 days after due date (had to wait till a room in the maternity ward was available) induction lasted forever, it took 12 hours for me to start feeling any contractions, but I wasn’t dilating, I wasn’t even fully effaced. 5 hours later the contractions weren’t that strong, just really close together (60sec on, 30sec off). I tried every pain relief option I had (poses, breathing, stairs, TENS, morphine, bath/shower), but I was struggling with the fact I had no time to rest and I wasn’t dilating. So I as a last resort to rest and maybe sleep so I had energy for the birth, I opted for an epidural. It went super well, and wasn’t so strong that I couldn’t effectively use my legs, so I was able to continue changing positions…

To get her head in the right direction. I was finally dilated, but water hadn’t broken so they pierced the amniotic sac, and then it was time to push. She came out no problem, but the placenta was 70% attached and not coming out, so they took me to an operating room for a full sweep. I tore a little during the birth and only had 2 stitches. It was overall a really good experience, just 100% not how I had planned as I needed medical intervention at every step (except pushing -> cesarian) My advice? Make sure you have great communication with your birthing team/medical staff, and stay open minded

I had to have a planned c section and was absolutely terrified and also had a lot of guilt at the time over it. I had never had surgery before. They bring you back to the OR and get you setup. Then verify about 10 times you are numb. A nurse sits by you to talk to you the whole time. Once they are ready they bring in your support person. My husband held my hand and you could feel pressure and nausea but no pain or cutting. You then feel the moment they take the baby out and the nurse will also tell you. Then you get to hear your baby's first cry. At this point I started crying as it felt so emotional and the nurse dried my tears for me as they lowered the curtain for me to see her. They checked her out and the nurse came and grabbed my phone and took about 50 pictures. Then brought my baby back all swaddled for my husband to hold and took pictures of us with our baby. Once I was done they had my husband leave and had a nurse help me do skin to skin. I don't feel as guilty now and had a good experience. 😊

Had a great experience! First sign of labor was my water breaking at 4am while I was asleep. I was in denial so I went back to sleep (it was a slow trickle not a gush so I thought I was super sweaty). Same thing at 5am then 6am I got up and that’s when it started dripping/gushing more and mild contractions started. Got ready and arrived at the hospital around 7:30am. Started pitocin after having irregular contractions for a while and then had baby at 5:30pm!

I would say to trust yourself and know that everyone is different, I would say also to absolutely get pain relief if your wanting it as soon as you can as well, but if not that you maybe look at some affirmations to tell yourself or birth partners to tell you as well! Just know you can do this and think of the amazing outcome at the end. My labours were both extremely quick and I also had no clue what to expect with my first but everything was way less traumatic than I’d originally expected! Depending on your delivery maybe make sure you’ve got plenty of things for postpartum as they really do help!! Best of luck to you💖💖

Just had my baby a couple days ago and my labor was surprisingly easy. I went in after having contractions for a couple days. At like 4 cm dilated I got some pain meds in my IV so I could sleep and when that wore off a couple hours later I got the epidural. I got some sleep and then the next morning at 7 I had pitocin. I ended up being fully dilated around 12 and had my baby at 12:58. So grateful for the pain medicine lmao getting some sleep definitely helped

Was having contractions all day but nothing consistent and after calling my OB she just said hold on till ur contractions become more consistent and or ur water breaks. At around 1am the contractions were becoming stronger and stronger but still not consistent would happen like every 15 mins which according to my OB wasn’t time yet for me to go to hospital but at some point I just trusted my gut and I knew she was coming. I ignored what she said to just “wait it out” and decided to go to the hospital on the way to the hospital my water broke in the car and my contractions were unbearable and consistent now. When I went in I was already 4cm dialated. And gave birth just a few hours later. My advice would be just trust ur gut instincts and don’t be afraid of pain medications! I wanted to go in unmedicated and go completely natural (I even took all these yoga classes during pregnancy to help relax me when the day came) but once those contractions hit that went straight out the window!

No matter what happens the doctors will do what’s best for you and your baby! Just make sure to do research and attend birthing classes. I had a whole plan and once it became time it didn’t matter lol. I was having contractions 5 mins apart for over 24 hours, finally went in and my water broke and then I was in active labor for 22 hours, I did get the epidural so I was able to sleep but it was exhausting. My baby was 2 ish weeks early (still full term) but he wasn’t dilating correctly and then his head got stuck at 6 cm and his heart starting to drop every contraction. They had to do an emergency c section and I will not lie when I say this but once you see your baby nothing else matters. It’s like my world went silent and it was just us. Yes I remember the c section and it was traumatic but seeing him was the best moment and I will NEVER forget. It’s crazy I want to do it again even though I had a miserable pregnancy. You got this!

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