Hi everyone 🤍

If you wouldn’t mind. I’m due for a c section next week and looking for some positive stories as not feeling my best atm. I would love to hear some nice stories to try n lift my mood up before baby is here 🤍
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Honestly it’s a lovely experience, recovery is hard but other than that the actual section/surgery itself is really nice (as much as it can be anyway). So mine was an emergency so I had all but 10 mins to come to terms with it and to say the least I was so scared! I was shaking practically the whole time but seriously once I was in the theatre room it was fine. You’ll have an anaesthetist by your side the whole way and mine spoke to me the whole time and reassured me if i said i felt something she was always on hand with more pain meds or numbing agents. Aside from that of course your midwife who will be with you that day will be there to support you if you need anything. There is a big team of people working on the actual surgery so rest assured they have everything covered! As silly as it sounds, just lay there and let them do it, you can even have music on if you wish! Good luck, it’ll be okay and you can do it!! 🫶🏻

I wouldn’t say mine is positive but it was VERY calm despite being an emergency with buzzer and everything. The team were absolutely amazing, just remember they know what they are doing and you both have different teams looking after you in the operation. Remember to ask questions if you have them. Mine’s positive because they saved my son’s life and he’s here happy and healthy!

I had an elective c-section preplanned and it was amazing. I have had natural birth before and c-section. I was put under GA and so I was i went in and just went to sleep and woke up with baby and Hubby next to me. No contractions, no pains nothing. Recovering was very smooth as it was planned. You know you're having the c-section do it's all going to be planned to perfection for you. If you have anxiety on the day they can give you something before hand to relax you a little. You will be fine 🙂

Planned csections are much better than emergency csections. My first was an emergency but I've had two planned since then. Even though my most recent one had to be moved up because I went into labor it really wasn't any different than my other planned csection. The recovery isn't fun but after the first week it begins to get easier. Just start on top of your pain meds and make sure you use any stool softeners they give you, plus continue taking some at home until you go. I've made that mistake and it wasn't pleasant.

I had the most amazing section with my daughter. I was very nervous and the staff were incredible. It was so relaxed and I honestly keep looking back thinking it was just a magical experience. I loved it and want to relive it. Although my partner says no to baby number 3 😂😂 hope you feel a bit more relaxed ❤️

A planned C-section was amazing to, didn’t had much pain afterwards.

I say this as someone who was absolutely terrified and panicking before my c-section - I would absolutely do it again. Me and my partner made the mutual decision for him not to be there with me as we felt that was best for us, although I did feel nervous about being alone. However, I had a lovely lady in there with me who was chatting to me the whole time, holding my hand and telling me what was going on. Everyone involved in my section made it such a wonderful experience despite how scared I was, and it ended up being so much less scary than I expected. My baby was out super quick and I got to hold her straight away which was a great distraction. Recovery was nowhere near as bad as I was expecting and I was up and walking about very quickly.

I wont share my personal feelings because i was a wreck, but my care team was amazing. They saved my daughters life so that made it all worth it. My anesthesiologist by my head was so comforting and listened to everything i said and was on top of it all. Even when i asked the same question probably 15 times, she answered calmly like it was the first time, and explained everything that would happen..like after my daughter was born, when they were putting the binder on me, etc. Im glad to have my next one planned though, im hoping i handle it better. My OB came in the next morning to check on me and i didnt even know because i was asleep, so he just let me rest and checked in with my husband to make sure i was doing okay. I honestly couldnt have asked for a better care and support team (husband included), for my first baby, and one of the scariest moments of my life.

Had my first baby with a c section was very well looked after had a anaesthetic by my side he spoke to me the whole way true and the nurses checked on me true out the experience and after u meet ure baby so dere on ure mind in recovery went in at half 9 baby girl at 9.52 it's worth it

I had my section on Friday and it was the most special experience! I was so scared after having third degree tear surgery with my son and scared of c section pain etc. It was such a special, surreal and relaxing procedure! Everything happened so quickly but also so slowly at the same time, nothing felt rushed and everyone spoke me through everything. Most of the time I just looked at my husband and held his hand. I loved having music playing (went for Disney acoustic) and it was so relaxing in the background it distract me, the midwife was singing along to encanto while putting in my cannula which made me smile. Genuinely our section was one of the most special times of my life and I’d wholeheartedly recommend it x

@Hannah how was the epidural? I will be having an elective in a few weeks and this time I won't be put under GA. I'm afraid of the epidural hurting. I have needle phobia!

I ended up having an emergency c section 🫣 I was really scared but everyone was so lovely and calm still! It was so quick, didn't hurt, just felt a tiny but weird but you can really feel anything, and they're out so quick! Would definitely pick elected c section next time! 💗

I've had two "emergency" c sections one was legitimately life and death for my son my second was due to baby deciding to come 4 days before my planned one and coming very fast so they rushed me down within I think 2 hours of arriving at hospital. My first emergency one (and this will sound weird) was absolutely lovely and calm and everyone was really chatty and calming and the anesthetic doctor who stayed by my head the whole time was an absolute angel. The first experience really pushed me to have an elective with my second and if I was to ever have a third id book another c section in a heart beat

Even though mine was an emergency section after many hours of labour, I still think of it as a really positive experience. The whole team were amazing and so kind and caring. We were allowed to play music on the speakers and somebody stood behind us talking/distracting us and explaining what was going on. He reassured me everytime I felt something slightly different. It wasn’t painful at all. I’m not going to lie, it does feel weird but the actual getting your baby out part is super quick and then afterwards you don’t notice anything because you are holding your baby. The recovery was difficult for a couple of days but then after that and once I got home I felt much better. Good luck!! X

I had an elective c-section in September, and it was my first. It was honestly the best day of my life; an incredible experience with friendly staff, music of your own choice and the fact that I knew when my bub was arriving was a huge weight off mind- the anxiety was one of the factors in my decision for the procedure. Everything that was being done was explained in a calming and reassuring manner, and when the curtain was pulled down to reveal the little guy, it was just indescribably beautiful 😍 I wish you the best for your experience, and I hope you go forth feeling some more confidence and even excitement for the day having read these many wonderful posts xxx

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@Caitlin i second this! i also had an emergency c section. i had an anxiety attack once my dr told me & was shaking the entire time. i had an amazing team, they rlly tried their bests to talk me through my anxiety attack. & they spoke to me throughout & was asking how i was doing, & asking abt the baby! even after they had taken him out, they continued to talk to me while sewing me & it helped a lot. & the recovery room, the anesthesiologist was great too!

I had an elective c-section in September 2023, it was the best day of my life!! Made a playlist to put on during it, my partner was able to take photos and videos while my daughter was being pulled out, and the staff took photos of my partner cutting the umbilical cord for us too❤️ they talked us through everything before and then explained everything as it was happening too. Knowing the exact date you’re going to meet your baby made me feel so much more at ease, mostly because I was absolutely terrified of just going into labour and not knowing when that would happen🫣 recovery was an absolute breeze and I had very very minimal pain, although I know it can be more difficult if it’s an emergency section. Good luck, it is a very exciting time and I hope you have the best experience too❤️

I’m actually sobbing from all of your lovely comments and stories. Thank you alll for this from the bottom of my heart. This has helped me so much 😭❤️

Mine was brilliant too! I was done first as I had gestational diabetes so my little girl was born in the morning. I highly recommend elective c sections as you feel literally no pain whatsoever, your baby is born within 10-15 minutes and if you have a great support network, recovery isn't too bad. I kind of freaked out a bit when the spinal block started working because it felt so weird being numb and warm at first and I wasn't expecting the way it felt but I got used to it pretty fast and all was great! If we have another one I am definitely having a c section again! 😁

I was really scared about having my first c section 5 years ago, currently 17+2 pregnant with twins and have said I'm more then lively to another c section and I'm actually quite excited about having it as it was so lovely and smooth. It goes so fast too I remember asking if they had put my catheter in and all I heard was the baby is about to come out 😂 the only advice I would give is just try to keep moving when your home that was the best thing I done, had my daughter on the Friday was home Saturday afternoon and was out and about Sunday, obviously I know everyone is different 😊 good luck you will love every minute of it 😍 xx

@Cathy I have GD too! I hope mine is in the morning 🤍🙏 thank you so much xxx

@Lauren ahhh congratulations on your twins ❤️❤️🤍🤍

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