Safe ways to naturally induce

Today I've read about momma's pumping or drinking castor oil (midwives brew) to induce labor, and these options honestly scare me because of the research I've done. Namely, nipple stimulation and castor oil being the two more dangerous methods, not recommended to induce labor because of how intense and uncontrollable the contractions could potentially get, potentially stressing out baby's heart rate. I am terrified of having a c section, so i am terrified of getting induced or doing something that could cause too strong of contractions that puts baby or me at risk. And I see posts about oxytocin but I can't be happy when I'm stressed about things Im scared could potentially happen lol. I also have a terrible OB, like I genuinely cant talk to her about any of these thoughts or concerns, she just does not care. So that's why Im posting here. Maybe just to vent, maybe to hear some advice. Im 40+1 today, so barely over due date, but I'm really hoping he makes his show by this weekend
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I have tried everything as well but what may have not worked for me might for you! Dates, rasberry leaf tea, cinnamon tea, dancing, sex, curb walking,running, ball exercises, labor inducing workout on YouTube. Miles circuit, a day of favorites to get oxytocin going (I’m doing that today) I haven’t tried yet but getting a prenatal massage or pedicure can help relax the body. Baths!

Why rush the baby out? Just let baby come when ready? You’re doing a good job and it’s just a due date and not an exact date. Trust your body ♥️

@Melissa its not a rush, just a worry. he doesn't feel, and I dont feel, like he's ready to come any time soon. All the what ifs stress me out, specifically because I don't want to be induced. After a nst and fluid check yesterday he seems fine, but he's also a BIG baby and that scares me too. Its not a rush, but the waiting game is an awful one to play. I've deep cleaned my house so many times and have no other ways to keep myself distracted, reading and TV is not enough lol. I'd be at work right now if I could

Oh I see! I get what you mean. I was also nesting and diving into deep cleaning towards the end of my last pregnancy. I too had those what if thoughts and I was able to put them to rest by saying okay so what if this happens?? Then what ? Whatever the scenario may be…My plan doesn’t change or this is the course of action. Your body can handle the size of your baby. Try not to think about that too much. You and the baby will be working together to deliver and they will naturally come down with breathing and confidence in your ability to birth you will do great. If you can practice breathingexcercises before the birth that would be a good way to pass time. Also. If you have time. Check out the free birth society podcast on Spotify. Omg that will change your life!

Idk how helpful this is, but I'm just trying to fully surrender and trust that baby will come when he's ready and enjoy all the belly kicks that I get in the meantime. I was getting anxious because a few small things had happened around 36/37 with no real progress towards labor it seemed like. I want to go into labor naturally and try to have an unmedicated vaginal birth, but if I end up getting induced that's just the way it's gonna go and letting baby stay in until my ob decides to get him out is something I'm ok with! I hope you can find some peace 🙏

@Steph That's basically where I'm at today, is trying to stay out of my head and just relax. Im not even gonna attempt any real safe, natural induction things today honestly, outside of like the yoga ball. Ive been doing lots of walking and Im just gonna take a lazy day and try to relax and push away the frustration. I will be opting for an epidural, but that's hopefully the only medical intervention I'll be getting.

I'm aware that I might be delusional about the unmedicated thing 😅 but I wanna see if I think i can handle it. I actually turned down a membrane sweep today at the dr, too. My baby hates when they check my cervix. I've been binge watching love is blind and eating chocolate chip cookies in bed 10/10 would recommend!

@Steph not delusional, that's a very normal desire lol. I have done two membrane sweeps, one yesterday, and one the monday before 🤷‍♀️ nada lol. Im glad Im not the only one eating cookies and binging TV if anything that's where my oxytocin is coming from. I feel bad for my partner but Im kind of over trying to use sex to induce bc it just feels so awkward at this point and ungraceful lmao, almost like a chore poor guy lol, he doesn't mind but ugh lol

I drank the midwives brew a couple Of hours ago. It has an 85% success rate. BUT it’s only going to work if you are dilated and your cervix is softened. Of course there are risks to anything but I found way more positive research with this one. At the end of the day you have to not stress yourself out because that will cause a delay in labor so keep yourself distracted and continue your things to help naturally induce labor. Just don’t over think it!💙

Walks, curb walking to open your pelvis to engage the baby to drop, red raspberry leaf tea( it is caffeine free), hip circles on ball & side stepping stairs up and down

I was induced 5w before my due date, unnaturally, with pitocin and all the rest. If you've had really bad period pains before, it feels a lot like that coupled with the worst gas you've had. Don't be afraid. For me, I was more worried about my contractions not being strong enough. I wanted to get off the uncomfortable hospital bed and go home and rest. It took 4 days from induction to birth, and only 37m of that was active labor. I pushed for a very short time, gently - no purple pushing, so screaming (except the last push), no swearing. I was far, far more worried my contractions would fade. They did not feel super strong and I had many drugs plus the foley balloon.

@Stephanie i read all the time about inductions that go haywire and lead to c sections which is why Im not inclined to get one. I also dont like the idea of the foley balloon lol. Anything to do with medical inductions genuinely scare me lol. As far as I can tell the baby is fine, I am fine. My blood pressure has been fine this whole pregnancy so outside of splurging on sugary items more than I should have this pregnancy and spider/varicose veins and the occasional very mild swelling, my pregnancy has been fairly smooth. I don't think I'll need an induction as long as he shows up before 42 weeks. I will be doing an epidural tho bc I am more terrified of feeling him come out than getting the epidural lol. 5 weeks early is super early, Im guessing there was good reason tho, glad you and baby are okay! And four days sounds so long! Im glad your active labor and pushing process came with ease at least.

I used castor oil with my second bc my MiL pressured me and I regret it so bad the contractions were so frequent and strong I thought I was going to die and ended up taking the epidural which I don’t regret bc it allowed me to get the most sleep I ever had the whole pregnancy and with a newborn but this time I let myself go to 41 weeks and scheduled an induction but went and walked 4/5 miles around a hilly neighborhood and my body ended up starting labor itself after I checked into the hospital so all I needed was some cervidil for a couple hours and my water broke then contractions got stronger but weren’t being very productive so they wanted to start pitocin which I agreed n got the epidural so I could nap bc I was too tired to push but I only needed them for an hour I went to 10 cm quick but then I was too numb to push so they turned both off and once I got feeling back I pushed maybe 20 mins n she was out n it was a painful process

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