Induction vs Elective C-Section

What would you choose? I’ve heard a lot of mixed stories on induction but want a vaginal delivery so bad, idk what to do
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I’d choose an elective c-section over an induction anytime any day. Induction was hell for me. You might do well with an induction. Body differs.

I had an elective and booked baby 2 for the same. Super calm, no trauma, felt no pain and was safe. My friends have been induced and they had longer recoveries than me and really bad experiences. 2 of them are one and done because of their birth.

A diagnosis of pre eclampsia at 37 weeks meant I had to make a very quick decision to have an induction or c section. I had really wanted a spontaneous vaginal delivery. I felt an induction would lead to a prolonged, more painful labour and the chance of an assisted delivery (forceps etc) which were all things i knew I wouldn’t cope well with. I also knew a planned c section was far safer than an emergency one. Went with the c section, was absolutely terrified but it was a wonderfully quick, calm, pain free experience. Only thing I should say is I did have a haemorrhage during the section, but I wasn’t aware of it until I was told afterwards and luckily didn’t need a blood transfusion or anything. The blood loss has affected my milk supply though, I breastfeed but not exclusively. So, all things to weigh up but as I was wheeled out of the operating theatre with my baby being carried behind me i kept thinking, i am SO grateful to live in a time when this type of birth is possible!

I had an induction that ended in a c section but I honestly wouldn’t change my experience. It was amazing x

I had an induction which ended in an emergency c section - though this wasn't linked to the induction. The induction was fine and I don't feel like I experienced anything beyond 'regular' labour, I got to 9cm and then had to have a c section because baby was unresponsive and my heart rate was crazy high. Everything was absolutely fine and he was okay but the emergency aspect of the c section was scary and something I would definitely want to avoid in the future. It was a cat 1 so there was only 28 minutes from decision to birth. Recovery was way better than I expected and I am now almost 5 weeks pp and my wound is healed, feeling is returning, I'm not taking painkillers anymore not even paracetamol, I'm walking and rebuilding strength.

Had very bad experience with induction . They gave me infection . And then run to c section

Elective c section

I think it’s a personal choice so do what feels right for you. Everyone’s experiences will be different. I was induced and had such an empowering birthing experience, I loved giving birth x

I had an induction that ended in emergency c-section due to cord being wrapped around his neck multiple times and him being back to back. I was exhausted but like you I wanted a vaginal birth if possible. Was a long hard experience and the emergency section was scary. I'm very glad I tried though and did lots of research so I knew when the risk to baby was increased and so I felt empowered in my decisions at each step. Think induction has a 30 ish percent chance of ending in a section but if you really want to try for a natural birth I know lots of women who have an uncomplicated birth following induction. Weigh up your options and make the best decision for yourself. If I'd have gone straight to a section I would have always wondered if I could have had a vaginal delivery, induction ment I got to try even though I wasn't successful x

Thank you all🫶🏻 my situation is quite specific but just wanted some unbiased opinions. During my first Labour (spontaneous at 40+5) the baby’s CTG was abnormal from admission, this was not picked up by the staff and put down to other things. It was 8 hours before I was sent for an EMCS but by then the damage had already been done. My baby has severe brain damage, cerebral palsy, epilepsy and is blind thanks to the failings of the hospital. A lot of my family believe a c section this time to reduce the risk of this happening again is best, ik it sounds selfish but I want the full experience that I was robbed of last time😞 I guess I know really I should just get a c section but can’t get over not even trying a vaginal delivery…

Planned c-section 100%! Such lovely experience 😊 induction can be very very long, painful, traumatic and full of complications and still lead you to forceps/vag cut or emergency c-section which both can be very stressful, painful and traumatic experiences when things go wrong and doctors have to intervene fast to get baby out in very stresfull environment. Planned c section is a calm, safe, positive experience. I will always choose c-section as my birthing method. For many many reasons. I had such lovely positive experience ☺️

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