How do y’all do it ALL???

I’m seriously at a loss. I am completely overwhelmed by all of the things I need to do in a day for my baby. Trying to add in solids three times a day is a nightmare. Constant cooking, prepping, shopping, cleaning and bathing is so unrealistic for our schedule. I stay at home with my baby full time, but I also own a business and work in the evenings, AND I exclusively pump milk (4-5 times a day for 30 minutes a pop). Every single minute of my day is accounted for. I am fucking fried. We also never leave the house because when the hell do we have time to?? I feel so bad he’s not getting the sunshine, nature and socialization that he needs. His wake windows are two hours…by the time he’s fed, I’ve pumped, gotten myself somewhat put together, and ready to go, he’s fussy and ready to go to sleep. I also can never meal prep or do any sort of cooking during the day because he just wants to move around and play. I work too late in the evenings to get anything done either, plus our house is too small and he wakes up at the tiniest sound (dishes clinking, water running in the sink, literally even the toilet flushing wakes him up). How do y’all do this??? 😫😭 I feel like such a failure of a mom.
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You’ve got this! Remember you’re barely learning.. it’s trial and error. Try different things, different routines. See what works & what doesnt. Start by incorporating one chore/activity at a time. If you wanna go on a walk, it’s okay to order in. If you only do the laundry and fold away clothes the whole day it’s okay. You’ll pick up the pace eventually. Start with what you can and pick up the pace along the way. It’s not impossible, we’ve seen other moms do it so believe in yourself. Rooting for you!! ♥️

For the waking up, my baby used to stay asleep with running water sounds on Spotify. Now he sleeps with Somewhere Over the Rainbow on repeat. Won’t wake to other noises. But if it’s not playing, he’ll wake easily. It really helps. Maybe find something that soothes him like white noise

I am in the same boat as you! Working full time, while also staying home with baby and exclusively pumping. You have to give yourself grace and try to find little ways to make Life easier. Sometimes I take my babies pack n play into the kitchen and just spend about an hour prepping meals for the week. I play music and let her play with toys and she usually is fine with that. Meal prepping for our dinners and her meals feels like a lot to do on the front end of the week, but it is honestly so worth it! I have some recipes that are easy to prep ahead that I could send you if you want. I definitely feel like I don’t get out enough with my baby. Some days I don’t at all. But I try to get a short walk in every day if I can. You’ve got this and things will get better. Some day you won’t have to pump anymore and your schedule will get easier.

Girl I was being silly thinking I could go to school full time and work part time and raise three kids my youngest is a December baby long was you planning to pump? I couldn't pump but we have BF. He is slowly weaning himself, but tbh I got to cut school out.

I was doing same with my daughter. Exclusively pumping all day long. I did it for a year but once she could drink whole milk I stopped. I didn’t leave much the house either because I work from home too and naps are every two hours. It gets easier! Now I have my second and most days I am still overwhelmed but my husband helps me a lot. For breakfast and lunch I keep it easy. Banana or yogurt for breakfast or oats. Lunch is toast with nut butter and cut up fruits. Dinner they eat what we make. Try to keep it as easy as possible but natural nutritious food. When I prep meals quickly I place them on a high chair so they don’t move. Put music on and give them a toy to entertain. For sleeping use a sound machine!! In our house you can hear everything and each room as one and they sleep all night and take couple of hours long naps because of it!! I don’t have time to go to the store so I order hello fresh twice a week, Instacart for groceries and misfit market for fresh vegetables and fruit.

@Kara I would love some recipe ideas! Can you send them to me too?

Unpopular opinion: I got a walker and it has been a lifesaver! It has given me so much free time to cook, get some things done, get work done, quick bathroom break, eat, etc! I know a lot of people don’t like it, but my baby loves it and while she gets to explore the house around, I breathe a little. I have child proof the house, and I don’t leave her there for a long periods of time.

I hear you!! Solids are brutal and I feel the same way. I got a few things that have been helping me a lot with it. Plain yogurt, pouches, string cheese, cooking a whole package of ground beef with peas and corn, cucumbers and tomatoes. I always have those on hand, so I can just give them without thinking too much about it. They have honestly been a life saver. No mom shame, you are keeping your lo feed and that is what is all about!! Hang in there

Food wise: I cannot share enough how much an eggbite maker has helped with easy breakfast and frozen fruit! A normal breakfast is Avacado, eggbites or pancakes and thawed diced fruit. It takes 10 minutes and I can prep and freeze without much work. Lunches are similar in ease, either some of what I'm having or something like a pb&j sandwich with Cucumber or fruit or I love the Cauliflower nuggets you can find frozen and a side. Dinner is whatever I'm having. I'm still working on it but my lo is 10 1/2 months and I just now feel like I have a plan. It gets easier, I work from home also and it's a nightmare but I wouldn't change it! You've got this!

I just don't do it all 🤷‍♀️ it really is too much, and I can't 🤣 My therapist helped me figure out a strategy to prioritize things since I've had the baby, and it's helped me a lot. I put things in a have to, need to, or want to category. Have to is things we need to survive. Like food. Really simplify it. Let yourself have the perspective of "will we actually die?" Baby girl was supposed to have a bath last night, but it was a rough day, and she's not gonna die because she gets a bath a day later than usual, so we'll do it tonight. Do the things you HAVE to do. Make a plan to do the things you need to do. We literally have an adult chore chart now just so that I can visualize and see that there's a plan to get things done. It doesn't matter if I walk in and the floors are dirty. I know my husband's gonna vacuum on Friday because it's on the calendar. It helps ease that feeling that it all has to get done right now. And make sure you take time once in a while to do something you WANT to do for you.

Agree! Also I give a bath to my kids once a week. Our pediatrician told us it’s not good to do to much and our kids skin looks great. I tried a new clean soap and my son had rashes all over his face. Dr Bronner no fragrance is the best so I am gonna go back to that. So yeah no need for a daily bath! We just sit on the floor an hour before bedtime and we play and we read and they get tired and go to bed with no fuss.

Looks like everyone has given some awesome suggestions! I agree with simplifying things and realizing you just can’t do it all but prioritizing what is important. For meals she usually just has what we’re having so we don’t have to add in something extra. Eggs, oatmeal or avocado for breakfast, yogurt and banana/fruit for lunch and whatever we have for dinner. Just ordered our first factor meals to make life even simpler so that could be an option too. Crock pot meals have been great. Pot roast, chicken and veggies, even made crock pot lasagna. Definitely agree with a sound machine too. I use the decibal meter and turn it up to 72 so she can’t hear outside noises and it works perfectly. Most of all erase the mom guilt because you are doing your best and your baby loves you!

I put my boy in the highchair with his water or food and cook and clean in there at the same time. We are an ingredient house on a homestead so it just makes sense to make others food at tye same time I'm making his while he has fun watching me etc. You gotta make time. I struggle with the 3 meals a day but we get in 2 most days.

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