December 2023 Babies 🇺🇸

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December 2023 Babies 🇺🇸

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M in Formula

Milk supply dropping

Hey all! At the beginning I was an oversupplied and now it has steadily dropped, which I am sure is normal. But I am so close to making to my goal of exclusive breast milk/ breast feeding for my son’s first year. And am scared to start supplementing with formula on top of solids. I feel like my son isn’t really eati...

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M in Other

Health and safety issue

Girls please I need your help. I just moved a month ago from nyc to upstate and I found out that the apartment is full of rats and roaches everywhere literally everywhere. In two days we caught 5 rats. Ans yes we just found out that because the whole last month we were working from 11 am to 11 pm so we eat outside ...

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K in Gifting


What's everyone getting their babies for Christmas? My son's birthday is also the 26th he'll be a year old, and so far he's not really shown a lot of interest in toys right now he's only interested in household items and the odd things I have in our house. I don't want to buy a bunch of stuff that he's only going to...

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Incognito in Other


Is anyone little one walking yet? Everyone in my family and even my bf (not my son’s dad) keeps reminding me that my son can’t walk yet and it makes me feel like a horrible parent. I figured he would just start walking when he was ready to. I’ve bought all the “ready to walk” toys and so far he just likes to stand u...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

R in Other

Bows and pony tails

Girl moms what do yall use to keep the fray hairs down? I’m finally able to do her hair but having trouble with the tiny hairs not staying.

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