Just need to vent…

Single ftm, my boy is 4w. We were getting into a little routine at bedtime (for me rather than him, I know he won’t respond to a routine until about 3 months). But last night he projectile vomited after his first night bottle (he is breastfeeding during the day). He must have bought up the whole bottle. It covered everything. So cue me changing his sheets and mine, his clothes and cleaning him and his cot/the floor up at midnight. He’s then screaming a while later cause he’s hungry (being sick didn’t seem to upset him at all). But I’m now super anxious that he could be poorly…..or that if I give him any more milk he will throw that up too. Finally got him settled around 2am but had lost all my patience by then. I just found I couldn’t comfort him as much as I normally do. I was just really quiet with him. Not my usual bubbly calm mummy tone I take with him. I found we were just staring at each other at one point and I really struggled with all my conflicting emotions and cried. It’s soooo hard when ur that tired and anxious on top of it. Its times like this I wish there was someone else to help. He continued to sick up a little all morning. He’s now super sleepy and snuffly so now I’m worried he’s getting sick too, he’s been feeding really often the last few days but he hasn’t fed now since 9am. Even little things that not having enough sleep bags to cover having to wash them all when he’s been sick on them feels so overwhelming and upsetting rn.
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My little girl went through stages of vomiting up her whole bottle and I used to be anxious to feed her again in case it was something I was doing wrong. Sometimes babies are just sick, it's more than likely he drank too quickly or didn't realize he was full just yet. For us, her teat was way too fast for her (before it was just fine) and we switched to extra-slow flow teats and she's been fine ever since. She was on extra-slow for about 4 days until we needed to go back up to size 1. Try not to worry as hard as it is. I've been where you are, I was worried to sleep in case she vomited whilst I was sleeping. If your boy isn't bothered by vomiting, chances are he's just fine. It's usually more upsetting for us mums. Xx

So sorry to read this ! You’ll be ok and he’ll be ok. Baby reflux is very common, mine spits up or vomits pretty much after every feed. I need to keep him upright for half an hour after. Don’t know what else to say but single mums are superheroes. It’s hard being a parent even if you have help.

Don’t know how you single mums do it! I’m finding it hard enough and my partner is super helpful! You’re doing an amazing job, our hormones are still all over the place 💕

Thank you all for reassuring me. It’s just some days I feel like I’m failing but I also have stupid unrealistic expectations on myself to be super mum and do all the chores etc on 2 hours sleep and it’s just not doable. I just don’t want to let him down. 😢

You’re not letting him down ! All he cares about is that he’s with you and you love him. He doesn’t care how clean your house is. Same as the other Rachel I don’t know how single mums do it, my husband also does a lot and our house is always messy. I’m trying to embrace the chaos 🥲

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