
For those that have had a c section already could you please share your experience after. Did you struggle with being able to look after your little one? How long would you say recovery took?
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It took me two weeks to feel okay again, and I'm disabled. I struggled at first looking after her, so my partner was very hands-on, and as soon as I could move without severe pain, I did more. Don't over do anything too much and take your time. Listen to your body xx

Just had an unplanned C-section this past Saturday and honestly I felt able to look after baby pretty much as soon as I could get up. My pain was/is well controlled and so with support from my partner to get up and down I’ve been able to slowly do more and more each day. I’ve just been talking it easy and acknowledging when I need to sit down

Had a planned back in June. Although I was sore and i wasn't quick to get up out of bed, once I was up I was OK. Didn't carry the baby round though, literally sat on the sofa and fed baby, had a changing mat next to me and would just stay pretty stationary all day, just getting up for the toilet and to stretch my legs. Limited how many times a day I did the stairs. Had a lot of help from my husband and the MIL but never felt that I couldn't look after my LO. Your body will tell you when you've over done it though

I had an emergency c section and honestly the recovery was not as bad as I expected. I was in hospital for a week due to my little one being poorly and I had sepsis so I had the chance to rest, the midwives were also on it with the pain relief. I had a shower as soon as my spinal anaesthetic wore off. My husband stayed for the whole thing so he was amazing. We got home on day 7 and went for a walk with the buggy and I would say week 2 of recovery was my most uncomfortable week then I stopped taking the strong pain relief on week 3 and just took paracetamol. Just remember to keep on top of your pain relief and take it as easy as you can but also stay active as that does aid in recovery and don’t lift anything heavier than baby. And I was so busy with baby that I think it also distracted me from it.

Its only really the getting up and down that was sorest. One up it was pretty okay. Bending is a little difficult. Try have everything at an easy level and accessible and you should be just fine. I recently had my second baby and my first just turned two and i coped pretty much okay x

I got my catheter out 6 hours after having her and I did everything myself. Yes it was uncomfortable but I wouldn’t say painful. The woman across from me didn’t get out of bed until a few hours before she was discharged and I feel she had such a rough time as she did sit in bed for days and have the midwife’s do a lot for her. I was back driving at three weeks and was doing my normal routine at home 2 days later. I have gallstones and can safely say I would rather have that surgery everyday for the rest of my life then ever have a gallbladder attack again :)

10 days - 2 weeks later I felt 90% back to normal. The only time i felt I couldn’t look after my baby was the first night in hospital waiting for the spinal to wear off. Once I was up walking and had catheter out early the next morning I could get to him myself

My first c section was a planned section at 32 weeks. I had Twins and I knew they were going straight to nicu so while they were there it allowed me to heal from my c section. My second was an emergency at 37 weeks me and baby were home the next day, recovery was easier in the sense I knew what to expect but physically harder as I had 18 month old twins to also run around after😅 but overall both times I was only paracetamol and ibuprofen every 3 hours round the clock for 10 days each time, was doing house work by day 5. I'd say just take it easy, don't push yourself, allow the time you need to recover as much as you can x

Just to say I think it differs for absolutely everyone. I had an emergency one and having already been 3 days in labour I was already knackered so recovery was hard. They encourage you to get up at soon as you aren't numb any more which I did but even with walking about I still couldn't sit and stand properly for days, or pick anything off the floor (I honestly don't think I would have been able to go home earlier than the 4 days we had to spend in hospital anyway). I highly recommend mint tea for trapped wind. Someone told me (too late) that chewing gum as soon as you're able to helps your guts get moving again. Don't overdo it but also don't under either. If you have any offers of help with anything from baby care to cooking, definitely take it! Honestly having him there made me get up and take care of him so I think that pushes you to do things which is good. Only some breastfeeding positions were uncomfortable for a few weeks due to him laying on belly, but you can use pillows to help and ask them...

... to show you rugby ball hold as that may help, if you are going to breastfeed:)

I had a planned section in June. I feel like I was very lucky as didn’t really struggle at all pain wise. I was uncomfortable but the only time I was in any pain was getting up from lying down. I made sure to be walking/moving as soon as I could be. I was slowly walking around Tesco on day 3 after surgery. For the 2 weeks of paternity, my husband did pretty much everything like the night feeds, nappy changes, cooking dinner, even bringing me my painkillers and anything strenuous. I was off pain meds by a week and half. By the time he went back to work I had no problem looking after baby solo

I struggled the first few days and I had to have my partner or the midwife’s take care of baby as I could hardly move, after a little over a week I was doing little bits with him without moving around too much and then my partner returned to work after 2 weeks so I had to do it without any help, now at 5 weeks I’m doing everything and feel as normal as possible! 🫶🏻

I had an emergency c section and found recovery awful for the first 2/3 days! I was bed bound and couldn’t tend to LO at all. I felt rubbish as my mum and mil were looking after LO round the clock whilst I got better. I will say I’m glad I took the time get myself 100% as I’m three weeks post c section now and feel so much stronger and like my old self.

I've struggled, I'm now 5 Weeks pp and still far from back to normal, I don't know how women manage without a good support network, I've had 8 vaginal births and this recovery from the c section is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. X

I feel lucky I have an amazing hubby and my older children have been awesome. Don't know how I would have managed otherwise x

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