Elective C section

I’m electing for a c section for my first baby due to my own choice & have thought a lot about my decision. I have a consultant appointment in 2 weeks and I have severe health anxiety and am just getting more and more worried the closer to the c section (however this is exactly what I want, I do not want a natural birth) My midwife told me I won’t find out the c section date till 2 days before, but this is playing on my mind, do you think if I explained about my anxieties the consultant would book me in sooner and make adjustments for me? Also I know I can only have one person in the c section with me which is my boyfriend, is there anyway he can be in the room with me for the injection before as I will be a mess? My mum is a really good support when I’m anxious and I live with her, she’s the only person that can half calm me down, I understand I can’t have two birthing partners with a c section but the midwife told me mum wouldn’t even be able to wait outside and see me straight after which is making me so anxious! If I speak to the consultant about this would they be a bit more willing, it would be a great comfort to know she is even in a waiting room somewhere! Also does everyone have blood thinning injections after? Or is this based on certain factors? Also does it hurt to have a catheter removed - sorry I’m scared of everything! I’m so scared about dying / bleeding out/ blood clots / sepsis - how can I stay calm? I want to go to the consultant prepared with lots of questions and I guess I want to know what is reasonable to ask for in terms of adjustments. Thanks x
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With my first I didn’t get a date until a couple of days before, but it will be in the 39th week (so that gives a little bit of known to the unknown!) I can’t comment on having other people in the room but it’s definitely worth asking. The catheter doesn’t hurt - they’ll just get you to stand up, cough and they’ll pull it out. Just like if they were taking a cannula out - before you realise it’s even happening it’s done. I have severe panic attacks - not the reason I had a section but definitely contributed to it. I was nervous before going down, but once in there I was completely fine and didn’t even come close to having an attack. All of the staff are so supportive and obviously know that you’re going to be anxious. It all moves along fairly quickly so you don’t really get time to dwell on it

They don’t allow anyone in the room until after anaesthesia have finished. But then he will be there for everything

My partner was with me for the whole thing including the spinal block, mine was a planned c section too so I don’t see why they wouldn’t let your partner be there too but it’s worth asking! The catheter coming out doesn’t hurt at all. I’d highly recommend a hypnobirthing course prior to delivery as this really helps to alleviate anxieties around birth and how to manage breathing throughout each stage ✨ My section was scheduled at 37 weeks due to our baby being breech - scheduled for 40 weeks, it’s worth knowing you’ll be at least 39 weeks before the planned section date to give you some idea of when it’ll be. I didn’t have blood thinning injections but I think this depends on the specific hospital trust policy and also any past medical history or reasons they may be required post delivery. Hope that helps, you’ll be ok honestly, just keep reminding yourself that within a VERY short period you’ll get to meet your baby and all the anxieties around birth will be forgotten xx

Have you discussed all of this with your midwife? I feel like perhaps they should be referring you to speak to someone who can help you understand and unpack some of these anxieties. I’m sure there are specially trained midwives for this kind of thing 🤔 Regards your date, as Emily said, it will be in your 39th week, so that gives you some idea of when. I don’t think they usually allow your partner in when they do the spinal but if you’re not going to be calm and he will help with that, they may make allowances. They can’t stop your mum being on the hospital premises but they probably won’t let her in to you straightaway. Could she just come to the hospital and wait? Would that put your mind at rest at all? Not everyone needs the blood thinning injections, depends on certain factors. The catheter doesn’t hurt at all. I highly recommend Hypnobirthing breathing techniques for staying calm. They worked wonders for me 1st time round xx

Just to also add, a c-section is a routine operation for a surgeon. They do 100’s a year and when you go in, everyone is so friendly and just amazing. I had an unplanned section with my 1st and I couldn’t believe how upbeat & happy everyone was when I went into theatre. You will be absolutely fine xx

I’ve already had a C-section with my first and electing to have one this time too. Even though I know what to expect, I’m still worried! Im not someone who is usually anxious but I think it’s normal to be worried. I have been told my partner can’t stay during the spinal placement. It varies massively trust to trust but I’ll be getting told my date at 33 weeks, having it 39 weeks. With my first my mum waited in the waiting room, once I was out of recovery and put on the regular ward she came straight to see us as it was during visiting hours anyway so was allowed. Everyone gets blood thinners usually, just the time varies based on your risk factors. I’ve heard people on here not getting them but everyone I’ve known personally has gotten them. With my first it was for 10 days, this time I have to take them for 6 weeks. For me it didn’t hurt to have the catheter removed was just a bit uncomfortable.

It varies in different hospitals, I had two of mine in bath and partner couldn’t come in whilst having the spinal block however the two in Bristol he was allowed… mum can wait on the hospital grounds but won’t be able to come and see you until you’re out of recovery and placed on a ward… I’ve always had blood thinning injections prescribed but will admit I did not take them with my third as I got too scared for some reason despite doing it fine with first and second! The catheter doesn’t hurt removing at all if anything it makes you feel like you need to wee for a second. Everyone in the operating room will make you feel calm, you can choose your own music aswell if that may help! All 3 of my previous babies were sections, 2 elective and one emergency and even the emergency was very calm and chilled, I found that the labour was actually much more stressful! You’ve got this! Xx

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