Anyone attempting a VBAC after an EMCS?

Trigger warning - I had to have an emergency section at 9cm in 2022 due to baby being bradycardic as her head was stuck pressed against the cord and cutting off the oxygen source with every contraction. This time I have been given a choice of a VBAC or elective as I have been able to labour myself first time round. The problem is the risk of scar rupture. The risk is 1 in 200 will have a rupture due to a previous c section but we do not have enough evidence to say of those that rupture, how many are small ruptures and easily fixed during surgery (would be a second EMCS) or how many are life threatening large ruptures leading to death of either myself or baby. My consultant said, once asked what they would do, “could I live with myself if I was that 1 in 200”. I am a mum already to a little girl and my partner who was present when discussing with the consultant is now terrified of this happening and pushing for a c section. Does anyone have any advice or is in a similar situation? It’s playing on my mind (hence it’s 2am). Thanks!
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We have also been offered vbac but won’t be going that route. We want to keep the birth as relaxed as possible, controlled and calm. My husband is also pro section and even though my mum hormones want to try natural I’m going to listen to my gut and his. We had the choice of induction or section with my first and it was the same difficult choice… but afterwards the consultant came to me to say that it was the right choice and that I would have ended up in EMCS as my son was really big. Trust your instincts.

If a vaginal birth is important to you, then a VBAC is a perfectly fine option. Yes there is a tiny risk of scar rupture, however you would avoid the risks of having a major surgery. Midwives and doctors are really well trained to spot signs of scar rupture and the chance of it actually resulting in mortality for you or baby is significantly lower than 1 in 200. Both options are safe and so it is really down to what you want, which nobody else can tell you. If you do want a vaginal birth there is plenty of research you can find online on VBACs which I’m sure will reassure your partner.

How long ago was your EMCS? I’ve also really struggled to choose between VBAC and a section for this baby but I think we’ve finally decided to go down the section route. I have said if I go into spontaneous labour before then I’ll try it but it’s such a huge decision absolutely

Same as you, I had an EMCS in Dec 2022. This time around I’ll attempt a VBAC again since my body was able to get to 10cm last time and recovery process will be quicker than if I had a cesarean. Midwives and consultants feel confident and the risk of rupture is very low x

I had an elective section last time and trying to decide now. The only thing I have decoded is that I don't want an induction as some risks after having a c section, increase significantly with an induction. So I ma going to ask to book a section for after my due date. At the moment I am inclined for a VBAC if my waters break before that but not 100% decided

Same as you. Emergency cesarean at 9cm in Dec 2022 and now trying for a VBAC in a birth centre. The risk is there for all birthing women, just slightly higher if you’ve have a previous cesarean. Yes it’s scary to think of the possibilities, but try to think of it as you have a 99.5% chance you won’t have a uterine rupture. I’ve had a super supportive team this time around and met with a midwife consultant who was really understanding and supportive of my past experiences and how I wanted this one to go. It’s really worth having as many conversations as you can as the doctor consultants are very clinical and have a tendency to fear-monger with hard facts. Whatever you decide just listen to your gut x

Similar situation but I got to 9cm with hormonal induction, cord was wrapped around his body and labour was not progressing. They've said I can have a VBAC or C section and I'm opting for a C section.

I really feel like the consultants put their personal preference spin on it. The first consultant I saw was keen for me to book c section as early as 37 weeks, even though there's no necessary need for it. I was suprised about the 1 in 200 risk of scar rupture, I expected it to be lower, but when I went back and saw a different consultant, she rephrased 1 in 200 to a 0.5% chance of scar rupture, and that actually sounded much lower to me 😅 midwife and that consultant have been very positive about VBAC. I luckily have a friend at work who has experienced emergency c section first time and VBAC the second time, she much preferred her VBAC birth and was very positive about her experience, her labour was quick and went smoothly the 2nd time, even despite not having a full vaginal delivery the first time. I'm planning to try for VBAC this time, have booked c section for 41 weeks + 2 days as a back up. Whatever you choose will be right for you, good to ask around and be able to make a fully informed decision ☺️

I had emergency c section with my first labour after induction had failed and babys heart rate was repeatedly low especially after contractions. I only got to 3 or 4cm. Midwife has explained it could have been baby / cords position. Honestly I don't think she was ready to come and I think the induction was the cause of my emergency c section personally!*

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