Elective section or induced?

Hey ladies, I’m due the end of this week and I’d prefer natural water birth but I don’t want to go over 41 weeks really as I’m uncomfortable! People put me off about getting induced as they say most end up in emergency care sections anyway so I’m thinking so I get a elective section as hear a lot of good things about them and more relaxed.. Any recommendations on either?
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I've been induced with all my babies and not had to have a section, inductions are uncomfortable and can take a while but I think the recovery from induction is easier than the recovery after a section x

My induction did end in emergency section and I believe it increases the chance of you needing a section by 30%. But I also know women who were induced and were able to birth vaginally

I’ve opted for a section. I’ve done lots of research into inductions, there’s quite a lot of indepth medical reports on Google that go deep into statistics of inductions that are successful/need further intervention/result in a section. This is useful to gain some actual factual information and not just go from personal stories. The doctors, despite the fact they should be impartial and offer you adequate pros and cons for both induction and sections, will try and talk you out of a section. I had a VERY heated discussion with a doctor yesterday over my decision, despite the fact I have done ALOT of research, both from medical reports and personal experiences, I felt quite bullied into agreeing to an induction it was a very uncomfortable conversation. I stood my ground and partner reinforced my points so I’d definitely suggest if you do opt for a section, prepare yourself for what may not be an easy conversation. There’s no wrong decision; just whatever feels most suitable for YOU 💗

I’ve got a section booked for 41 weeks in case baby doesn’t arrive naturally as I refuse to have an induction, for the same reasons Chloe has said above

I actually had quite the opposite experience from above. I had an emergency c section with my first, and I really want to avoid any c section at all cost but the doctor kept insisting to schedule an elective c section if I go after my due date just in case. I had to refuse multiple times and insist on induction instead. Obviously neither is ideal, and we have a difficult choice to make.

I would opt for a planned section. I was induced three weeks ago and ended up having a cord prolapse and emergency c section. I know they can be successful but if I were to do it again I’d opt for a planned section x

Mine was a bit of both and honestly I’m such an anxious worrier I was convinced I would die in childbirth so if I can get through it I’m sure you can. I had a rubbish time, my waters broke and I had no contractions, I was then moved hospitals due to no room at Jessop where I was supposed to be giving birth, I got out on the hormone drop and given epidural as the pain was too much for me and hiebetky you just by that point let then do whatever to get you through it. I then was fully dilated the next morning and got pushing but baby would not move so I ended up in emergency section and it was my biggest fear but I’m here now day 9 with my gorgeous baby boy and honestly I wouldn’t say I will forget it just yet but you just somehow get through it and they have all the drugs and things in demand you just need to tell them how your feeling and trust what they are doing. The thing they told me was that although I got fully dilated and my situation was difrrrnt due to the risk of infection

With my waters but baby I’ll often decide a lot of this so you won’t always get the choice. Hope it all works out though I’m sure you’ll be fine! X

Curious. Can you ask for an elective this far along?

@Jenna yeah I had a phone call with the doctor on Friday and they said they can book me in just as I’m not high risk my date could get moved if more emergencies etc xx

@Hannah I have my 40 week appointment next Tuesday. Do you think id need to wait until then to discuss or would I be better to phone midwife? Only reason being I am so fed up and don't know if I'm mentally prepared to go through a third back labour 😪

I’ve had two very different but both positive inductions. Happy to answer and questions 😊

I was induced last weekend, and with my daughter 3 years ago. Both times had the drip, first time ended in forceps and an episiotomy, this time I gave birth myself. The drip isn't fun, but the birth was incredible and I'm glad I opted for that rather than a c section as I wouldn't want that recovery now. It's a difficult choice to make, and I went back and forth on it multiple times. Just trust and go with what your instincts are saying! Good luck xx

My induction resulted in an emergency c section! I was 42 weeks pregnant+ 2 days when he was finally born. Turns out he was 9lb 14 & he didn’t want to come out, so that’s why the induction didn’t work. Glad it didn’t tbh, because my section was very positive after what was quite a traumatic induction. Go with whatever you think is best for you

I've decided I definitely don't want to have an induction under any circumstances so if baby needs to come out it will be by c section

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@Charley can’t blame you for this. My induction was traumatic & lasted 5 days, & I was only 1cm dilated. I had such a positive emergency section ♥️

I am overdue now and have been pestered to have a sweep (which I declined) and follow the medical induction process once I reach 41 + 3 but I have said I am going to wait for baby to come of thier own accord, or I will have a section if it’s starting to get really late and there is a concern for safety. I don’t want to chemically force my body into something it’s not ready to do, and end up in pain and having a cascade of interventions which may well end up in a section anyway (and with me tired and traumatised and having to look after a baby) I’d rather just let baby come, OR plan a calm section and feel totally ‘in control’ of that situation. I think positive birth stories seem to come with a sense of ownership and control. Stand your ground and go for what feels right for you and you’ll be great! X

My best friend was induced in March with her baby. No section and birth was absolutely fine. My partners ex had her baby last month. Again, induced, no section. I actually know quite a few people who have been induced, they all had vaginal successful births. The only person I know who's had an emergency c section wasn't induced at all. I'm not saying there's statistics for more intervention but PLENTY of women have inductions every single day and they don't end up in a section or emergency situations. I find there is a lot of beating on here of inductions and a lot of it can lead to an awful lot of fear inducing in other women. Every woman's experience is just that, their experience. There are multiple variables that can result in an emergency section and they can happen with or without an induction. I'm not advocating for them, but don't make your decisions on anecdotal evidence read on here.

I’d really recommend the birth-ed course or just following Megan’s Instagram page who runs the course . She explains a lot about inductions and “cascade of interventions”. It’s a lot to do with body’s natural hormones being involved in spontaneous labour and not being present or being replicated not always in same way in inductions. X

I had an induction with my first and still managed a vaginal birth. I agree recovery is quicker with vaginal, even if you end up with an episiotomy.

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