First time mum

I'm a first time mum and I feel like I have no idea what i'm doing. My boy is 4 weeks old I feel like all he does for me is cry and I can never settle him. When family members help he never cries, he's always settled then as soon as he comes back to me he's screaming again. I've really struggled with breast feeding as he rarely latches so I have to pump a lot and now I resort to using formula too. I feel like a really sh*t mum and never have energy to do anything after nights and nights of broken sleep ☹️
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I’ve found my LO doesn’t settle as easily on my because I’m breastfeeding so she can just smell milk on me and gets hungry. It’s hard when they won’t settle I get it. I found walking around with her helps her settle a bit more rather than when I’m sitting because I think it takes the idea of food out of their mind xx

I agree with Chloe, when you’re breast feeding sometimes the baby doesn’t settle as easily as they smell food on you… have you tried using a carrier? Baby will settle in close to you, giving you those close baby snuggles, and allows you to move around a bit. Also, never feel bad about how you feed your baby, I remember my first time and I had to supplement. I felt awful for a while, but breastfeeding got easier as baby got older and as I accepted the use of formula, so eventually I could stop using formula. Look after yourself, it’s stressful and hard being a mum x x x

My little one is 17 days old and the same. Just never settles for me or my husband but my mum she’s an angel for! I also feel like an absolute shit mum! I stopped pumping on Friday as it was just getting too much so maybe she can smell my milk still but no reason for it with my husband xx

I have similar with my 6 week old daughter. We both endured a traumatic birth, botched by the incompetence and agendas of medical staff. This has effected bonding and it made and still makes me feel like an awful mum, I know in my heart of hearts I love her with every fibre of my being, but the actual bond and feelings of love have struggled to come through due to the trauma the nhs has put me through. I've had those moments you described a lot, still do, and I breastfeed so there's been the suggestion that it's that she can smell milk. With time however, the bond has started to rebuild, and she settles more with me now, and sometimes only I can settle her and not even necessarily with milk, just being held is enough to stop her crying (sometimes). But certainly it's been a struggle to get here. I still question my abilities as a mum. I think maybe babies cry more with us because they feel safe and comfortable with us, they know we are here to meet their needs, they know we'll tend to them.

Also be aware that from 2 weeks or so babies enter an intense crying phase that peaks at 8 or so weeks before tapering off. They will cry more frequently, longer, and more intensely and sometimes nothing can settle them, even when their needs are met. All babies go through this so it's to be expected. Of course it's always a good idea to check a baby's needs before resorting to other soothing techniques. But like I said, it might very well be that your baby feels safe with you and knows you care for them and will meet their needs when they ask. Strangers are unfamiliar so they might not feel comfortable asking them to fulfill needs. Also bare in mind our mothers have experienced raising babies so they know all these secret techniques and on top of that they are a lot calmer as they've already been through the stress we're currently going through. Babies can sense when we're stressed, and that can create a vicious cycle of more crying and stress etc. Try dancing with your baby to some music, worked for us.

Thanks everyone I really appreciate it, probably help when I start getting more sleep xx

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