Another c section?

So i had my first appointment today and i mentioned trying to do a vbac. The nurse said that our particular hospital doesn’t do vbacs and if i wanted the same dr that delivered my son, I’d have to do another c section. If i wanted to try a vbac, i can go to the other healthcare providers. I started out with the other health care providers but i didn’t like how they didn’t really communicate and they gave me bad vibes. Careless vibes. My current provider is always communicating and always caring. Prior to the appointment i considered a c section bc it’s 18mo after having my son and the risks are added for a vbac. My hubby didnt want me giving up on my dream of having a natural birth though so i considered it. Which was no problem but the reason i ended up with a c section in the first place was bc the baby was too big and wasn’t progressing further than 8cm. And i said if this new baby is growing anything like he did, im not going through 2 labors again. But now that at my dr, it’s not an option, I’m kinda sad about it. I even cried. However, i can’t bring myself to go to the the dr. I just can’t. I don’t think another c section is bad. Honestly I’m ok with not having the super bad contractions if it’s scheduled instead of them inducing me 😅. And not 18 hrs of tireless labor 😅😅 i mean hey, gotta find the bright side, huh 🙂
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I’m kinda in the same boat… I was in labour for 24hrs and only made it to 2cm and she was so big she couldn’t even engage. I have my appointment re a VBAC in a few weeks but I’m very apprehensive about it and dunno whether to just take the whole idea off the table as don’t wanna be in the same situation I was last time!! Wish we had a crystal ball!! 🔮

I didn't progress even with being induced, I was only 3 cm when baby was suppose to be coming out and had c section and was told likihood of it happening again is very high so I went with c sec for second time. Third time I really wanted to have natural but due to problems with my pelvis as well as history with issues with progressing Docs said no. Unfortunately not all of us will be able to have naturally, and that's OK, you will adjust to it. I did. C sec was the safest option for me and babies.

I had kinda a similar experience my son was big and those contractions damn there killed me they we’re on top of each other. They had me pushing but he was not coming down so I had an emergency c section. When he was 3 months I found out I was pregnant again. I was told I would be considered for a vbac but then they said no we are doing a scheduled c section. I would have like to experience a natural birth but I love my labor team and my favorite OB so I’m gonna go with them on the decision. Talk to your OB and ask if they can schedule you. I don’t think it can hurt to ask. That way you know what is going on. Good luck mama

I totally get you feeling upset about potentially not having a natural birth. I have had two c sections (1 emergency and 1planned) and have had to grieve I will never have a natural birth. But you have to think of what is the best for you and baby to make you both happy and healthy xxx

Another c section is bad if it’s not needed . That’s an unnecessary surgery . I would personally shop around for a new provider. I’ve had 2 vbacs and 2 c section and I would go VBAC all over again .

@Athena i understand but my husband is over 6ft and im 5’1 and barely 116lbs without being pregnant so if it’s going to add unnecessary stress to my body, im not gonna force it.

@Shay honestly I’ve seen women less than that give birth naturally . Educate yourself a bit more and don’t rely on the doctors soley. The scar tissue is unnecessary stress on your body and organs in the long run

@Athena . I live in an area where there’s only 2 hospitals. There is no shopping for other drs. I’m not driving an hour plus for 5 min appointments. If i was back home where im from it’d be a different story. And if i go into labor naturally, im not waiting an hour to get to the dr. I trust my provider and more than that, i trust God.

That’s how it was for me. Luckily for me we have tons of doctors I could choose from if the current one I had didn’t work. Are there at place you could go to that could do a vbac? My kids were 19 months apart and I was able to have one. If you can call around and ask about doctors that do it then I’d definitely suggest trying.

@Gabrielle the whole hospital doesn’t do it.

I just read your comment. I totally understand what you mean. Maybe just try on the other doctors again since it’s probably been a little bit since you last went and just see what you think. I think also as long as they support the vbac then that’s all that matters to me personally. I know doctors can suck. But I don’t listen to them all the time or like the vibes and what not. Maybe just try again and see how it is just so you can try to do a vbac

I had an emergency section, so I really wanted to do a VBac. I was utterly determined! I hid from the hospital at my due date and went 9 days over, ended up in hospital and wasn't even dilated so I couldn't be induced and ended up with another section after all ( gestational diabetes, they didn't want me to go over at all) if it's what you really want move providers!! But there is always a possibility that it might not be on the cards to mentally prepare yourself for either outcome. I hope you get what you want🧡

@Shauna why did you want to go over if they didn’t want you to?

@Shauna yeah i feel that. My fear is that i don’t want to change providers for nothing if imma end up having to do another c. I don’t trust the other providers to do a c section

@Gabrielle, because I wanted to give birth vaginally.

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@Shauna gotcha. Would they not have induced you to let you try vaginal?

@Shay yeah it's a tough decision. Especially when you have your heart set. Maybe stay and opt for the section if it meansbeing happy with the provider. Happy mammy means a happy baby and if you go the other route it may stress you out?

@Gabrielle, if you had a section before, they need to induce you with the balloon(so i was told), and your cervix has to be softened to use it, and mine wasn't. And because I was already over, I was told I had to have another section.

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