First time baby home birth stats

Hi, me again, sorry šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve been doing lots of research around home birth and would like to have one for my first baby, due in Jan. However, in my research I found the below stats (this is from the NCT website), which seem a bit scary! Just wondering if anyone has any insight/wisdom around this??
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There has only ever been one well done homebirth study (that I know of)

I wouldnā€™t let that scare you. I personally had a homebirth as a first time mom with a certified nurse midwife (in the US) and everything was extremely smooth. Big baby too! 9 lbs

Transfer for first time births is higher due to exhaustion because labor can be so much longer. I just had my first at home the end of August. Best decision I ever made! Happy to answer any question you may have.

Yes, very true! @Sonia

@Emma I also used a cnm and had a big baby, 10lbs!šŸ˜ love it! We can do hard things!!

@Sonia oh thatā€™s interesting! See I wish places who share these stats would also delve into them - I want to see the reasons for transfer, not just the high figure of transfers šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Do you mind me asking how long your labour was? Did you have any pushback from midwives or were they supportive of your decision to homebirth? X

@Emma thank you, this is reassuring!! In the UK (or at least in my NHS trust) the community midwives attend homebirths so will have a chat with them!

Well itā€™s important to note the reason for the transfer. I donā€™t know the percentage, but MOST transfers are non-emergent and will be due to fatigue/the mom requesting it. The higher risk for FTMā€™s makes sense, because there is a an unknown factor if you have not had a baby before. Although not a huge factor, personal anatomy can play a part in length of labor, likelihood of shoulder dystocia, etc. Your confidence will come through asking tons of questions (ā€œhow would you handle xyz scenarioā€). In my experience, when I had my first homebirth it took me some time to really feel comfortable with the idea! We are so programmed to expect to have babies at a hospital, that it takes some relearning on our part. Youā€™ve got this!

Youā€™re welcome! Personally, my labor was about 28 hours but the first half was extremely manageable. My mother and a birth doula helped support me when it got harder and I enjoyed using a birthing pool/bathtub for comfort. My midwife was amazingly supportive. In their practice theyā€™ve only had women transfer for exhaustion, not emergency. Midwives will typically not let you stay home for the labor if they detect anything could go wrong beforehand They are very skilled and thorough

That seems to be a pattern with all stats here in the US at least. There is a lot of information lacking. My labor was about 12 hours. Came on and picked up very quickly. I pushed for maybe 15 minutes. My water broke, there was meconium present and we were going to transfer to be on the safe side. Baby was still at a 0/-1 position, I walked downstairs and proceeded to push her out not even 10 minutes later on a yoga mat on my living room floor. I had one small inner labial tear that required no stitches. No push back from my birth team. If that happens, Iā€™d say youā€™re with the wrong people. They were all so supportive and it was so beautiful!

I think having the baby at home with a midwife there would be the ideal (at least thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking!) I know two women who had that in covid and they both had such great experiences and said it was really chill and nice. I know two women who did it without midwives and they both ended up getting transferred to hosp (one due to exhaustion and one because baby was breech). From what I read on the NHS website it sounds like they are all for it so Iā€™m sure they will be helpful when you talk to the home birth midwives. Iā€™m also hoping to go this route with my first baby so will definitely be talking to them about it!

Hey there's 2 great reports on the lancet (medical journal) Maternal outcomes Neonatal outcomes

Generally, preparing for and having a home birth or giving birth at a midwife led unit leads to the lowest interventions for the birthing parent with similar to hospital outcomes for baby.

Ask your midwife about her transfer rate! What percentage of her clients get transferred? The midwife I worked with had a 2% transfer rate!

As above, donā€™t let it put you off as the high transfer does cover all reasons. Most of which are to do with just changing of minds, deciding to go in for an epidural etc nothing urgent. The percentage for urgent transfers is very small as the midwives know what theyā€™re looking out for x

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@Jasmine thank you, this is really reassuring! I panicked a bit at the stat šŸ˜‚

Almost had a home birth with my first ā€¦ started doubting myself literally right before he came I transferred to the hospitalā€¦ just prepare yourself your body is literally running a marathonā€¦ this time my labor was the same about of time but I pushed through and had my second son at home

Dont let it scare you, my best advice would be to just be reassured a d have confidence in yourself, I am 33 weeks with my first and from the first appointment said I want a home birth and most all midwifes I have spoken to were elated and excited for me. - only pushback ive had is from family or people who know nothing. Of course it is a possibility but trust in your self and ability. I guess Iā€™ll pop back when and if I have a successful home birth in 7 weeks šŸ˜

Have someone as your advocate. My doula and my sister were very helpful during my labour, reassuring me, and reminding me of my birth wishes. My labour was 22 hours and there was a short talk about transfer when things slowed down, but that was just my body getting ready to get the baby out.

I could have easily had my first at home but I was low risk and completely normal with my 2nd until the doctor broke my water at 7cm and the cord was around his neck and his heart practically stopped in a SECOND. If I hadn't been in the OR and the baby out in literally 30seconds flat he would be dead/disabled. There was ABSOLUTELY NO seeing that ahead of time as he literally flipped at 39weeks! So I will ALWAYS have my kids in a hospital because even a one in a million chance for disaster is too much risk for me.

@Tiffany you again? Why are you even on this page?! This is insane. Leave people alone to make their own choices without you trying to fear them into a choice that has no impact on you whatsoever. We are all so sorry you had a traumatic birth experience but you donā€™t need to put that on anyone else. Especially a first time mom.

I second this! @Sonia

Anyone who bothers to do their research and look into the work and research of amazing physicians like Dr. Stuart Fischbein and others KNOWS that breech and nuchal chords are not automatic emergencies. If you donā€™t like home birth donā€™t be in a group called home birth. @Tiffany Please leave, as you are embarrassing yourself

@Emma youā€™re definitely correct my second born was at home a cord was wrapped once around we remained calm and unwrapped and and is so healthy

@Sonia thank you for this. Tiffanyā€™s comment was not a helpful one! X

Iā€™m a lil confused by the troll-esque comment anyway as the comment implies you have 2 kids but a lil snoop looks like you just have the one. Maybe Iā€™m wrong. Anywho donā€™t be discouraged @Naomi home birth isnā€™t for everyone, and not everyone does get their home birth but if you feel itā€™s the safest and best place for you, you will at very least get a really calm and lovely labour, and at best get exactly the birth you want

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