Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Testing after a chemical pregnancy

How long did you have positive tests after a chemical pregnancy? I started bleeding Saturday after multiple positive tests. I’m not sure what to do this cycle. Just don’t bother testing once I stop bleeding ? Check for ovulation? or will any remaining hcg effect that?


Does HCG declining mean no retained tissue?

I had surgical management 3 weeks ago today and testing my HCG out since. It’s going down but not gone totally. I ovulated this week so we started trying again but I’m worried now about retained tissue..


Has anybody had evaps on easy@home?

I am 9dpo based on peak LH and BBT. I know this looks positive. I am just curious how many people have had evaporation lines on these tests? Or whether anyone thinks this could be? I used a first response and clearblue with my first at 15 dpo so I am sorry if this is coming across insensitive, I just haven’t used th...



hey guys I had just posted yesterday about my early positive faint lines, decided to retest today and yup it's definitely positive like you all told me❤️ thank you everybody for replying to me !! im excited to be in this group, this is actually my 2nd, my 1st baby is turning 1 on October 14th so i will be having 2 u...


Evan line????

It was negative 100% when I first took it, I fell asleep with my 8 month old 😵‍💫 and came back to this. I'm assuming Evan line?


Positive test this morning ❤️

We’ve been TTC since my miscarriage in June, my period was due this week and we fly back from our honeymoon today so I thought I’d take a test with me to do before we left, and it came back positive 😮 I was in such shock, couldn’t have been better timed! I’m desperate to get home and try more tests to make sure…



Hi, I took a test at 6DPO knowing I was being silly but wanted to just do it to get it off my mind and I’m pregnant?! How is that possible? Has it ever happened to anyone? I also did a clear blue test which showed pregnant 1-2 weeks


Second set of eyes!

Can someone tell me if this looks positive or not? I’m only 10dpo (ish) at the moment so not sure if my eyes are playing tricks on me🤦🏻‍♀️ thank you❤️


Positive or neg

Is this positive or what because I am confused rn I am 8 months pp


Positive Pregnancy Test Barely 4 Months Postpartum

I just had my baby via c-section in May. Last week I had a positive test…anyone else out there in the same boat? I’m so nervous for my body and the baby since I’m so new postpartum… (Yes I am aware that I could have done better to prevent this 🫠)


Am I pregnant?

Did this test last night and it was negative after the 3 mins on the box so just left it. Saw this morning it has these lines. Now I know an evaporation line can appear so I’ll need to test again however I feel like if I look closely there is a faint second line there as well? Is there a chance I’m pregnant?


Is it finally my time?!

FMU this morning, I thought I had a VVVVFL two days ago in the afternoon but yesterday’s test I’m sure was stark white. But this I think I can definitely see!


Potentially pregnant again - scared

My period is 3 days late and ill be doing a pregnancy test tonight. Need some hyping up as im scared haha. Can someone tell me loads of positives for having another baby this early on? My first one would be almost 2 when the second one would come.


Early positive?

Hiii guys im joining like every group trying to get feed back so i dont feel crazy lol I took this test this morning even tho im not due for my period till 4 more days but i just did it cuz i had a feeling & it looks like i got a faint line ? What do yall think? Is it too early to tell?


Early positive?

My period isn't due for another 4 days but I decided to take a test this morning because I just had a feeling and I think I got a faint line ? not really sure if im jus overthinking it but what do yall think


2 Positives then digital negative

I got 2 positives on First Response tests and then a negative on a clear blue digital. They were both faint lines. I’m so confused. Should I test again or is it negative?


This IS negative… right? I feel like my eyes are playing tricks on me. Lol. Could it be a fluke line? Or do yall not see it? Maybe I’m crazy 🤣

more pics in comments


False positive

Did a test on Friday, which came back negative. Did another (the one in the photo) on Sunday morning, which looks positive? Then tested again on Monday morning and this morning and both blank. Got to be a false positive?


First positive tests 🥰

Been feeling off for about a week and been testing everyday because I just had a feeling but I’m still not even due my period until the 7th, yesterday I got my first faint positive and a slightly darker one today 🥹🥹 Our rainbow after a very traumatic missed miscarriage in May. I’m so, so happy but also feel like I…


Early positive?

tell me what yall think , am I tripping but I kinda see a faint line ? I haven't had my missed period yet I took this test 4 days early cuz I just had a feeling I'll retest in 4 days but for now am I crazy lol?


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