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Incognito in Other

Coughing non stop

For those of you have had a child who gets poorly and coughs NON stop, I’m talking 9:30pm-3am last night, how do you help them?! She hasn’t napped yet today because she can’t stop coughing & it’s making her gag / sick a bit. I’m at a loss and I know she can’t help it but it’s so frustrating for me too. She’s getting...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Baby sleep

Major separation anxiety

I’m waving my white flag looking for some help at bedtime… My little one has always been fine at bedtime, we have a routine and after bottle and stories he would go to sleep on his own without me in the room. The last 4 weeks this has changed and he is needing me to be by his side at bedtime and having multiple wa...

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Incognito in Potty training

Potty Training

Please send me all potty training tips! We are on day 3 and my daughter will do pees on the toilet when prompted and get so excited when she does it, but won’t do poos. She has nothing on from the waist down but goes back to her childminder next week and I’m worried we’ve jumped the gun a bit. Please give me honest...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby sleep

No nap and bedtime

If your little one doesn’t nap anymore do you put them to bed a lot earlier than what they would of to make up the day nap? My little girl has been battling naps for a few weeks and bed time has been taking ages so I think we are on the way to dropping the nap, we’ve had days where she doesn’t nap at all, today she...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

B in Baby milestones


I’m feeling a bit upset. My sister in law saw my son yesterday. Today she sent me a whole long text about how she’s concerned about my sons speech. That he’s far behind . 🥺. He’s two years old, and yes he doesn’t say too much but he says a few shape words like star , circle etc. He says daddy . Has anyone else had p...

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