Induction Ladies

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Induction Ladies

For ladies who need or want to be induced, a safe and positive place to talk about induction, away from the negative nellies who are against it🙄

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Incognito in Postpartum mental health

Induced due to stress / for compassionate reasons ?

Has anyone ever heard of being induced due to stressful circumstances?

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Incognito in Induced labor

Induced tomorrow!

Hi all, need some advice please. I’m 40 weeks today and have been told that baby might be on the bigger side but nothing to worry about apparently and normal delivery should be fine. However due to my age, 39 they would like to induce me tomorrow. Was hoping baby would come naturally before then but nothing has happ...

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Incognito in Induced labor

Induced at 36 weeks

Hey everyone! I am being induced at 36 weeks due to rhesus incompatibility- I don’t know a huge amount about the induction process but would like to learn what to kind of expect before I go in next week! Could anyone run me through the process & what it was like for you? New terms keep popping up for me like cervi...

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J in Other

Induction for my big baby boy 🤍

Gave birth today to our gorgeous boy. Growth scan at 36+5 estimated 9lbs, he was born today 37+3 at 9lbs1! So they can be accurate too. I had a successful and non problematic balloon induction which happened quickly at 37+1 weeks. Had it removed the day after, and my waters broke by the midwives at 37+3 at 2am whe...

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Incognito in Induced labor

Oxytocin induction with no epidural?

Any mamas here received induction and the pitocin drug and delivered WITHOUT epidural? What was it like? Feel free to share your experience as well if you used an epidural. Thank you ❤️

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