NICU/Preemie Mamas

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NICU/Preemie Mamas

A space for moms with little NICU warriors. Born before 37 weeks with a stay in the NICU. Because sometimes you just need someone else to GET IT.

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B in Family


So my son will be 8 months in a couple of days. He was born at 35 w 6d. He’s come a very far way, but I still feel like I’m not doing enough to help him along. It took him until he was 7 months to fully lift his head. He doesn’t reach for things. He holds onto toys for a moment but then drops them. But everything el...

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A in Other

NICU with toddler sibling

I’m currently expecting twins, due in December but one of my twins will need surgery at birth and significant NICU time. Unfortunately not our first nicu time as my 2 year old had the same, but our first time with siblings in tow. My healthy twin will be allowed into nicu whenever and 2 year old will be able to visi...

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A in Baby care

Post-discharge follow up - Tips needed

Hi everyone, I gave birth to my little one at 25 weeks just over a year ago. She was 640gr and 27cm and it's incredible how well she has grown now. We were living in Geneva and spent 4 months and a half in the NICU. After discharge we had developmental and pulmonary follow ups on a regular basis, which we should co...

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Incognito in Common illness

Baby picking up every cold

My son was born 2 months early. He is now 9 months old. He gets a cold which pretty much always turns into bronchiolitis, he will be get better and be ok for about 4/5 days then become unwell again. I am dressing him appropriately etc but it’s just relentless atm and I feel so sorry for him. Has anyone been in a si...

  • Incognito
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Incognito in Other

Starting solids

My baby was 6 weeks early she’s turned 6 months today and her corrected age is 4 months. A healthcare professional said I should start thinking about weaning her and honestly this thought terrifies me. She’s following her corrected age developmentally. She’s close to rolling over and her head is still alittle bobby...

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