Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.


So after vaginal birth and tearing, is it no lifting for 2 weeks or 6 weeks ? I have heard mixtures!


Dad feeling down

Does anyone else’s partner feel a bit down about the fact the baby seems To prefer mum? Our 12 week old settles for me but not always for her dad and even prefers me to give her a bottle which is obviously just because I’m on maternity leave and with her all the time but I can totally understand why he’s hurt by it ...


Postpartum mom rage

Please can we talk about this cos I feel like a bad mom ergh it's the night times/won't settle/wide awake I just get so frustrated and angry inside. I know its not my LO fault but it gets so hard some nights



i’m struggling with postpartum anxiety and intrusive thoughts (not self harm). and i feel like i have no one to talk to. does anyone have any tips? or things that helped them?



Hi, does anyone have experience with antidepressants? I have 2 under 2 and have PPD, the biggest trigger for me is definitely my 3 month old screaming around the clock because of gas problems. I can do no sleep, I can do the tantrums, I can do the multitasking....but the screaming gets under my skin from the first ...


Anyone else have a baby who is fussy in the stroller and in carriers?

I am a SAHM and my husband just went back to work after 12 weeks (we were so lucky he got so much time!) but now that it’s just me during the day, I am wanting to start experimenting with taking the baby out of the house for my mental health- walks, or grocery trips or whatever would be great. But we go out for a ve...


Very emotional

My emotions have definitely peaked today. I’m exhausted running around after my 2 other children 3yo & 15mths. Made them tea they ate some then the youngest tipped it all on the floor and my 3yo copied and when I said she should know better she questioned why could her sister do it but not her and I just broke down....


Contraception after birth

Anyone considering contraception after you give birth?


If I die

Lately I've been thinking, what will happen to my kids if I die.. my relatives are soo nasty, both my babydaddies have evil partners. What will happen to my kids


Massive fight with MIL who doesn’t respect postpartum boundaries

Hello! I’m still currently 25 weeks pregnant but the MIL wanted to ask about plans after birth. I had said I’d like to limit visitors after birth, with the exception of the grandmothers, as I want a quiet safe space to recover and get to know the baby. My partner’s family all live in the same city so I didn’t think ...


Baby number 2

I'm getting so broody again, and my first is only 6 months old! I know realistically I shouldn't have another baby just yet, especially as I had a c-section, and it takes 18 months to heal to a point where you can consider having another baby. I'm looking at my daughter's newborn photos and videos missing that stage...


Anxiety and low mood

Not sure whether to see the GP. I've always been a tough patient when its come to mental health. Never thought meds worked and therapy is too much effort, moreso now, with baby. Im having panic attacks nearly every day. If i see the gp i want to go in with a plan. I dont know what i want atm.


Female rage

I swear becoming a mother has just unlocked a new level of disgust with my boyfriend and the laziness and just everything. Just never ending disappointment. And I as a women am supposed to just Bend and bend til I break. I have never been so angry at someone. I consistently use gone girl as a verb now. It just isn’...


I'm Just Done

I'm a month postpartum and struggling so freaking much. I don't even know how to communicate my feelings anymore. I'm just done. I don't want to do this anymore.


My night tonight

My 1 mo would not stop crying after being bathed fed and changed for what seemed like forever and I didn’t know what to do . I was on the break of tears and said out loud I’m about to just give up and my boyfriend speaks up and says “then give up” I’ve never felt so defeated and at loss 😕 He’s settled now and all…


Leg pain after delivery

Hi i am 8 days postpartum and having severe leg pain (right aide) does this go away? Anyonw else face similar issue?


Not sure how to feel

I live at home with my parents and while breastfeeding my son.. my phone died so I reached for my moms, her phone had been last on my fathers and her messages, for a little context my mom offered to take a week off to help me with him, but the last conversation she was complaining that she wasn’t his father, and tha...



What was everyone first time after birth like? I’m just over 10 weeks pp and attempted to have sex, however it just seemed painful and I started to bleed. Is that normal for this long after?


Is it just me? Probably…

Before getting pregnant I was already an emotional person. Now being 35 weeks I cry at everything literally. I was crying because of a firetruck yesterday, I was crying because of a squirrel that someone hit in my neighborhood today. My significant other is not the type to be helpful when I’m emotional and hasn’t th...


Losing hair

Did your baby lose hair? My daughter was born with a decent amount and lost some in the beginning but I noticed recently it seems to be breaking in the back of her head. Probably from shaking her head back and forth when sleeping but is this normal?


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