Pregnancy Symptoms

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Hourly waking/ help

I just am exhausted been like this for about 2 weeks I get literally no sleep don’t know what do do


TMI - diarrhoea and sulfar burps!

Anyone else had this? I read it can be your body preparing for labour but for a few hours now I’ve been having the worst diarrhoea and cramps and those gross sulfar burps 🤢 I’m 38+2, worried it may have been something I ate but who knows! It’s 2am and my tummy is still gargling at me! Pregnancy is rough…


2nd pregnancy

When did your little one start kicking in your second pregnancy? I’m 17 weeks today and can feel bubbles popping and like pressure pushing up against my belly but still no kicks yet.



I’m nearly 21 weeks pregnant and I have a B shaped bump 🥺 just wondering if anyone else is the same and if it’s okay, when I’ve googled it, it says I have to be overweight or have a anterior placenta. I’d say I was probably a 12-14 and I’ve been checked I haven’t got a anterior placenta xx



Just ranting because I can’t sleep. Everyone told me that heartburn would stop once baby dropped. I’m officially past my due date, baby has dropped and somehow the heartburn is getting worse! I’ve tried Gaviscon and it didn’t help at all. I’m so ready for this baby to arrive 🤦🏻‍♀️


TW please be sensitive line eyes

So bit of a back story we've had two miscarraiges this year in space of 4 months of one another and I didn't think I was ovulating this month as it happened later than usual so we just had sex as and when twice only and in my head I'm like that's not enough to fall pregnant even though logically I know once is enoug...


8 weeks

For the past week and a half I’ve felt the worst that I’ve ever felt. I feel so poorly, my nose is congested and I can’t eat anything or put anything next to my nose. I’m barely getting any sleep. I’m so drained and I just feel so sick.


Severe pelvic pain😣

Anyone else experiencing severe pelvic pain?😣 It hurts to do everything. Walking, turning in bed, sneezing, etc. It feels like he’s literally into my pelvic bone😭 I’m so over it. I’m due Nov 27th and I honestly don’t know how I’m going to hold up until then. I’ve brought it up to my OB and the only thing she…


Ughhhhh I start work tomorrow and I have no motivation 😩😮‍💨

How can I get motivated to work after being a sahm for so long 😩 I’m really dreading having to go


Bleeding in pregnancy

Hi all, Has anyone had bleeding whilst being pregnant? I’ve been bleeding for nearly 2 weeks now whilst pregnant. Midwife’s haven’t checked my pad and have told me not to worry but I’m literally panicking and worried I’m losing my baby. They refuse to give me another scan and I’m having to wait until Monday for it...


Has anyone started their periods again?

I’m six week pp and I finished bleeding around 4 weeks. Which I was surprised at as all my sister bled for 6 weeks. Anyway I’ve started to have spotting when I wipe and pink steaks of blood. Could this be the start of my periods return or is it likely to be pp bleeding still?


24/7 nausea

I’m basically feeling like this all the time and I don’t want anything to eat or feel hungry but if I don’t eat every 3 or so hours I just feel even worse and have to lie down. Luckily I’m off work! I’m taking B6 and told the doctor about it but that haven’t suggested medication at this point. I’m just so tired and ...


Dull painful ache?

I've woken up with a dull painful/uncomfortable ache right under my boob.i thought maybe baby's foot was up there but I've moved around trying to get him to move and it still isn't gone. Is it normal? It's not excruciating but it's enough to stop me in my tracks. I also feel really sick and just 'ugh' 😒. I'm 34 weeks



I took my first tablet last night and I’ve woken up feeling so nauseous and spaced out. Is this normal is so how long does it take for this to die down?



Hey mama’s👋, I’m 7 weeks postpartum and my period came back 2days ago , but I’m bleeding heavily more than the usual! Is this the normal ? Thank youuu♥️



Hey, I’m 6w 3d & literally have period like cramps every day! I didn’t have these with my first so now they are making me worry every day! It feels like my period is coming, it’s so strange! I’ve had it for about 2/3 weeks now. Thanks

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