Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Loss

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Loss.

Bleeding after miscarriage

I had a missed miscarriage just over a week ago (was given medication to induce) I am still bleeding, which I know can be normal. But the blood is black and doesn’t smell very nice. I’m still using maternity pads as feel that normal period pads aren’t “secure” enough and I feel like the “scent” in a normal period ...



Hi all, I just wanted to post some positivity. I had a chemical pregnancy and a missed miscarriage last year, I fell pregnant last month and I predicted I was 6weeks, 3 days. This week I have had lots of spotting, and have been up and down to EPU, they did an early scan today, I’m measuring 6weeks, 4 days and th...


Breastfeeding and miscarriages

Was anyone breastfeeding when they had a miscarriage. I've read a lot online from women who said they kept having miscarriages when they were breastfeeding and only until they stopped did they no longer have a miscarriage. Did this happen to anyone? I'm not wanting to try to get pregnant anymore until my toddler st...


Wanting to start trying again asap

Has been over a week since miscarriage when does everyone think it’s okay to try again?


Large subchorionic hematoma

Hi girls. Has anyone had/currently have a pregnancy with a large hematoma? I was convinced that I had lost this pregnancy and the scan was going to confirm that. I’m in disbelief that my pregnancy is still there but sharing my uterus with a large (57) hematoma. The EPAU couldn’t give any statistics or much advice r...


Expectant management

Hello I've opted to wait for my miscarriage to take place on its own but I'm not really sure what to expect. At first I had some brown discharge and now I'm having very light bleeding that keeps stopping for a few days and then start again. Is this normal? I've not really had bright or heavy bleeding yet. The discha...


Mind blown

2 miscarriages and 1 fertility treatment healthy pregnancy. 23rd April we find out I’m pregnant through coincidence. Due to my history and additional meds with my daughter I called the EPU to see if I would need these again. Went in for a scan yesterday and found out I’m currently carrying twins. Mind is blown right...


Getting back to things

It’s 5 weeks since my miscarriage. I was off work for 3 weeks and went back last week and this week. However I couldn’t go in today, I didn’t bother with phased return as I thought I was ok. Last night I was full of sadness. And pain. I’m surrounded by babies. Pregnant mums. People having miscarriages people getting...



I had a d&c for miscarriage in 22nd march and since then I fell pregnant again I am meant to be 4 weeks and 2 days but I’m now bleeding , not too heavy but not light.. is this another miscarriage:(


Looking for reassurance

Hi ladies Had a miscarriage last month and started trying again and had my first positive about two weeks ago. Currently 5 weeks but had some bleeding today. Just so worried it'll end in an MC again, did anyone get pregnant after an MC and had some bleeding but all ended up okay?? So stressful :(


Date of misscarriage

We had our 12 week scan last Tuesday and found out there was no heartbeat and baby stopped growing at 8 weeks 5 days. I was then booked in for medication for my missed miscarriage 2 days later, and the medication worked and I passed the baby the same day (I also ended up in A&E with the amount bleeding and fainting)...


How long do you bleed after a miscarriage?

I think I just had a miscarriage but I’m not sure. I keep hearing different stories of some woman having a period throughout their pregnancy but only lasting about 3 days. And some saying that they bled for a week or more and very heavy and cramps when they had a miscarriage. I didn’t experience any cramps or back p...


Pregnant? X

Good morning all, so I miscarried my 3rd baby 4 weeks ago at about 6/7 weeks and just done another test and it’s positive I don’t know how to feel. I’m scared I can’t go through another loss.😩🤞🙏


Bloody terrified!

I’m around 4 weeks pregnant and trying to not stress, get over excited and be as level headed as possible. Back in May of 2022 was when I last miscarried at 7/8 weeks and it broke me. It’s taken me and my husband around 5 months of trying this time to fall pregnant but now all these fears have risen up and I’m strug...


After a missed misscarriage at 13 weeks no heartbeat on Valentine's Day I'm now still not pregnant again so no 2024 baby for us I feel Soo down like I may never get my rainbow

I had a d&c Feb 15th and feel it harmed my fertility I've had two cycles since and thus one was four days late so I got my hopes up for a rainbow but started my period today I'm just Soo beyond emotional


HCG levels

Anyone else tracking their HCG levels through bloodwork after Chemical or miscarriage? How is it going for you?


How long should I wait?

So I had a miscarriage that started on the 18th, my bleeding has pretty much stopped now, I found out at my 8 week scan that I had an empty sac, and then started miscarrying at 10 weeks, but it looked like the sac stopped growing at about 5/6 weeks. How long should I be waiting to start checking ovulation and start...



Did anyone get answers to why they kept miscarrying?


TTC after missed miscarriage

How soon have you TTC after miscarriage? I had my D&C 2 weeks ago and I’m still getting a faint positive. I want to try again so bad!


Missed miscarriage

Just wondering if anyone’s experienced anything similar and how things worked out for them. Im 39 and have a 3 year old in which my pregnancy went smoothly. I have since had a missed miscarriage at 6w5d, then a chemical pregnancy and then another missed miscarriage at what I thought was 10 weeks but baby stopped g...


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