Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

Glucose test

Does anyone know how much glucose is in the second glucose test is in that horrible drink? I had a horrible reaction to the first glucose test. I have a history of hypoglycemia and after the hour I was super dizzy and lightheaded. Got my results and my blood sugar was 77. All the doctor said that’s fine even though...



Hi! I just BARLEY passed my 1 hour glucose test, has anyone had luck passing on the 3 hour one? Encouragement welcome please! Haha


Glucose test

Does this mean I passed or idk lol it’s not the most specific???


Sneak peak test

Has anyone ever had an issue with it giving you a false positive for a gender? I took it and it said I’m having a girl. I was really hoping for a girl but now I’m having anxiety that I’m going to get so excited but then when I do the NIPT test it’s going to come back as a boy.


Continuous glucose monitor

Hello everyone! New to this journey. I have a pretty big needle phobia and I was given misinformation that I could get covered under special authority to have a CGM. Turns out this is not true and that I would need to be on multiple doses of insulin to get covered . My question is: if I am going to pay out of pock...


38 weeks pregnant

Did anyone else not want to leave the house the last two weeks of pregnancy?


NIPT testing

Has anyone gotten NIPT testing done yet? I have a drs apt this coming Wednesday and eager to get it done! Ready to find out the gender and overall health of our rainbow baby 🌈🤍


Tight chest at nearly 22 weeks

Im 21+5 weeks pregnant and i keep getting a tight chest and my heart feels as if its speeding up almost like an anxiety attack. Any help or advice would be great thank you


baby #2

I’ve recently found out I’m pregnant with baby #2, me and my husband were trying for a second, but now I’m pregnant I’m filled with anxiety about it all. Is this normal? I adore our first child, but I’m so worried about not being able to spend enough time with her, or give her the proper love and attention she needs...


Third trimester boost!

Anyone else feeling grand in the third trimester? I had an awful first and second trimester with sickness and tiredness. I never even got that second trimester energy boost that I patiently waited for Third trimester and I'm feeling super active, my bump is so low down now so breathing is back to normal and rib ...


Sneak Peak

Has anyone taken the sneak peak test? Were your results accurate?


Do you think I’ll suffer in my last trimester?

My first trimester was HORRIBLE. I was in and out of the hospital on IV fluids almost every other day.. then my second hit and I had a HUGE relief as all of my sickness magically went away.. however it gave me new things to worry about.. is my baby okay? Why am I not sick anymore? Why do I not ‘feel pregnant’.. I ha...


PreE @ 38 weeks + 3 days

Well I guess it's my turn 😅 I'm getting admitted right now because they just caught preeclampsia (early, thank God) I'm so scared!!! Please someone ease my nerves cause all I've heard is horror stories about this and being induced. Currently shaking cause I can't believe this 😭😭😭 I don't feel that I'm ready!


Have you seen a placenta before??

It's definitely not the prettiest thing you have ever seen BUT it plays a crucial role during pregnancy. Did you know that the placenta is only a temporary organ and it's job is to provide your baby with oxygen, nutrients, and hormones while also removing waste products from their blood? By the end of your preg...

Poppy (Pop That Mumma)

Glucose test (3h)

My doctor suggested to me to do the longer glucose test because the short one apparently often shows false results. Has anyone done the longer test already? My doctor said I’m not allowed or drink after 10pm of the prior day. I’m kinda addicted to water and even get up during the night to drink, as well as chuggi...


3hr glucose test

At the lab for my 3 hour glucose tolerance test, a few hiccups correcting the phlebotomist about the test and what we needed to do (pre, 1 hr, 2hr, 3hr tests) including timing. Since the glucose drink the baby has been kicking like crazy since consuming the drink haha


Blood pressure

Does anyone know any tips to help with blood pressure? I really don’t want to go back to the hospital because of it. I really wanna be at home with my newborn and my kids. Being away from them is really scary and dealing with everything I had to deal with when I was there was scary enough.


Painting during pregnancy

Hi! I’m really wanting to get involved with painting the house whilst pregnant but I’ve read mixed opinions online. Some say it’s fine as long as the room is ventilated and others say to avoid. Has anyone spoke to a midwife about this? ☺️ thank you!


NIPT Results!

NIPT results came back…after twin boys…..I’m now having….another boy! 😂 Funny story, one of my husband and I’s initial connecting points was the fact that we had each always wanted to have a larger family. About a year into dating, we went to see a group of fortune tellers to get a “string test” done for fun, to…


Placenta previa

I’ve been told that my placenta is blocking my cervix, and that I would have to have another scan in a few weeks to see if it’s still blocking and if it is I will need a c-section at 36 weeks. I’m so worried, they haven’t told me much information about it, but when I’m doing my own research, it turns out it could be...


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