Hydronephrosis in girls

Hi, currently 35 weeks pregnant and just had our scan in fetal medicine that confirmed right kidney Hydronephrosis in our girl. (22mm dialated) have been reading that is more common in boys so wanted to see if anybody here who’s girl was diagnosed ? Also got scared by a doctor who asked if our screening results for down syndrome were okay ? She said it’s a routine question but not gonna lie it really made me worried 😓
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Hey Dominika. We are having a girl and at 36 weeks her left kidney was 26mm dilated. I’m currently 37+2 weeks. They have told us there’s nothing they can do until she is born and once she’s here they will scan her before discharge and potentially put her on antibiotics. The fetal medicine consultant said it is likely she will lose function of her left kidney which was devasting to hear but trying to stay positive as her right kidney is fine. With the Down’s syndrome I think they have to ask the question but if there are no other markers and you were low risk for it then I wouldn’t worry about it xx

@Sally thank you, we were also told she might have a damaged kidney but her left kidney should compensate for it. Not the news we were hoping for but we just have to deal with it. Xx

Yes not much we can do until they are here. If you want to message me feel free to do so. I’ll be a week or two ahead potentially so can let you know what happens xx

My daughter had hydronephrosis in her left kidney, caused by a duplex kidney. It causes very severe (grade 4) reflux so she takes a very low dose of antibiotics daily. Her left kidney has some impaired function but no scarring, so she’ll probably eventually grow out of it. Even still, we are on a wait list for surgery to help prevent further complications caused by her duplex kidney. She also has an assigned paediatrician who has been really helpful and supportive. You’d honestly never know she had a problem, she’s happy and healthy and growing like a weed. I know it is a scary thing to go through, but when your baby girl arrives, she is going to get the help and support she needs and she is gonna be just fine ♥️

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