When to stop breastfeeding?

Hey, please no judgement but baby boy is 3 months now and exclusively bf but I’ve always known I don’t want to do it forever (I pumped for 12 months with my first and will happily do the same). Buttt I want to try avoid the point where baby understand and associate milk with my boobs (don’t want to feel like a human cow forever) and it is quite exhausting not been able to have any help (ie if I want to do out etc) When did you all stop breastfeeding? And how did you know you were ready? L
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Could you combo feed. Bottles and breastfeed. When I was breastfeeding she didn’t really associate boobs with milk. She was just happy to eat

My baby started trying to get to my boobs to get milk at 11 months. She associated me with milk though since she was like 8 weeks old. Before that she would have like a bottle a day or every other day but then she refused them. She would barely eat while in daycare or would put up a huge fight to get her to drink any of her milk. Do what’s best for your baby and your body. If they’ll take bottles then give them bottles of breast milk or formula.

I stopped at 13 months because my baby was waking at night, suckling for a few mins and returning to sleep. I on the other hand would be left awake for ages which was exhausting since I had returned to work. Once I stopped, I missed nursing her but it was the right time and she started to wake less often and I felt better in myself at work😊

Whenever you feel like you need to for your mental. I also pumped/breastfed 1 year with my last baby but my littlest one just turned 4 months and I just decided to introduce formula. But it really depends on you and your individual situation. If your only issue is appealing to baby as his human cow (lol), maybe you can pump again?

I stopped at 7 months as she started biting and being restless when feeding and she seemed more content having a bottle. I also was prepping for a few days at work I've done this week so I didn't have to worry about pumping. It's whenever feels right for you x

Stop when it feels right for you! You don't need to justify it. Breastfeeding is beautiful but so hard! I have been trying to stop since my baby was about 3 months old but he refuses the bottle lol. I do wish I introduced bottles sooner to make the transition easier x

@Bee this is my fear!!!!! He’s had a few bottles at the start but don’t want to end up where he’ll only take my boob🫣 I’m happy bf at the moment but feel like I’d rather start a bottle sooner rather than later xx

I express one bottle every night and give it to baby following day (I add vitimans to the bottle) so it's a good way of her getting her daily vitimans and also getting used to having a bottle and not just breastfeeding. My son stopped breastfeeding on his own the night before his 1st birthday at the time I was so emotional but it worked out well as I was back at work 2 weeks later. I almost gave up last week with my daughter as she has started biting now she's got 2 teeth and I've also been struggling with not having anytime to myself so I'm currently on the fence about combo feeding just so I can have some days out with our son and not need to worry about being home for the next feed or go and have some time with my friends but I keep thinking I'll feel guilty for it been my choice to stop 🙈

@Lauren yeah I'm really struggling trying to transition him lool he just loves the boob😂 defo recommend introducing a bottle soon if there's a chance you want to combi feed etc! X

My daughter was ebf, wouldn’t take a bottle. By the time I weaned (11 months but I was pregnant) she was only on two feeds a day and they were more for comfort. She has never since then associated my boobs with milk and has never gone for them wanting to latch, even with my now 5 month old being ebf so I always have my boobs out! I knew I was ready as I had a goal in mind of wanting her weaned for her 1st birthday, plus being pregnant my milk was changing to colostrum. If you want to introduce a bottle I’d do it sooner than later as my girl refused one, whereas with my son he’s had a bottle since a newborn or expressed milk so will take a bottle

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