C section booked for Monday..

Hey everyone! Exciting news that I have my c section Monday! Not so nice news I told my MIL and she phoned me this morning saying my boyfriends family will be there waiting as soon as he’s out to visit. Can I start with the fact that I’m literally going to be just about in recovery. So I’ve stood my ground and told her no, my mum is a priority and her. No one else for now. I get she’s excited but now she’s telling me my partners nan is crying as she wanted to be one of the first to see my baby too? Trying to make me feel guilty? I also have a big family of siblings/sisters who have been there for me throughout my pregnancy supporting me and I want them there. Maximum of 4 visitors, my MIL said she’s not listening to that as my boyfriends family are all coming first. Am I going insane? This is not right is it? Also she wasn’t happy when I said I want the first couple of hours just me, my baby and my boyfriend to do skin to skin and first feed etc before we get anybody coming in. And the fact I want to refresh myself before anyone sees me as I don’t know how I will be feeling!!! Feel so overwhelmed but haven’t even got the energy to fight back. Need help please 😢🙏 She is so selfish and wants to be in control of everything. I wasn’t even telling his nan my date as I wanted it to be a suprise. I’m not even telling my siblings until the day with a suprise FaceTime! :(
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Tell hospital you don't want any visitors til you have skin to skin. They will not allow anyone to come til then. They will make them leave. If it exceeds the limits of visitors, they will make others leave! Your bf is considered a visitor so your allowed 3 a day while your there! Stand your ground! Don't let them push you around! It's your baby and your body

You are the person going to have a major surgery, you get to decide who can come see your baby first and who’s not. Your MIL seeking control over a very sensitive situation in your life like that speaks volumes about what a control freak she is. Stand your ground and inform hospital whom to allow and whom not. I pray everything goes well for you. I hope your boyfriend is supportive to you in this.

She’s being bitchy ignore her and do what makes you heart happy. This is your special moment and your new family. She has no rights.

I’ve got a March 2024 baby, I told my mum and MIL that there were covid restrictions still in place, they still had a sign up so I took a photo of it and sent it to them. No arguing with that. My FIL made a big deal about getting whooping cough needle before seeing her so I put my foot down and decided that to cut down the stress it was only going to be my partner and I so we could soak up every moment of her first few days together as a brand new family. I don’t regret it at all.

I had the exact same thing it was really hard, tell the hospital and they will help

Thank you all so much for your advice. I feel so much better now x

She wouldn’t have the whole family there waiting if you were having your appendix taken out, so why does she think it’s appropriate to have everyone waiting for your baby being taken out? It’s major abdominal surgery, you will not be able to move, you will have a catheter in, you will be having doctors in and out checking you and baby, trying to walk for the first time etc. Tell your hospital and they can have security make them leave or just deny them entry to the ward. 100% stand your ground. As someone who had a C-section (and a MIL who wanted to run up to the hospital at first opportunity🫠) I can assure you that you won’t be feeling up to it and she has no right to push her way in

His nan crying is so hilarious in a weird way so sorry… Respectfully tell all of them to get a grip baby isn’t going anywhere & you just need time wtf!! Definitely stand your ground, they’ll all get over it

This is exactly why when I gave birth we had no one visit in the hospital 😂 we wanted to avoid this kind of drama and we wanted to soak up the first couple days ourselves!! Plus you’ll have just had major surgery and will likely not want to be welcoming guests

First of all tell the hospital. Second most hospitals if not all do not allow visitors at all times and even when is visiting time it’s only 2 at each time, only one person is allowed to stay with you and others to get in your boyfriend will need to step out, there’s security at the door and the names of your visitors needs to be on the list. Stand your ground and boundaries.

I'd make the hospital clear you don't want visitors. I'd also be telling them if they show up they will be escorted out. Make your boundaries very clear with your partner. This is a vulnerable time and he should be advocating for you! xx

When I had my first, I went for a hospital tour prior to having him and was having some similar concerns with my ex MIL. The nurse there was AWESOME. I asked her a question about how many folks were allowed at a time/when/how soon/etc. Firstly, I don’t know how it is anywhere else, but I gave birth at 2 different hospitals here in CO and learned a couple of things. 1. They reserve the first hour after baby is burn for baby and mama (and partner if applicable). NO. ONE. ELSE. IS. ALLOWED. PERIOD. 2. As my awesome nurse taught me, USE THEM!!! Use the nurses, use the hospital staff. They are there for YOU and BABY! She said that whatever you want, goes. When you get there, tell the nurses how many people you want there, and WHO and when, and make sure to voice that you WILL need the nurses help in enforcing that, and they will have your back! That nurse was so freaking awesome! At one point even before baby came when I was laboring, that she saw I was beat, I gave her (contd.)

‘The look,’ and in the blink of an eye announced to the room “Ok, folks, mama needs her rest to get ready for the big event, so it’s nap time. For her, AND you all. You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here. We’ll see you all in a couple of hours. The cafeteria has some killer cheesecake, highly recommend! Bub bye!” And she literally stood there and shoo’ed them out! 😆😂🤣 Use your nurses! The tour nurse literally told me “Use us to do your dirty work. We’re used to it, we don’t mind. We’re here for you! Not them.” My third baby, the nurse I had was much less….’confrontational,’ we’ll say, and had a much harder time kicking everyone out, so a few folks left, but not all. And she didn’t make them. So, i would definitely recommend that you specifically ask for a’strong willed’ nurse when you get in and just be honest and tell them WHY so that if they’re not so much of an ‘enforcer,’ they can snag someone who is and send them in when you give “The look.” Congratulations mama!!!

Thank you lovely ladies, all of use. I appreciate this and this is why I love this app 🥺🤍

When I had my last c section my body went into shock. Like it wasn’t terrible terrible, but I was just shaking non stop like I was seizing for a couple hours.I’m not letting family see me like that 😅 They can come when you’re good, ready and settled afterwards. Also I would set a time limit We didn’t have visitors with our first bc of the pandemic, but allowing our parents + son to come, but for like 2 hours max. There’s just too much going on

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My cousin sent me an abusive voice note because I wouldn’t let HER mum come visit me in hospital before my own parents had been. I said no I want my parents here first. She went mental it was absolutely wild. Her mum wasn’t offended but to be honest I have no idea why they even asked? People think they have a right. Whilst I was on the ward contracting my partners cousin turned up as a surprise. He said to support his cousin and they went out for a refresh etc whilst my mum visited. It pissed me off for about 5 mins but I guess he just meant well.

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