Toddler tantrums and behaviour…

My toddler turns 2 this weekend and honestly this last week has been awful 😩. I can’t even touch her hair without her screaming so brushing it or putting it up is a nightmare. She will kick me and my other half anytime we try to change her nappy and has a full on meltdown and scream when we set boundaries for her (such as not climbing on chairs, not opening the freezer, not grabbing stuff) She also hates going in the car and hates being sat in the pushchair or trolley. I mean we’ve always had some issues with some things but it’s like lately the tantrums have ramped up. She will stand and beg for the tv then proceed to tell us no to everything we put in so it goes off again. We’re setting clear boundaries and being consistent and showing her that her behaviour isn’t being tolerated but also being understanding of her needs and age. It’s super hard because she is just having meltdowns and screaming 4/5times + a day 😩 Please tell me I’m not the only one struggling with this… I don’t know what else I can do to make any of this better. I solo parent 75% of the week so for me on my own it’s almost impossible to do anything.
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Mine turns two in less then 2 weeks and wow he’s been on one for the past few months hitting is head throwing things smacking and he’s not Evan 2 yet and I’ve got a one turning 1 in 3 months time am gunna have my bloody hands full when them both playing up Xx 😩 so I feel u Chloe ❤️

I sole parent 100% on my own and spent the last night crying due to my toddlers behaviour 😂 at least it's reassuring to know I'm not alone.

Sometimes I just cry because it can stress u out so much I know people say newborn stage is worse Yh with less sleep and that but Narrr it’s the toddler stage u don’t know what they do at any moment your sat there think am I safe her haha are they coming for a cuddle or they gunna throw something or slap u it’s mad ☺️

@Alisha oh yes we have the head banging too! She also pulls our hair and bites us 😭. I can’t imagine dealing with a toddler and a young baby, I think I would just wanna sit and cry. I keep trying to find a reason to justify the behaviour but I can’t seem to 🤦🏼‍♀️ I guess it’s just going to be a stage they go through. In some aspects she is doing amazing and in others no so well. Hoping that it settles down soon.

@Alisha we took down her play pen a few weeks ago and no I am constantly checking to see what she has in her mouth or what she is grabbing or where she is climbing. It’s like she’s a ninja cos she moves so bloody fast and I never see any of it coming 🤣😩

@Sarah oh yeh I sit and cry often, it’s a nightmare 😣. I think sometimes I have to cry out my feelings so I don’t shout at my toddler

My little one had a full on meltdown about leaving the house yesterday, it was only for a 5 min walk to the shop and then we got home and he had a 40 minute screaming fit because he didn't want to be home! Honestly I feel like you can't win with them at this age! It's awful as he throws himself around and bangs his head on things, yesterday I put him in his room for the 40 mins screaming session, I really don't want him associating that room with upset but it's the most cushioned room in the house and the doors were open so he was free to come back and join us when he was ready, I checked on him a few times and offered him a cuddle and asked if he wanted to come and play but that just seemed to turn the tantrum up a level!

@Chloe it is hard some days when u got a toddler going on 2 and one nearly turning 1 your trying your best two keep them happy and entertained and that lot as well as the cleaning and over stuff yh I’ve got over half who helps but he works a lot and yh mines in that same stage bitting nipping just a few months ago he throw a car at is little brother just because he didn’t like shearing or he hates shearing or when where opening something for him or saying no he gets is sippy cup and bits down on it and screams or if he’s playing with something and get brakes or something he dose same he gets mad I said two my over half is that signs off ADHD or something with how he gets X

@Natalie we have a baby gate on our little ones room so it’s her safe space. But honestly lately it’s so tough. I totally understand what you’re saying we have the same problems. This morning she refused to let me change her. I left her room 4 times because she refused and I didn’t want to fight her and cause a scene, ended up taking an hour before I could do anything and her dad had to help 😩🤦🏼‍♀️. The hardest thing for me is she puts everything in her mouth edible or not so it’s a constant battle and she climbs on everything. It’s a nightmare

@Alisha I totally understand the ADHD thing. I’m in the process of being diagnosed with ADHD and Autism myself and I see signs in my toddler too so it’s tough. But I’m just trying to tell myself that she is still learning and growing and sometimes thing will happen because she doesn’t understand the world around her. It find it hard to stay calm especially when I have no one to tag me out. I genuinely don’t know how much longer I can deal with with stage but I’m thankful for grandparents who want to look after her.

@Chloe I think sometimes you just have to pick your battles. My LO refused to wear anything but slippers for 4 days straight, not ideal but it was easier than fighting him on that one and it just meant I carried him to the car or he was on his trike instead of letting him walk outside for those days. Have you tried soft play to try and burn off some of the climbing energy she has? We kept the old cot mattress and set that up as a slide/ramp on the sofa and cushion around the area with the sofa seat cushions to let him burn off some physical energy when we can't get to softplay or play group. When he's really hard work I find the stay and play groups the best for a break, not that I feel in any way sociable on those days but it's 2 hours where he is entertained and not screaming or trashing the house and I get a tea made for me and a biscuit 😂 xx

@Natalie I don’t really go out many places other than the park or the hopes with the little one. But she had sooo much energy it’s unreal. For a while last weeek she insisted on wearing her wellies everywhere which was like okay that’s fine until she ran and fell into the door and cut her head open at her grandparents 😭. Honestly though I hear people say their kids are feral and it seems harsh but now I’m here with a 2 year old I can agree kids can be so feral and do all manner of crazy things.

@Chloe there was a comedian who said being home with a toddler is like being trapped in the house with a drunk, suicidal chimpanzee. I laughed at the joke but now I totally get the comparison! If you are able to get out to kid friendly places (easier said than done, I know!) she can burn some energy off in a safe place and also, I find after being out my LO doesn't push the boundaries so much at home as he's happy to be home with his toys and TV so focuses on them rather than all the things he shouldn't! I hope things get better for you soon xx

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