Just needed to vent before I explode

Sorry in advance for being long. So I am a sahm of a 17, 13, 9, 7, and 2 year old, with extreme anxiety and depression, I am medicated for it. Sometimes, I just feel like I'm losing touch with reality. I feel so alone in just about everything, and I don't know what to do. I feel a bad panic attack coming on right now. It has been super rough lately. We bought a house in June, and so far, we have had to gut the dining room and basement due to flooding and mold. We got a puppy was such a bad idea because I feel like I am the only one to do anything with her, i.e., training. Since moving, the kids have just gotten so bad, won't do their chores, back talking, fighting the whole 9. I feel like pulling my hair out. My husband works nights, so he sleeps during the day, so I feel like it's all left on me to take care of the kids, the house, the animals, cooking, cleaning. I'm at Wits' end and just want to crawl in a dark corner and cry. I don't really have much family since my dad passed and I went no contact with my mom, and since my dad passed it hit me really hard and then lost all of my friends on top of that as well so it legit is just me and my girls (all 5 kids are girls). Sorry, I just needed to vent a little bit, and I guess I just want to make sure that I'm not alone and it can always be this bad. Like there has to be some light in this horrible storm at some point.
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That would be so hard; I’m sorry you’re going thru all of this. Hopefully once yall are more settled the kids will start behaving a bit better. Maybe they’re upset about moving…. I have had to scream into pillows quite frequently these days- my baby has learned to scream and loves to scream and cry until I’m on the verge on tears (and then she starts laughing💀)

Oh mama I can totally relate to the anxiety and anxiety attacks. I was in the military and was released from duty due to military sexual trauma. I am too a stay at home mom now and do everything for my household. You are not alone in feeling how you feel. We got a dog last year and re homed her a few months ago. It was too much for me. My 17 yo tried to help with the dog but with everything else... I felt like I was going insane. Your feelings are valid, and normal. It’s not easy being the one to hold everything together all the time. ❤️ you can message me if you ever need a friend or an ear. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Please message me if you need someone to talk too. I don’t have as many kids but I have also lost my dad and it was one of the hardest things I ever had to go through. Losing them also breaks a part of you too so maybe talking to someone about it can help put some of the pieces back together. I know this is a very hard time and I also have a fiancé who works overnight. It can be really tough but I do hope things get better. I also agree that they are definitely upset about the move. It’s really hard to move as a kid because you leave behind so many things. You are never alone and my mom isn’t around much either so please please please reach out I am always available as I’m a sahm too🥺💜

@Tatiana my child never stops being vocal it can be hard but I promise it eases up in about a month. Between 4 and 5 months our daughter went though a whole month of nonstop screaming and hollering. 🙃 good luck and it does get a little quieter (for a little bit)

I feel like I could have written this myself. I've literally been crying off & on all day. I totally understand where you're coming from. It's hard being a parent whether it's 2 parents or 1!! These kids will push you to your breaking point. Hold on mama's you got this..

I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I do relate and you are definitely not alone. I have 18 year old twins (boy and girl) and a 3 year old boy. We moved into a house I didn’t want outside of town where I didn’t want to be while I was 9 months pregnant and the twins were 14. After I had the baby my daughter was in an accident, she’s ok(ish) now but it has been hell. It caused her immense mental issues to the point she dropped out of school and moved in with my in laws. Before that it was constant fighting all while trying to take care of her physically and take care of a baby I was exclusively pumping for. ImMy husband is a police officer k9 officer and on call a lot so most things are on me. I have suffered from anxiety and depression, been on meds for years but right around the time my youngest was turning two I hit my bottom. I cried every day. Felt so alone. I started online therapy and it slowly pulled me out of the hole to where I could start to find some light.

Thank you all so much it truly helps to know I'm not fully alone. We are a blended family. My 17 and 9 year old are from a previous relationship, the 17 year old lives with her dad and my 13 year old is my bonus daughter that might as well be mine I've been in her life her whole life she lives with her mother. Losing my dad has been sure hard on me. My mom went crazy and kicked my dad out when I was 5. She is legit crazy she was diagnosed manic depressive and schizophrenic she has bonced back and forth from abusive boyfriend after the next. My older siblings (I'm the youngest) when they all got old enough to get out they did. So I was left to deal with my mother alone so that put a lot on me. My whole life she threatened my dad to make him stay away and then lied to me about all of it. She used to tell me he left her because he didn't love us kids. That he left her because he never wanted us. Kept us away from my dad and that whole side of the family. So depression has been a huge part of me my whole life ...

Life pretty much. I ended up gaining a relationship with my dad when I was 15 after my mom chose her boyfriend over me and had kicked me out, and I had nowhere else to go but my dad's. Later on, that's when I found out the truth about my parents' relationship. He then ended up with a slow progressing alzheimer's and started to wonder out of the house and on one of his wondering walks her was struck by a car killing him what we were told was instantly thank God. That was 3 years ago, and it still hurts like I was just told this morning. My depression ending up getting worse because on top of losing my dad I had lost a cousin I was close with and my best friend that I've had since I was 6 years old all within a very short time. I still don't know how to cope with losing so many close people so close together.

Highly recommend the Dr John Deloney show on YouTube. He is so good at explaining practical tips for mental health. And what to do in messy situations.

I lost my friend 8/23 from heart failure at the age of 31 she is 1 year youglnger then me and the morning of her memorial 9/11 is when I lost my cousin and the morning of his memorial I got the call 9/18 that my dad was killed.

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