Unpopular opinion

Okay so I’m afraid to say this a little as feel I’ll get hate but I haven’t found having a baby hard 🤷🏻‍♀️ I get I am probably very lucky to feel this, but generally it’s been best time of my life, I enjoy all of it, yes I had nights when I was exhausted but a friend said to me, have you got angry at baby yet and I was like no? And she gave me a strange look… my boy is 14 weeks old, wakes 2/3 times in night from beginning for feeds, has had issue with pooing as he was premi, it took him a min to work out his body so was very fussy with his belly and farting so it’s not that he’s a 99% the time content baby, it’s just I can’t honestly sit here and go “having a newborn is hard” I though it be alooot harder. I had my husband for first 4 weeks baby’s life, two weeks of those we was still in hospital as baby was in nicu. And that was hard but emotionaly, acc day to day looking after him isn’t, and I BF… am I just broken? 😂😂
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🙏 ME TOO!! Our boy is 4 months today and I keep waiting for it to get hard, as a newborn he was perfect, we woke him to feed every 3 hours then once he hit his weight we left him and he would wake up once or twice to feed and then right back to bed, he naps anywhere, now he sleeps 8 hours straight then wakes to eat and back to bed for 2-3 hours 😂 he’s so happy and I feel like I can’t tell anyone how great it is or they think I’m nuts 😂 I’m happy it’s also going so good for you!

So I also had a NICU baby and I thought having her in the hospital was helpful to my recovery (obviously I didn’t want her there but it was nice recovering at home and just getting up to pump and then sitting in the hospital with her) I did have to transition with her home by myself as my husband was already back at work but I thought the only hard parts were carrying her oxygen tank, dealing with her heart machine, and all the cords for the first 3 months. Then the 4 month sleep regression hit and now she’s a crazy toddler 😅

I am glad you are enjoying motherhood. 🤩🤩 there are so many factors to consider when some women say they dont enjoy it and those factors could include financial instability, post partum depression, unsupportive spouses, fear of the future especially if returning back to a job after maternity. Everyone's motherhood experience is different. And different stages of infancy, toddlerhood and beyond- all present different challenges... life is complicated sometimes. And this why when women moan and crave their pre pregnancy life and body, it stems from all those challenges they might face or are currently facing. Keep enjoying motherhood. ❤❤ your positivity is brilliant!

All through my pregnancy I had co workers (females who were also trying to get me fired bc I was pregnant?) Keep telling me it's so hard and just kept telling me it's awful and I'm never goin to get sleep and just all around telling me horrible things about motherhood. Well now that I'm here I'm with you, I absolutely love it! Through the late nights the temper tantrums I absolutely love it and have not found it difficult or annoying or a pain ever ! And I had issues with her esophagus not being fully developed cause my work stressed me out so much I went into early labor with her. Then her little tummy couldn't handle it if I after any diary products or fast food. So by no means have it been easy, but like I said I've absolutely enjoyed every moment of babygirls life so far !

@Emily love this for you! Mine just started going longer at night but he’s defo hit a point where he fusses for food I feed him and he’s strait back to sleep, it’s chill.. I feel like we are so lucky 😂 maybe what I see about easy baby terrible toddler is true and I’ll regret saying all this on 2 years lol

I also found the newborn age super easy, it may have been because my husband is fantastic and I have lots of outside help. But even recovering from a C section, I had time to rest, the kid slept good and ate good (still does), and regressions and teething don't really hit us too hard. If anything I'm finding the mobile stage more difficult. I am chasing her up the stairs 100 times a day now (she cries if I block it), and the toddler emotions are starting to come out, so I'm getting scratched and pinched and beaten and she thinks it's funny. 🥲

@Swapna oh yeah I totally understand that, don’t get me wrong my husband works 10 hours shifts 4 on 2 off and with travaling is gone a good 12 hours and then financially we struggle like everyone, maybe I am just lucky to have like a “strong head”NOT saying anything who does struggle doesn’t or is weak I dunno how else to word it like, non of its bothered me x

@Katie would you say it’s easy baby, terrible toddler? 😂😂

@Melissa oh god so I may be eating my words one day 😂😂

I feel the same way! Based off the way everyone talks about having a baby, I expected it to be sooo hard. But it really hasn’t been. Sure it has its challenges and is a lot of work, but it’s work I enjoy doing. My baby is a week ish away from being 4 months old, and I’ve loved every moment. I feel like I was born to do this. My pregnancy was a breeze and motherhood has been a dream 🤍

You’re not alone. I have never struggled with motherhood other than a few days with the terrible twos. I’ve never gotten angry with my baby or struggled with my Caesarian recovery or bad nights sleeps. You aren’t broken. We are all different, our babies are all different, our coping mechanisms and mental/physical health is different.

Newborn stage is a breeze! Mine has just turned 2 and it’s such an amazing age, so interactive, loving and funny but also a lot harder in terms of just being on the go all the time 😅 thankfully he has always slept like a dream and goes down for naps no problem but yeah it defo gets harder (not in a bad way just different) x

I get what you are saying. Some cope with stress better than others and it is sooooo good. I wish I was like that. I have a stressful full time job so the minute I walk in though the door... the last thing I want is a demanding toddler but that is what motherhood is all about - being controlled by a toddler 🤣🤣🤣

@Aaryn love this for you! Everyone did say how hard it was going to be ect and how much my life would change but I don’t feel like it’s changed for any worse at all, I stil do all I used to, just takes me a little longer 😂

It's definitely still manageable! Just a learning curve because I was not prepared for being beat up so much lmao. It's sad though that having an easy baby makes us feel like we're going to get hate. It's not a bad thing. I get that people who are struggling may not want to hear it, but we deserve to brag about our babies and enjoy parenthood, too! It's not just about the struggles.

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@Amy I love that, It is simply just “different” isn’t it

Let’s just say my toddler is currently eating a snack while sitting on our coffee table 😅 but honestly, toddlers aren’t as bad either. I don’t really get breaks anymore, watch Bluey or dinosaurs most of the time, and are active but she’s also my best friend and super entertaining. I learned quickly which battles to chose and learned redirection vs just saying no but I also think I’m more tired now than when she was a newborn and waking during the night

@Katie 😂😂 I do have a nephew who is 5 and when we babysit him I am beyond tired next day even before I had my son so I guess I’m expecting it to be like that but I just can’t wait for it, I can’t wait to see his little personality and what he’s into and kwirks x

I don't believe in "good" babies, babies are just babies, there's no good or bad ones! I'm on my 3rd (5 months) and she is by far my most challenging one of the 3! Way more needy and demanding!

I agreee! Literally my baby’s been amazing all these stories you hear of honestly I think people talk a lot of shit about a lot of things in life and want to project what they class as an awful experience on you

I had/have an ‘easy’ baby. She slept solo from the day we got home, she slept for hours in her Moses basket during the day, she’d go up to 6 hour stints at night by the time she was 3/4 months old, if she woke during the night I caught her before she actually cried, sleep regressions were short and sweet, teething at its worst lasted for a few days at a go etc. However my partner was in an accident when bubba was 4 months old and broke his leg amongst other injuries and had to have 2 surgeries and multiple hospital visits over the next 9-12 months. The impact his injuries have had on our lives are huge and still to this day affects his ability to parent. Bubba is now 16 months old and she is a challenge, I love her dearly but yeaaaah 😅 When they can walk/talk/whinge and push boundaries is a different level of parenting 🤣

@Bex oh love, I’m sorry to hear about your partner I hope he’s recovering well, and yeah seems the toddler stand is where most common comment comes of they become abit more challenging 😂 but with how I feel about newborn stand I’m like bring it on! X

@Abbey yeah I think as it’s maybe not the “norm” to find it easy it’s not talked about enough!

@Rebecca all the different personalities and needs! lol I wouldn’t say my boy is clingee but he defo loves cuddle and falls sleep a lot faster if cuddled to sleep

Not me, with my first I found it so hard, recovering from c-section, by the time baby came home from NICU it was time for husband to go back to work. Baby literally never slept day or night and I didn’t know any other mothers to turn to for advice and no family in the country and I felt so alone and isolated and bored. I’m so happy for everyone that finds it easy but I really struggled. Loving the toddler stage though, it has its hard moments but I love being able to play and interact with him My second baby is easy though. She just sleeps and eats and at 9 weeks is sleeping through most of the night with a feed once or twice

I think you are mentally healthy and that is great ☺️

@Berlind aww love! But You was strong and got through it, and loving life with 2 babies now x

It is fun when they get more interactive and you see their personality but it is relentless 🤣 Today my daughter emptied the contents of the fridge in the 2 mins I’d gone to the toilet and then whilst I made her lunch she’d got hold of a saucepan and was smacking it against the kitchen cupboard doors 😵‍💫😂 She’s recently learned to fully stiffen and straighten her body so if you try and pick her up when she’s doing something naughty it’s really hard work to get hold of her 😂🤦‍♀️

@Bex it is more fun! My baby is dancing and walking and started saying “hi” and “dada” and “mama” and she is just hilarious. When she is nursing, she will start making a silly noise and I copy her and then she responds and I respond and so on and so forth. So cute 😍

I only recently got annoyed at my toddler because he is testing limits and he is 15 months!

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I'm the happiest I've ever been 🥰 Glad you're having a wonderful experience as a new mum too

I feel the same!! Found it really easy and I know it’s partly due me having an easy content baby but motherhood and the transition has just felt so natural and wonderful! Loved every minute, tired but cracking on as normal, it’s all good!:)

@Bex 😂😂 oh my! My nephew loved banging things, his fav atm is cutlery on table when we sit to eat as he saw it on a tv show 🤦🏻‍♀️😂😂

I felt this way too. It didn’t really start to hit me until she started going through regressions. And now she’s 15 months and SASSY. still so adorable and amazing and I love her to death but it really just gets harder. (Not to scare you) it gets easier in some ways but harder in others if that makes sense. But I was like you and very lucky. She never really cried much and slept through the night by a month old. She’s still a pretty good sleeper but teeth changed the game

I was 20 when I had my first and she was an angel, she continued to this day to be pretty much amazing, my second was pretty easy as well both my kids slept and were chill, I’m now at #3 and as much as I love her she’s a terrible sleeper and super high maintenance. 🤣 the first ones sometimes trick you into thinking it’s easy! 😅

I think it’s funny when people told me to just wait till they’re older and a toddler and that babies are so easy but I think the exact opposite and it’s all such different experiences! I had a really hard time during newborn days, my baby woke up literally every 20 min and was super fussy and I had extreme anxiety. It has only gotten easier every day for me personally and while toddlers are wild and can be exhausting, it doesn’t even come close in comparison. I think people who say toddler stage is hard maybe just had “easy” babies 😂

Same! My husband and I were talking about this just the other day lol. Our baby is almost 6 months now and she’s been wonderful! Everyone has commented “oh you just have an easy/good baby” but do I really? Because she’s still a baby and cries when she’s hungry and gets cranky when she’s tired. We have tough days of course, but it really hasn’t felt hard taking care of her. My SIL had a baby one month after me and feels COMPLETELY opposite of me. But when I’m with her baby throughout some days…he doesn’t feel hard still. The only difference I’ve noticed is that our mentality’s are different and our level of patience is different! Perhaps that’s why??

I’m similar, I have a very chilled happy baby so he makes it a lot easier, but he’s had issues with constipation since birth being a month early too…any tips that helped you? Cause we’re trying different things weekly at the min (formulas, laxatives etc)

@Marissa I totally think it is a level of patience thing, with my friend asking “have you got annoyed at baby yet?” It was during a convo about teething and how my boy cried and fussed for two hours to go sleep and she was like I couldn’t deal when mine was like that, but I just felt sad for my little boy it’s gotta be painful getting mad at them isn’t fair x

@Kristy vasaleen, a tiny bit on the of a Que tip, and put it on their bum hole, not like in in just very slightly… I also ( which I did check with midwife first) drank a monster drink, the mango one, mango is a natural laxative and day after I drank a can he did the biggest poo but that’s only if you BF or express I guess, Also my husband sits with him on his chest, facing outward so he’s body is slanted and holds his feet up ( almost like our needs together and spread positions ) apparently where he’s laying on his back and not belly at a slant it helps move things along xx

I was the same then the sleep regression at 4 months hit then 6 and now 8 😂

I feel the same way ☺️ it’s such a fabulous time Even though the father of the baby started to abuse me, he is taking heavy drugs etc I can’t be bothered about that and just purely enjoy motherhood I’m not sure how I found the strength in me but just feeling her hug makes me so content

I felt the same with my first! Blissful! Second baby was harder.

@Nichola what is this sleep regression I keep seeing?

@Nikolet aw I hope you’re okay and safe ❤️ hugs are the best!

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When the baby has a developmental leap or new sleep pattern they basically change their personalities and stop sleeping. Mine woke every 30 minutes in the night and only napped once in the day. Fed constantly and it was overwhelming, not all go through it but she’s quite a quick developer and was crawling/standing at 7 months. Best have a read up on them when they hit but most likely mums with babies the same age will start posting asking if anyone’s experiencing the same thing

Yeah the newborn stage up till around his 1st birthday was very easy for me as well but when he started walking and running and climbing and hitting more of the toddler stage about 18m+ ooooh boy good luck ladies lol

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