Don’t know how I’m going to get through tonight.

My baby has been ill for 6 weeks now. The latest things being Covid and croup. Long story short, the last 6 weeks have massively set her back in terms of sleep. Both quantity and quality but biggest impact on me / us is she will no longer self settle and relies on rocking, every nap, every bedtime and every wake up at night. Since getting croup, she can wake every 30-40mins for hours, then after midnight she’ll probably go an hour at a time and then once a night she will stretch 2hrs. My baby is 20lbs and it is not easy on my body. A few times this week I’ve woke my husband in tears because I’m so stressed and sleep deprived. Last night she was awake for 2hrs at one point. I had to let her whine next to me for a bit because my arms honestly felt like they were going to give way. Me and my husband are now run down with colds and he’s gone straight to bed already. I literally don’t know what I’m going to do tonight with her. I’m going to take painkillers before bed to help with the pain but I feel like crying already. We obviously intend to introduce some type of new routine / sleep training / reintroducing self settling but she is so poorly we can’t start this yet. Just wanted to get all that off my chest 😢😞 P.s can’t sleep when she naps as she contact naps in the day (otherwise she’ll sleep max 20mins in her cot - which includes 5-10mins of me making sure she’s asleep enough to transfer)
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Have you tried co sleeping following safe sleep guidelines? Is there anyone freind or family you could turn to for help ? You need help your amazing your doing amazing but your only human and you need help. What does your husband do for work? Can he take some of the burden ? I'd wake your husband and tell him you really can't cope tonight . I'm struggling and I'm only on week two if covid with my lo .I've been having to rock him to sleep too thinking of staying at my parents next week if this carries on .

I don’t know who you are but this post really touched me. I can tell how exhausted you are. I understand. It’s so tough isn’t it. As Elizabeth says, can someone else help? Some people don’t like leaving the baby but i am comfortable leaving mine with grand parents. I’ve just had a cold. For almost 43 years id get in to bed and do nothing and this was the first time I didn’t have that option. It’s so hard to give when your tank is empty. Take care 🫂

You are an amazing mum and I really hope you have some friends/family around that you can get some help from. May be at least for some daytime naps? Good luck for tonight x

This sounds so difficult. You're doing so well given how long it's been. One thing I do for my boy is I always put him on his side, he just sleeps better like this and will roll to his back at some point during his sleep. Could you try co-sleeping? At this point it could be what you need to get more sleep. It will be another thing to move her away from in the future but at least you'll survive this! I cosleep from about 5am as he won't go back in his crib. If he wakes then I just hold his hand and he goes back off again. Some nights when he won't sleep then I have him in with me from midnight and he'll usually end up doing a 3-4 hour chunk. Hopefully something here helps. Good luck tonight, feel free to update on here if you just want a bit of a moan and some solidarity. My boy is going through something right now too, as he was up 8 times last night 😞

@Elizabeth @Hayley @Selen @Hazel Thank you so much for the love everyone, I definitely needed that ❤️‍🩹 We have been co sleeping from around 11pm for the majority of the 6 weeks now. Before croup hit, she was happier in my bed but it’s really knocked her for six and she wakes all the time now. My husband works 12hr shifts, 2 days, 2 nights then 4 off. He’s hands on when he’s off, but been sleeping in a different room lately when he’s working. He insists I do wake him though if I’m struggling. Hope your lo isnt too poorly @Elizabeth and recovers soon ❤️ My mum does have a day off work tomorrow but she is suffering with sciatica at the moment so it’s hard for her too. I will still go to hers though as she tries to help as much as possible. The MIL is very helpful and would have her so could definitely ask her on the weekend maybe. @Hayley 100% know what you mean about getting into bed and doing nothing, it’s been hard letting go of that part of life! Xx

Sending you love and hugs🫂❤️ Is alternating nights with your husband an option? (Not sure what he does for work, if it’s a safe option etc) Or as others have said, do you have family/friends that could help out during the day so you can get your head down for a few hours? You’re doing amazing, out can’t pour from an empty cup 😞 x

Can you cosleep for naps too so you can get some rest in the day x

@Emily I did think of this last night actually but today the naps were all over the place and none of them at home so couldn’t! I will definitely give it a go tomorrow though x

@Gemma my husband is working nights for the next two nights 😥 but will then be off for 4 days Today has been a bit non stop between trying everything under the sun to get her to nap and also went back to the GP again. They keep saying she seems fine but night time she is 100x worse 😕 This evening was awful, she was coughing and choking for like 40mins straight. Couldn’t even give her the bottle.. she tried and went blue, I ended up doing back blows 🥺 my mum came over to help for a bit but I’m up in bed with the baby now

I hope you have a better night tonight with baby & both manage to get some sleep/rest! ❤️ It’s awful when they don’t listen, when you know baby best & know when somethings not right! 😞 I can’t imagine how scary that must’ve been for you! I hope you all feel better soon 🫂 x

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