First time mummy worries

Hi mummy’s, I’m really concerned for my little girl. She has been throwing up during and after every feed, and not just a small amount (picture below) she’s really irritable and usually is calm and placid baby. Following my post yesterday about my little one’s runny nappies they doctors have given me a stool sample to take in but it’s impossible to get any as like I explained she’s soaking through her nappies with her poo. I told them about the projectile vomiting and how she has been in herself and I just feel like they weren’t taking me seriously. I feel like my baby is not getting the milk she needs because it is all coming back up. She is on gaviscon for reflux BUT this clearly isn’t helping as she is still vomiting, more than what she was doing without the gaviscon. I just don’t know what to do as I am worried about this.
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Have they ever mentioned a potential cows milk allergy to you? Or anything else for reflux? I completely get your frustration. My little boy was diagnosed with a cows milk allergy but because he was putting on weight they weren’t really bothered about him being sick. It’s ridiculous! Honestly keep pushing and pushing xx

@Courtney they want to send a poo sample off because we’ve been on holiday… but like i kept repeating this has been going on before we went on holiday!! And I just feel like she wouldn’t listen to me. She did say next time if the sample is clear it might be a cows milk allergy but my baby is the same she is putting on weight fine but I know she’s not fine in herself and it is so frustrating!! Xx

@Kelsie how the hell are you supposed to get a poo sample ? We had to get a wee sample of our little boy when he was 2 weeks old and that was bad enough. They’ll do anything to blame it on something else so they don’t actually have to do anything. Some professionals are so lazy and would rather just pass the book on to other people. I always say as parents you know your baby better than everyone else. Honestly push and push with them. That’s what I’ve had to do and we are finally getting somewhere very slowly. Message me lovely if you want any advice etc x

Are you formula feeding? My first was like this, he had awful reflux and I remember one day having to do 3 outfit changes in about 10 minutes because he just kept being sick. We ended up changing him to anti reflux formula and that was so good for him, he was definitely more settled, nowhere near as much sick either!

Hey!! My little girl was like this 24/7. I asked the doctors & the health visitor and they literally didnt want to know, just said it was normal baby sick. My baby was on kendamil and I bit the bullet and changed her to aptamil thinking it might be a bit too rich for her and she is SO much better. Shes still sick sometimes but nowhere near as much.. it might be worth taking a look at changing milks if you’re formula feeding? Xx

Could be a sickness like an ear infection

my girl was like this they said i was over feeding her and wanted me to feed her as if she was a 2-4 week old baby (she was 12 weeks at the time). she was still throwing up so i took her to urgent care and they just said little and often 🙄. try reduce her next few bottles and see how she gets on, after 2/3 bottles if she is still projectile vomiting take her up to the hospital x

I'd personally try her on a different formula for a 2 week trial, maybe a comfort milk like Aptamil comfort? If no joy and her nappies and sickness persist, then perhaps buy a tin of hydrolysed milk yourself (like Pepti 1) and see how it goes. Then u can go back to the GP to get it on prescription if it works x

I had to hand in a poo sample yesterday and what I did was when she started grunting (her poo time indicator) I brought her to the change table and caught it in the container as it came out. My other idea was to do nappy free time on a surface that doesn’t absorb liquids and scoop it off then shower her

Sounds like an allergy x

My advice would be to go to the nearest paediatric A&E. Even it’s nothing to worry about, getting her checked out will never ever be a waste of time. Also, sometimes it’s much easier to go over the GP’s head if they’re not listening.

Also, if your little one is on formula maybe try pre-made for a little bit. It’s a bit thicker and denser so they might take in a bit. It might also be worth trying to give them little breaks between ounces as well

Is baby breast of bottle fed? My instant thought would be cmpa. (Cows milk allergy) A poo sample won't necessarily help with that as the type of allergy doesn't always show in their poo! The only way to diagnose is to eliminate for a period of time and reintroduce and note if symptoms improve/come back. I would definitely be going dairy free if breastfeeding or pushing to try an allergy formula otherwise.

My little girl was exactly like this & she got put on a prescription milk (nutramigen) we trialed her on it for a few weeks and then tried her back on cow and gate and she’s now fine on this milk xxx

What a bloody shame on her😢😢 not nice at all. For her or you. Doctors are always pushing people off. Not to be ott but I do know of people who have had this problem to be pushed off by the doctors and HV and just went strait to the sick kids to get the problem sorted there and then. A friend of mine had to do this recently for someone to take her seriously. Could be a milk allergy. She’s so cute❤️ I hope you get it sorted out. You need peace of mind too. Xx

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I’ve just seen your other post about her poo being mucusy. My little boy is breastfed but had mucus in his poo a lot before we knew he had an egg & milk allergy.

My baby has been throwing his milk up since yesterday and he’s not been like that since being new born. He had 4 poos yesterday too which is very unlike him. He’s 3 months. I pushed his top lip up and can see outline of his two front teeth so think it’s due to teething! He’s also got lots of earwax and crying like he’s in pain. At class yesterday another mum mentioned they can get like this during a growth spurt too🤷🏼‍♀️ Someone also said to me that when they’re sick it looks like a lot but it’s not as much as you think, so she’ll still be getting some milk in. However for peace of mind or second opinion I’d go a&e. Hope she gets back to normal soon x

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