Breastfeeding whilst pregnant.

Is anyone breastfeeding during this pregnancy? I’m nearly 21 weeks & finding it really painful quite alot. My little boy has been poorly this weekend so he’s been feeding more often & tonight I had to stop him feeding as I just couldn’t carry on as it was really uncomfortable & I felt so guilty 😔 Is anyone experiencing this at all? I have no plans to wean him but just any advice how to help with the aversions/discomfort would be great. Also one boob is more painful than the other 😖 Thankyou.
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I was but my little boy seems to have self weaned this week at just over 18months! Id only been feeding him on my right side and had managed to reduce it down to just bedtimes thankfully and he wasn't too fussed about having it anymore! It was teeth clenching though when trying to feed him! I think trying to relax and make sure they take their time to latch on aswell, it's so hard when they're wriggling around though and pulling ☠️ I fed my other boy till his 2nd birthday and was 12 weeks pregnant that time too and he'd been a real booby monster prior but it came to a natural end then (ISH) I'd planned to do the same this time although I'm also nearly 21 weeks now so been finding it much harder to keep going with it, had even discussed tandem feeding with my midwife! I don't really have much advice about the pain and discomfort as I had been having the same but wanted to say you weren't alone! Also try not to feel guilty (I know better said than done) give yourself some credit it's hard work growing a child

*cut me off* and it's hard work breastfeeding but putting the two together and it's like super mum! You're doing amazing and when it's uncomfortable try to remember why you're still doing it 💚

I’m still BF my 19 month old girl but I don’t particularly enjoy it always. She just feeds to sleep for nap and bed time plus once or twice over night to get back to sleep. I think my milk pretty much dried up but she is just suckling to fall asleep. At the beginning my nipples were so sensitive and bf was so painful,now it’s less painful, but I get so annoyed for some reason when she is on breast and I feel so bad about it. I was hoping to stop before the baby comes but my toddler is not happy about it and mid night I can’t be bothered to deal with it so I just give in. I’m hoping she will slowly get the point. Tandem feeding sounds amazing but I’m not sure I am up for it, for now I’m just dealing with this day by day. But yeah, it’s not easy

Also if you’ve asked me before if I would every bf while pregnant I think I would literally laugh at you, it wasn’t something I have considered but here we are 😂

@Charlotte oh, I was told they either go one way or the other when you’re pregnant. Totally stop or want more. Yes that’s what I’m like, when he latches. The right boob is the worst. It sounds like you’ve done really well, my little boy is 2. I like the idea of tandem feeding & hoping the discomfort eases. I didn’t know if my milk had dried up a couple of weeks ago & that’s why it was more painful but I find he really digs his teeth in at the moment too. I think I am a bit unsettled when he’s about to latch as I know how uncomfortable it is but yes I will try to relax more. Thankyou for your lovely message. I definitely remind myself how much good I’m doing for him still feeding him etc. 🥰

@Nada I think that’s what makes me feel guilty too the fact that lately I’ve not always enjoyed it due to being uncomfortable growing another baby etc. I think mine dried up as he was feeding a lot but then always wanted a big drink after but these last couple of days he’s been ok without a drink but I’m not sure if that’s just because he’s had D&V. It’s tricky to know what to do isn’t it but I definitely want to let him stop naturally. Thankyou for replying & I hope the discomfort stops for you soon too.

@Kimberley I know what you mean, I'm pretty sure my milk was gone boths times aswell! With my 1st I really found the book "booby moon" helped us when it came to weaning down the feeds as he was turning 2 he seemed to understand it quite well, we did this whole emotional (for me more than him 😂) thing of sending the milk back to the moon for other babies in a rocket balloon, which he refused to actually let go of and slowly deflated in his room for the next two months aha! But also when he asked for it then next night and I simply said no he seemed to accept it and was happy just having some water and a cuddle! Keep doing what works for both of you, don't feel guilty if sometimes you need to tell him no and or have someone else help getting them to sleep to give you and your body some time off 💚

@Charlotte It’s so strange how it can just dry up. I’d never really heard of it before. Aww that sounds really sweet. It is emotional, as it’s such a bug thing. Especially when you’ve been the only thing that can settle them. It’s good he took it so well, bless him. Lately there’s been a few times his dad has been able to get him to sleep & he’s fallen asleep with him a few times & it’s really nice to see that & it takes a little bit of pressure off too as I know it’ll be a lot harder when the next one is here.

@Kimberley I think from a certain point it swaps back to colostrum so feels a bit like it's dried up when they feed! 🫣 It is, you have such an unexplainable bond, but feeding or not the bond will always be there 💚 it is good to know dad can do bedtime when needed, when we had our 2nd my husband did a lot of bedtimes until my 1st insisted I did them again and so I'd sit in the bed with him holding his hand and with baby the either feeding or asleep on the nursing pillow x

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