How would you best describe the definition of a SAHM?

In particular to explain to people that believe SAHMs should take care of the kids and the house 24/7 while the working partner literally just goes to work and relaxes when they are off, and only interacts with the kids if and when they want to.
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I say I'm a domestic engineer bc SAHM doesn't sound professional. But, we literally have to take care of everything. From different appointments, school/education, extra curricular activities, provide food by shopping, then cooking and cleaning up after them, keeping the house tidy, being a mediator between siblings when necessary, keep the hubby happy and taken care of on our end. ( It's different for everyone, so I didn't get into specifics.) Listen to our children's complaints, needs, wants, etc, and figure out solutions to any problems that may arise. It's a full-time job that never really ends. I'm not complaining bc me personally, I'm very grateful I get to be a SAHM. It's not for everyone, but nothing is. I just don't like when people assume it's easy bc the only thing we do is out on our ass whole scrolling through a TV or phone. Now granite, some may choose to do that or live like that. I think the majority don't, and understand where I'm coming from.

I would just say someone who stays at home to watch the children. They can ask for clarification but any reasonable person would kno it is impossible to be a stay at home mom and a maid and a chef and a wife all day every day

My husband and I see it this way: we both have a job, his is paid and mine is unpaid. 9-5, he does his thing and I primarily focus on our kiddo. I do the activities, play dates, doctor's appts, etc. Outside of work hours, we split all responsibilities. Now, I do a fair amount of the cleaning, laundry, and cooking, but what I described above is what we agreed to when I decided to leave my (very well paying and good) job to take a career pause for the wellbeing of our kiddo (and future kiddos). He insisted that during non-work hours, we split everything, btw.

I am a stay at home ‘mum’ - if our daughter is cared for, fed, watered, entertained and alive by the end of each day then I’ve done my job. Anything else is a bonus 😂 I do tend to the majority of the meal planning and I order the online shopping each week, I try to keep on top of washing and some cleaning but it’s not a priority for me, and my husband agrees with this.

Y’all, this isn’t helpful but no one prepared me for all the doctors appointments and shit that comes with being a SAHM. I worked a physical job outside for 12 hrs a day and it was 3492729103 times easier than staying home with two kids. My husband gets home and has energy to stay up and watch tv or do sexy stuff and he doesn’t understand why I pass out as SOON as the kids go down. He claims he could handle staying home and would rather do that than work but oookkkkk let’s see it 😂😂😂

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