
Has anyone been to GP about their baby vomiting after feeds and actually been given any good advice? Because he's still gaining weight and no sign of dehydration I worry they'll just say it's normal and he'll grow out of it but it's relentless. I'm constantly having to change his clothes, bedsheets soaked daily, soaking 5+ muslins daily and he's eating more to keep up so we're getting through so much formula as well, I'm just so fed up 😭 currently up at 4am after soaking through 3 cloths catching vomit, he's totally happy but I'm going mental 😭
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Does he bring up vomit with burps? Could you try to burp more frequently during feeds, say every oz if bottle fed. There may be lots of milk sitting on top of a big burp each time that all comes back up. Alternatively, my 8 week old was so grizzly between feeds, I suspected silent reflux and was a bit fobbed off by GP. I checked his latch in the bottle and it wasn’t great so we did some trial and error on different teats and bottles. We found a bottle he got on with and he’s been a different baby since. Often with reflux/vomiting, there is an underlying cause and the GP would like prescribe something that just masks it anyway. If he’s gaining weight and not showing any symptoms of allergy like mucus in poo etc then I would consider checking his latch / for tongue tie etc and experimenting a bit that way.

I spoke to my HV about this as my boy is gaining weight well an happy too but like your baby he is sick after his feeds and this ranges from a little spit up to full projectile. Whilst she thinks he does have some reflux so she gave me the option of gaviscon she said its also likely that as he is a big baby - born 10ibs he is guzzling his milk down. Following her advice i burp him regularly, keep him angled when feeding, make him pause a few times during his feed and keep him upright for half an hour before I lay him down, his next to me is also slightly tilted. He is breastfed so if he sleeps for a longer duration I also express before feeding him. Its really helped him and we haven't had anymore nighttime projectiles. Maybe some of that could help your little one but also your GP should listen if you want to get something to help.

My boy is exactly the same, sick after every feed, arches his back, generally seems uncomfortable and squirmy and can be sick a while after a feed aswell! We have tried 3 different formulas, been back and forward to the GP and hospital (since 2 weeks old) the paediatrician suspects cows milk protein allergy which normally goes hand in hand with reflux! My LB has it pretty severely 😞 so we’re currently trialling a hydrolysed formula which breaks down the proteins and should relieve some of the symptoms. We are also on Omerprozole as Gaviscon made him super constipated. He is still spitting up a fair bit but it’s a bit better. We may have to go back to GP to get a completely dairy free milk for him. But it’s all trial and error 😣 maybe might be worth a mention to your GP as again my little one is still gaining weight and has stayed on the same centile like yours but doesn’t mean there isn’t anything underlying. Definitely don’t get fobbed off and stand your ground with it.

My LO is 10 weeks and has the same issues with feeding. She was bringing up what felt like a huge amount of her feeds! She was in a lot of pain and discomfort too, screaming and arching her back. After going to the hospital and staying overnight they decided it was reflux. Shes combination fed so they said to try and offer more breast wherever possible to see if it helped. It didn't! Couldn't get GP appointment so went to a walk in who prescribed Gaviscon infant. So if you suspect reflux definitely ask about Gaviscon. My LO has gained weight since birth despite the reflux. So it doesn't always affect their weight but whilst in the hospital, they explained the discomfort is from her stomach contents burning her when she brings up feeds and although the gaviscon doesn't completely stop the reflux happening, it's not causing her pain now. However not solved all issues for me as the thickening agent in it, I think is affecting her digestion and causing discomfort in a different way 😅 ever get a feeling!

Unfortunately, reflux is notoriously difficult to deal with and very common. The GP can prescribe thickening agent for milk, Gaviscon and omeprazole. The thicker milk will help them keep more down but it can cause constipation, as can the Gaviscon. The treatments come with side effects so you have to weigh up the pros and cons. My eldest vomited after every feed for the first 6 months. It only stopped when I weaned him. If the baby is gaining weight, they won't be concerned really 🙄

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